Its just me or free rift pass rewards is awfull

Dont get me wrong all Castelvania costumes and rewards are good there is no problem and i understand that money pass should have more cool reward for people wanting spend they money. But new free rift is straight garbage. All killers covered in nasty green glew and survivors cosmetics are goofy dwight or straight up bad (vittorio). At least at past rift there is 1/2 good costumes in free way but i guess not this time
Just look at this Trapper skin. It just lame reskin of already existed costume that also someone threw up at him
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I'm particularly disappointed that the space suit is the outfit they chose to recolour for Gabriel. It's not like he has a lot of options because Behaviour don't give him much, but in my opinion, the bulky space suit is his worst cosmetic by a mile.
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I disagree. I'm pretty happy with all of them. Especially the Trapper skin.
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now i wanna see what they look like when i get home
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Yeah, the Free Track is really underwhelming this time. The Dwight outfit is a recolor of an outfit that already had a free rift recolor, and Elodie, Gabe, and Vittorio got arguably their absolute worst cosmetics as recolors. I don't hate the Trapper recolor at least, but I'm certainly disappointed overall.
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Tell me you are joking. They all complete garbage especially Trapper he looks like someone puke on him
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But all rifts have recolours
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Someone who think that add Trapper skin when someone puke on him should be fired
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But at least its not recolours that someone puke on them
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Especially but my main dissapointment is Knight. 1st free skin since cool Halloween cosmetic and its just bland and lazy
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By now worst rift for free players. If someone see worse what tome is?
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Unfortunatly there is also no option to not get this garbage skins or ability to sell them or hide in cosmetic selection lobby. So only way do not get this abomination is not play the game untill rift is pass
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It's not the best, but in this case I understand why everything on the free track is a recolor. All the new outfits are Castlevania, and those ones have to be pay-gated because they're licensed content and BHVR would actively lose money on them otherwise.
That said, not super impressed by the recolors we got (and annoyed that Vittorio can only get non-renaissance skins while Gabe can only get space age stuff), though I do think the paid track is incredible.
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There is 2 problems here. There is 0 good skins in free rift (that was never happened before) and second pay rift is also subjective cause your opinion on it depends only on "are you Castelvania fan or not" so if not this skins is also being mediocre for you.
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Eh, I disagree on 'no good skins in free track' being a new issue. There was a St Patty's Day slash Valentines Day rift maybe two years back that was just awful on all fronts. Mostly ugly green and pink recolors and maybe one usable outfit between both tracks. On the whole, BHVR's increased the number of new outfits and decreased the number of filler charms by quite a lot in the past… year and a half? Even if this rift's free track is a miss (especially compared to last rift), I feel we're on a good trajectory.
And I'm not a Castlevania fan, but I still think the paid rift is awesome and I love that they're giving us cosplays and legendaries.
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I mean, they're free. And you get them for a lot cheaper than what they would cost with iri shards alone. If you don't like them, you don't have to grind for them and you don't have to use them if you do earn them.
The paid Rift is full of licensed content. Those have to be behind a paywall because they are licensed.
I've seen many Rifts where I wasn't impressed by anything on offer. And then there have been other Rifts that I thought were great. That's just how it is, you'll like some things, you'll dislike others.
depends only on "are you Castelvania fan or not" so if not this skins is also being mediocre for you.
I'd say the skins are objectively high quality. I'm not a Castlevania fan in that I've never played the games (except Bloodstained, which is a spinoff and not featured in DbD), I have no feelings towards the series one way or the other, but that doesn't make the skins any less impressive in terms of their appearances. Many of the Castlevania cosmetics in the Rift seem to be unlinked, making them valuable to players who enjoy mixing and matching pieces.
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But there is no option not get this garbage skins. To sell them or just hide entierly, so any time you try to switch cosmetic your eyes would be bleed out by see this ugly abominations from current free rift and only way to safe yourself its just not play until rift pass is over (and thats not a good option)
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That's…. an extreme take.
I've earned all the Rifts since the very first one. I own tons of cosmetics I will never use because I find them ridiculously ugly. They do not cause my eyes to bleed or my eternal soul to burst into flames. I care a lot about design and aesthetics, those are part of my background and something I can't stop myself from critiquing when I see them, so if I can survive BHVR's history of poor Rift rewards, anyone can.
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I guess devs should change how rift fragmetns gets. So you can only take them for challenges and remove part when you passivly get them for playing. So if someone doesnt want to get anything from Rift no one forced them to take it. It solves every problem.
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remove part when you passivly get them for playing
I think the majority of players do not want that. I certainly don't. You are "fixing" a problem that most people don't consider a problem by making the Rift grind worse. And if you usually like the Rift, just not this one, then you're hurting your future self as well.
It solves every problem.
Again, it solves nothing. It's just creating a problem and making things worse for the majority of players.
Hopefully this suggestion wasn't serious, but if it was, let's just nip it in the bud here. Most people are not averse to getting free stuff they won't use. This is mostly a you problem, and an adjustment of attitude would be better than messing with everyone else's gaming experience.
Edit: I should point out that the devs only recently added over 100 levels to the Rift that reward Bloodpoints, which is only obtainable by earning Rift fragments through playtime. It is unlikely they would then take that away.
Also, if what you were trying to say is that people have to manually accept the passively earned Rift fragments, that would be both silly and inconvenient. It's an extra unnecessary step, and anyone who earns fragments but forgets to accept them will be rightfully annoyed at the end of the Rift. It would make a headache for the devs/support staff. Again, most people aren't averse to getting free stuff, even if they won't use it.
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Do all skins look like thay had an encounter with Plague?
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Only killers, survivors looks like they escape from circus (in bad way)
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Vittorio's recolors is awful. Why the purple?
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At least no one puke on him. Look how they messed with my boys Trapper and Knight
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Trapper and Knight barely look like a recolor.
Doctor's one is mid.
Dwight is too colorful.
Gabriel is laughably the worst, incommentable.
Elodie no one cares.
Yeah the free rift seems pretty bad overall.1 -
I maybe too harsh but there was no free rift such as bad before.
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Welp, since I'm way too broke to buy the paid rift, I might as well not bother with tome challenges this time.
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I'm taking this to garden of joy with insidious and pretending to be a bush
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Yeah the free track on this one is pretty bad. I'm hoping the next one is better and includes at least one of the cosmetic contest winners. Still looking forward to those killer skins.
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To be honest, I do wish the cool gothic skins for Meg and Claudette were on the free track (those trousers for Meg would look great with the Iron Maiden T-shirt). As far as I can tell, I think those have nothing to do with Castlevania, so they could have been made free. I think the premium track has enough really nice skins, that there would still be enough reason to buy it without them.
I think most of the free skins are OK, but the Dwight one is a crime against fashion and I don't know why they made Vittorio look like some kind of Hipster Grandpa.
That said, I haven't unlocked the rift pass for a few tomes and the premium track cosmetics in this one are really tempting me this time around.
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Worst costume from free rift is Knight, but pay rift is not good too, cause it has only 3 good costume for Artist, Nurse and Dracula every other is also garbage
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I may be in the minority, and I don’t care that I am, but I actually like it.
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Elodie's recolour cosmetic is better than the store one, I love it. But yeah, overall the free track is pretty ordinary.
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If it weren't for the iri shards that you can get from it, I wouldn't bother with it at all.
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I have seen some bad suggestions tossed around in this forum, but man, I'm impressed. This is easily the worst I think I've ever seen. You want to actively make the game worse for everyone because you personally don't want to have a couple of cosmetics on your account? That's certainly something.
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Rift challenges is already very easy to get + better suggestion would be that players need accept that they want get passive rift frangment or at least they need approve getting rift rewards by clicking on them when you have enough fragments