Maybe it's just because I don't play SWF, but to me I feel The Survivors aren't as OP as many claim



  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959


    "Block/nerf infinite.

    Nerf to exhaustion perk.

    Nerf pallet (system and number)

    Nerf flashlight

    Nerf healing

    Nerf sabotage, BT and now DS.

    This is only the stronger nerf/buff to survivor, i'm not saying that most don't deserve the nerf, but stop complain that game is survivor side."

    So fixes are nerfs? Ok, I see the direction you want to take this.


    Infinites got FIXED.

    Sprint abilities got FIXED, or do you want to tell me that 2x SB per chase is balanced?

    Pallet system gut FIXED (original state of pallets, vacuum removed)

    Pallet numbers have overall not been reduced. Only the most palletcrowded maps lost 1 or 2 pallets, while other maps gained several.

    Flashlight got FIXED, insta blinds had been op af.

    Healing got slightly BALANCED, which was wrong, I agree on that, because the issue is SELF CARE, which was not directly affected.

    Sabo got BALANCED. Perma hook breaks had been a pain in the rear for a looooong time.

    BT encouraged and still encourages stupid unhooks and is in fact a band aid fix to tunneling, that only punishes the killer player for bad plays made by survivor and is still bad game design.

    Same is true for the new DS, which I still do not consider a nerf.

    Should we go on and for each of you little nerfs I come up with 2 killer nerfs?

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183

    And before that someone tell me now there is a perk antitunneling ("new ds") :

    There is (now) a perk that blocked infinite (Bamboozle).

    There is a perk that blocked SABO.

    There is a perk ("lightborn") that counter flashlight.

    And even there are these perks, they nerfed all mechanic connected to them.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959


    "Not "fixed" camping or tunneling , not "fixed" broken addon like instadown hatchet for huntress , not "fixed" Moonwalk trash strategy for the ######### legion."

    Now you are losing it, buddy.

    Camping and tunneling do not need "fixes", because that's legal gameplay.

    You don't like it? Fine, I don't like getting looped and regression stopped by tapping. The difference is, my issues are exploits, yours are legal tactics.

    Instadown Hatchets remove FOUR hatchets and you consider that OP?

    You can't dodge ONE hatch before refill?

    And moonwalking with Legion is wasting a lot of precious time. Does it make sure you go down? Yes. But it comes at a price. Time. Time that 3 other survivor can use to do objectives.

    Sorry, but you obviously have no clue about the gamemechanics and/or balance.

    You have a pathetic narrow survivor view.

    You ignore all the stupid crap nerfs killer recieved. Either you are blind or ignore them on purpose to push your agenda.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    If this were a true statement, we'd not have the sort of environment we do now. It's actually pretty split. Also as for the game there are way more survivors than killer mains.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    It’s hard to take someone serious who keeps saying “fracking”.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959


    You don't seem to get it. There is a difference between "legal" and "balance".

    And the thig is that "camping" and "tunneling" (I actually hate those combat terms, that are just made up to stigmatize certain playstyles) have a tactical counterplay or they "come at a price". Therefore they are BALANCED. This might end the game (not "ruin", just end early) for ONE player in a team of FOUR and gives the other time to do objectives and "win" (escape).

    So those things are legal and balanced and do not need FIXES.

    Flashlight, old Sabo, Infinites, had been gamebreakingly unfair and needed to get FIXED.

    Because in an asymetrical game, the single player needs to be in the "powerrole" to play against 4 other player, that work together. It is against the core idea of asymetrical games that the teamside has anything that strong at their disposal.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959


    Are really that bad in mathematics?

    Shall I do the calculations for you?

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959


    "You are terrible one-sided and have no empathy for the other side. In fact, your opinions cannot be taken seriously."

    Funny... I am thinking the same about you.^^

    To many survivor mains here in the forum act like killer PLAYER are actually evil human beings in real life that do not deserve "fun" while playing a video game.

    As if playing the serial killer would actually make them a serial killer.

    That's true lack of empathy.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I'm a survivor main and I think that the killers have a more stressful job than the survivors do. I've always found it strange when I see people complaining about survivors being nerfed and how killers are becoming too OP, have you actually played as a killer before? It can seem pretty easy during the low ranks, but once you start reaching the single digits, it can be like torture. 😂

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Killers definitely have the more stressful job because they have four different players to worry about. They have more to do in a rounds while survivors only have to hold M1. It can be torture to reach red ranks.

    However I don’t believe survivors are OP. A good killer can easily stop survivors from escaping if they really wanted to. If they wanted to play sweaty then a 4K is easy to achieve depending on the killer. Killer are not OP either though. It comes down to both sides whining and complaning about little things that trigger them. If I get sacrified or 3 survivor escape from me, I’m not gonna complain. I was simply outplayed.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959


    "... but unlike you I’m not screaming for killers to be unbeatable…."

    Try to find any post I said something like that.

    Unpolite people would call you a liar for something like that.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Name 3 Killer mains that specifically don't want to see either solos buffed to SWF level or SWF reworked entirely.

    Because I've only seen serious debate on the how and to the degree of buffs rather than the existence of them at all

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    One survivor can be op enough when experienced, multiply that 3 times and add communication and coordination on top of that

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Basically the problem boils down to:

    1: An optimal survivor team vs an optimal killer will almost always be a survivor win. Exceptions are Nurse, Billy and maybe Spirit.

    2: SWF near guarantees optimal play

    3: The odds of an optimal Killer are significantly higher than the odds of 4 optimal solo survivors in the same game. This is just a matter of statistics in matchmaking combined with the additional information often making otherwise sub optimal survivors play close to optimally anyways

    So basically what needs to happen is:

    A: Killers need to be able to counter optimal survivor play semi-consistently (aka: genrush)

    B: Solos need more information. Specifically most of the things that SWF groups have now

    C: The matchmaking needs to do a better job at matching near equally skilled players together

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959
    edited March 2019


    "If somebody doesn’t agree with you then you jump down their throats and call them stupid because you’re too vain and ignorant to think about balance on both sides."

    I would appreciate if you stop spreading those defamations.

    You won't find any quote from me doing that.

    So please stop personally attacking me instead of the argument (ad hominem).

    The truth is, I do think about balance for both sides, but unlike you, I can see that the survivor side is favored to much. And if one side is to powerful, you need to speak up to nerf them. That's how balance works.

    The issue is that survivor player here in the forum always want survivor stuff balanced around bad player, but killer stuff balanced around good player.

    Stop the doublestandards and we can have a decent debate.

    But personal attacks like yours, just show that you do not want that.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959


    Your "facts" are just your "opinion".

    If you enjoy noobstomping rank 20 killer, fine.

    If you suck at playing survivor, fine.

    But simple mathematic shows that survivor have the edge, IF they don't play like complete morons.

    And calling survivor "nerfed a lot" only shows your bias, because you ignore every nerf killer got.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959


    You aren't that good at reading, huh?

    Stop making things up. Unpolite people might call you a liar.

    Try to quote me on anything you claim I said.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @SpiritFeng I would like to point out that Killer being easier is likely a big part in why survivors are stronger.

    Think about it. At rank 20 Killers are closer to their max potential than survivors. So they are going to do better and win more. However once you get to higher levels the survivors have more room to grow. Thus survivors at their best are better than Killers besides Nurse at their best.

    Note that the Killers considered viable at top ranks are also the hardest by far. Nurse, Billy, Huntress, Spirit.

    The OTHER Killers are disproportionately weak at top ranks compared to bottom ranks

  • FeelsVeryBadMan
    FeelsVeryBadMan Member Posts: 197

    They aren't. People like to exaggerate, but I guess that's because they have been in the past and people are probably still in that mindset.

  • Ttwylerr
    Ttwylerr Member Posts: 106

    Honestly I wish there was more to do as survivor besides gens and totems.

    I'd love if they added a 2 killer vs 6 survivor mode with maps being at least twice as big.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Would be awesome, only problems:

    Killers would be more competitive

    Some killers would suck at teamwork, such as Trapper and Freddy

    The laggggg of a larger map

    Higher chance of someone DiScOnNeCtInG

    Overall, it would be really fun. Maybe make it a SWF or KYF type of match uniquely.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    I was wondering why this thread has 69 new responses and wanted to see what could possibly cause such a long discussion for a simple topic. But instead all I see is a sensitive killer main causing drama because he values himself and his opinions on this forum (to the point where he thinks we all see whatever value he sees in himself) so much he thinks he has a mission to harass the community on a freaking small topic.

    Grow up Wolf, you take yourself way too seriously.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Not running selfcare=idiotic unless you're in a SWF where you know that 5 gens WILL pop, then run adrenaline.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    I run SC even when in swf since I never know what type of group I'm getting they could be going meme builds, drunk off their rockers etc. I've only run Adrenaline 3x in the last 6 months and that was all last night.

    The 1st two times because i was asked to, I died to a camping tunneler 1 game, got out somehow another game. In both games it never really helped me probably because i don't run it and thus don't play with it in mind.

    The 3rd game I was solo and forgot I had it and got killed early due to a sandbagging teammate. I'd love to not have to run SC but given the ahem quality of teammates at times it's a must.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @powerbats I typically opt to run Bond instead of SC. I can go without SC (and generally do). I can't go without Bond, even in SWF groups. People bring the killer to you even SWF and it's good for coordination and information. SC is helpful in cases where you need to heal on your own (two people left, etc.), but I just have found other perks that help me far more than SC does.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited March 2019

    Also lol @ the survivors in this thread calling for survivor buffs, the game hasn't changed at all if you count out DS, there's still so many pallets on the map that you can put down literally every pallet after 1 loop and still run the killer for 5 gens if you know where they are and the medium vault change was absolutely needed, fastvaults looked ridiculous when the survivor for example approached the window at an impossible angle. Pallet Vacuums were absolute BS to begin with and anybody who wasn't ridiculously biased agreed on this.

    If DS broke the game this much for you then yes, the perk was indeed seriously in need of a nerf, I can't think of a single killerperk that sways the game this much for me except BBQ&Chilli basically giving me unlimited strong addons but I paid real money for that perk.

    If you stopped playing for fun and ONLY went for efficency you'd still have a ridiculously high escape rate.

  • Mcfred
    Mcfred Member Posts: 152

    Not to be a dick but toxic stuff and annoying/good survivors are at high ranks (5 and below) so if you're any higher you might not notice what's happening.