Survivor... Just miserable

So new TOME ..150% survivor bonus so far 3 hours. Wait time for game is 7 min …most longer as only 3 survivors are in. Tell me again the role of survivor isnt becoming more and more unpopular to play. I just got Sable to level 4.… Not one party streamer, not one commodious toolbox. So now we are taking away add ons on see. That's smart
My games were taking up to 15 minutes to load. I think I got stuck in a server because everyone left and it was just me lol. It was bad today and I don't think it's going to get better because people just straight up left the game. I did consider evacs in Florida but that would have had an effect since Sunday and it was fine yesterday. I honestly can say this is probably the worst I have seen it since an update.
I also accidentally left distortion on and it was just useless. I couldn't get my token back until the end of the game because the killers won't chase that long or I was downed.
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I just finished a few killer matches with a 25% bonus in my region, so… Dunno what to tell ya.
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Well, I played a few games as survivor earlier today.
Here we can see the "fun" and "engaging" gameplay for both sides that I was able to experience:
And here we can see it again:
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What is the problem? Those killers appear to be camping during end game.
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Endgame camping is the problem.
I have always been extremely against it. I refuse to do it as killer, and I hate seeing it as survivor.
It is something that I don't think should have ever been normalized.
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I understand your perspective but many people here find it fair game. A lot of good survivor perks deactivate during this time to make way for end game camping. I’ve never really understood it but it’s normalized here.
I guess the other survivors could have attempted a save but honestly against Dracula that would have been a throw no matter what. The Plague had those survivors in a bad spot as well because one was injured and couldn’t heal without cleansing too far from hook. Yeah, you were pretty much doomed either way in both games.
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Bro wants killers to take a stroll around the map when all gens are done
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I can understand the thought process behind doing it, but I strongly disagree. This wasn't always normalized. It did happen, yes, but generally speaking the end game was more than scummy tactics and rushed actions.
Funnily enough, my teammates did manage to save me against Dracula, but only because that Lara spun him and he missed his fire attack. Against Plague I wasn't so lucky.
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here were my today games
Vs wekser on badham. Escaped, did well in chase had fun
Vs unknown on alien map. Not gonna count this one because there is a bug where you get unhooked and you can’t move unless the killer hits you. I died but whatever that’s on bhvr.
got unknown again on badham. Escaped and did well in chase vs it. Had funVs blight on clown map. Died, did well and chase and had fun. Ok good games so far…..
Merchant on Thompson house. She 3 gened and we eventually broke it but I died in the process. Chases were whatever. Did not have fun
Next was nurse on the swamp. Did not have fun
Then nurse on midwich….gg went next
Then finally bubba on one of the auroheaven maps. Died but did well in chase and had fun.
It does feel miserable when you get a killer you don’t like on a bad map😭1 -
Yes, and enjoy the view of the downgraded reworked maps with zero horror atmosphere while they are at it.
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Your statement is contradictory, a role that is given a BP bonus = a role that you want played with a small queue waiting list, yet you have a long wait time.
In my experience, roles with BP bonuses have low wait times and roles with regular bonuses have long wait times because there are enough players.
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I hopped on for Survivor around 5:30pm EST (NA Server) and it was 25% for the first match. When I qued up for the second, it was 150% and I was shocked. Didn’t expect to see that for a mid-chapter release day. The last few days stemming all the way from the past weekend, the survivor bonus (no matter the percentage) has been pretty consistent. There was only a killer incentive once, when I played- and I played a lot this weekend. Just like you said, I too was wondering if Survivor was becoming unpopular.
This most likely is just a one off however, and things will return back to normal (killer and survivor incentive percentages alternating & remaining at or lower than 100%).
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in my area the incentive for killers only exists at night and that is only for a few hours, I play on an Asian server.
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This always happens when a new tome opens up
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in EU servers, killer queues are quick from like 5PM to 6AM. After 6AM, both killer and survivor queue times get obnoxiously slow lol
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I noticed that last night too. 150% bonus, even though survivor queues were well over a minute and killer queue was instant, so queue bonuses are still clearly not working like they should. The survivor games were extremely hard, with very new teammates.
Then I played killer, and was pitted against extremely new players that stood no chance, so I guess the survivor queues being super hard right now makes sense. I guess it's because other than perk buffs, there were 3 killer nerfs and one tweak, while plenty of survivor perks got buffed, so everyone's playing survivor. New tome too.
I don't mind matchmaking being all weird, but at the very least fix the bonuses so the faster side gets the incentive. They've been bugged out for so long.
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I'm interestd in that point and if something could be done about that would be good. The problem is, isn't the only way for this not to happen to run NOED though?
Like if you leave hook, unless you're an instantdown killer or a killer with insane speed, it is literally impossible to catch a survivor before they make it to gate in 90% of cases... so how do I even attempt to leave hook for chases? Not only that, you can't move away and then catch the unhooked survivor either cause of Basekit BT and body blocking.
This means your only shot is to try and double wound the survivor who goes for the first unhook attempt while the 2 other survivors are behind you, and even that usually results in losing the kill.
The only way I could even think of to make it even remotely viable to go for chases as killer is: -
- Rapidly regress the gate progress when a survivor let's go of the handle to force the gate to open. Something like 15% (3 seconds/charges worth) immediately and 5% per second (1 second/charge) after.
- EG takes 150 seconds flat. No slowdown on a hook or down. Survivors either decide to leave, or go for the save, but time is not on their side.
That might at least make committing to a chase somewhat viable, if I can hook far from gates, there is the reasonable chance I can interrupt escape attempts before they actually make it to gate after an unhook.... these changes mean survivors can't take all the time they want to reset and come for unhooks. It wouldn't be possible to 99 gates and all come at once, someone has to stay behind to tend the gate or put the save on a timer, and the killer can actually afgord to try and exert some pressure... Blood Warden becomes a genuine threat by its mete existence and it can actually permit/benefit me to commit to a chase.
Heck with those changes, we could even consider enabling some more survivor perks in the end game... but we can't really criticise camping hooks in end game when literally everything else a killer could do results in a guaranteed even worse loss....
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The Draculas I face normally get the unhooked and the unhooked with the fire attack, then down both. Good that they got you out.
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This is the result of the game being focussed on kills. In end game, killers just want to get their kills and wrap it up. Most dont go away and try to get hooks.
If hooks where a more central aspect of the scoring system, then End game camping would certainly become less popular. At least i hope it would.
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I get your point of view, but the game is already over at that point so I personally don't mind camping during endgame. After the gates are powered, all gloves come off imo.
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im glad you are a fellow killer thats against camping
stay strong friend
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no idea why nobody wants to play survivor anymore.
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I had a really fun Dracula the other day who kept going into his Wolf form for pets.
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Interesting. I have yet to see a Dracula meme.
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The dbd experience in general is a hot, steaming mess.
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The terrible team mates are killing the solo que experience.
i have no issues with killers or perks or maps just give me team mates who don't insta give up or hide all game an actually make even the smallest effort.5 -
I think, my friend, that it is the consequence of the end game being changed from an actual part of the game to a timer.
That is primarily the reason why I've always hated the EGC, ever since it was added to the game. It deleted the slower approach to the end game when there was actually time for things to happen, and instead it promotes situations like the ones I've encountered yesterday.
Not saying end game camping never happened, because it did, but honestly the best memories I have from the end game are from before the EGC. Good where the days when the killer could go for another patrol or another hook.
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My solo queue games generally go like:
DC or hook suicide at 5 gens
Hook camping blight
Mend simulator legion
DC at 4 gens
Spirit, nurse or Billy - proximity camp
Hook suicide
Tunneling killer
Proximity camping killer
Reasonable game
DC at 5 gens
DC at 2 gens
Stealth killer with indoor map offering
1 decent game every few hours is quite normal these days in solo queue.
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I still do. I rarely camp the last hook, because its boring to me. Id like to play. Not stand still. I can understand why people do it though.
End game as a whole needs an entire overhaul if you ask me. Hatch is pretty unfun to play around, Gates are open within seconds and camping is stronger than ever. It rarely feels like a climatic end to a horror film but more like a "can this end already?"
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This. If I'm having a bad time in soloQ, it's almost entirely because of my potatohead teammates. They run the killer into generators being worked on. They don't lead the killer away when spotted. They act in the most predictable ways possible. They don't unhook me or teammates even when they're the most ideal player to do so. They go from healthy to downed in 5 seconds. They don't heal. They don't do anything, or if they do something, they're sandbagging everyone else.
But that's what you get when a new Rift opens and everyone floods in to play. People gotta do their survivor challenges.
I am getting sick of someone making a "DbD is dying!" thread every time the BP bonus tips over to survivors, though.
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Exactly my point. How do I have a 150 BP bonus and still have a long wait? My guess .not enough people want to play survivor
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What else should the killer do? Go patrol the completed generators in case the survivors… go back to make sure they are repaired? Really there is nothing for the killer to do except wait for other survivors to attempt a rescue, or the other option is to give up entirely and let all the remaining survivors out which I am sure is what you think the killer should do, but that's just not reasonable to expect of most killers.
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A more reasonable guess: a new update and Rift causes a massive influx of players on both sides, because everyone is doing the new Tome challenges, so the matchmaker is overtaxed and has difficulty sorting through everyone. It'll be back to normal this time next week.
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To be fair… You managed to do all gens, so where do you want killer to go? All gens are done and killer want to secure the kill. It would be "tactically stupid decision" to go away from the hooked survivor and searching for others - when you don't even know at which exit gate they are. Even if you find them - they will just open and get out, and you just basically gave away a free unhook.
As much as "unfun" or "unengaging" this is - it's the right choice.
We have anti-face camp mechanic turns off after all gens are done for a reason. Your teammates now need to work together if they want to save you.
Unfortunately in soloq not everyone ready to do that.
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Also: 150% survivor bonus is probably due to players doing killer's challenges.
I don't think there are anything in the patch-notes that made soloq worse.
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Maybe the buffed aura reading and nerf to Distortion.
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the other option is to give up entirely and let all the remaining survivors out which I am sure is what you think the killer should do
And when did I say that?
Or when did I say that I, as a killer, always let survivors go?
I don't know if you were here for it, but the endgame in DBD used to be more than just camping and rushed actions. That doesn't mean they never happened, but generally speaking it was a part of the game where there was still time for people to do things.
Endgame camping wasn't normalized, it wasn't something you would expect to happen every single game. Killers would often go for another chase and another hook, it happened. And that is how it should be. I can understand the thought process behind doing it, but endgame camping is not fun for anyone involved, it isn't something that should have been normalized.
There is a very clear difference between the old endgame and "giving up and letting survivors go" which I clearly didn't say. I do not appreciate the assumption.
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Except as others have said, if the killer runs off to look for other survivors, they are giving an easy unhook and likely the doors will get opened and everyone will get out. So it really is a case of either camp (again, anti-face camp is TURNED OFF BY BHVR) or else risk losing entirely. You can not 'appreciate the assumption' and claim that isn't what you said, but whether you said it in actual words or not, that IS what you are saying in practice.
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love these comments.. usually killers that complain about gen rush then defend camping tunneling and slugging
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I'm very confused about the complaints regarding the endgame. Killer is at their weakest at that point and most desperate because their prey is quite literally about to slip from their fingers. So thematically and gameplay wise it makes sense, all bets are off at that point. As survivor you have a choice, either escape now or work together to help your friend on the hook. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. In regards to the endgame itself, there's nothing you can do to improve that aspect of the match that's as good as it gets without tipping it extremely in favour to one side or the other.
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Is there really a problem with the incentives?
I’ve noticed this recently that despite the incentive being on survivor perks that my killer queues are still instant, whereas survivor I’m waiting a few minutes in queue.
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Even when they nerfed DH - there wasn't such an inflection in killer players.
And what buffed aura reading? Zanshin and Predator? I don't believe that Zanshin is THAT GOOD now to even consider replacing it with any of my perks that I'm currently using on killers, let alone the Predator.
Distortion was just overly used because it's COMPLETELY removed any value from killer's aura reading perks. It's just unhealthy.
How would you feel if somebody told you - ALL your aura reading perks are useless, coz everyone running Distortion? 1 perk should never counter the FULL value of other side's perks.
It happened once before with Iron Will and Stridor. Because everyone was running Iron Will - Stridor was literally 100% useless perk. How is that healthy for the game? It should not be a thing.
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Nobody to point out that long queues for a role implies too many people are trying to play the aforementioned role?
As about the bonus, it's not for a role per se. It's to encourage a player from the right bracket to play.
If you don't enjoy a role, try the other side. You'll get some perspective.
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The the point is that there are more great killer aura reading perks now (Zanshin and Predator are much better with their buffs—that cannot be argued) but the one tool survivors had to counter it has been thoroughly weakened. And mind you killers already had a half dozen or more great aura reading perks… like weave (+ Franklin’s). In any case people probably just don’t want to play survivor so they’re playing killer or not playing the game at all.
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Do you think the hatch should be reworked into something that's rewarded? (ex: unhook 2 survivors, complete 1 full generator, and take chase with the killer for 60 seconds). That way the hiding rats who don't contribute to the team can't get easy escapes
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That would only happen if the killer fails to find anyone, which can happen. But, for example, Dracula there had BBQ, he knew where to look. And unfortunately I do not have them recorded, but I had trials where the killer still hunted and got hooks at the end game without camping.
It isn't matter of expecting the killer to give up, otherwise I would give up myself when playing killer. It is a matter of wanting the endgame to be the same as it used to be.
You can not 'appreciate the assumption
I can. And I do.
It is the same as if I assumed you just expected an easy kill and expected survivors to give up and leave their teammate to die. I didn't and wouldn't do that, because it clearly isn't what you said.
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The best thing ive come up with over the years is like an end game chase. Over a year ago, they created the seperate realm for the halloween event. A similar concept could be used for an end game mechanic, where the final survivor would have to survive for a certain amount of time to escape.
Obviously this idea also has its flaws due to perks and different killer powers.
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maybe something broke yesterday as my killer queue lasted from 10 to 20 seconds and there was +150% BP for survivors
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It would make it feel far less of a pitty mechanic. There's no pitty mechanic on the killer side aside from getting to open the gate and force them to leave.
Yet Survivors get free escapes and a chance to unhook when you've already won…
I just want it to be consistent or earned I guess.