Aura this, aura that

God this game is so stale with nothing but aura reading and pain rez. Every game is the same rarely does anyone use anything different.
Aura reading is not healthy for the game, and there are way too many perks that allow you to see the opposition. It feels cheap to go against. At the very least these need to be dialed back and no more aura reading should be implemented in future perks. If it was up to me, I would keep Barbecue and Kindred, then delete the rest.
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Better than 4 slowdown and 4 extra lives, at least.
I can't blame people for running aura perks honestly. What else is there to use really? Slowdown is frowned upon, chase perks suck (aside from Coup on a select few killers), Undetectable perks are mostly bad (and useless on already stealthy and loud killers/lullabies), non-aura tracking perks are god awful, Hex perks are too RNG.
There isn't really much else to run unfortunately :(
And don't worry, once people get bored of the new aura perks and the lack of Distortion, I'm sure we'll be back to 4 slowdown every game.
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I cannot remember the last time I ran against a killer that didn't have at least 2 to 3 aura perks. Like a 1/3 if not more of all killer perks have some kinda of stacked aura reading ability. Thats pretty insane. Last time I used Distortion before it got nerfed, I lost all 3 tokens in the first 45 seconds of the game. Its no wonder so many killer mains cry about distortion, when they are used to the survivor are handed to you on a glowing yellow platter.
But hey, they have no problem running mindbreaker though. 3 tokens it too much, but its ok to block auras every time a survivor even touch a gen.
Think about it, lets say you dont never get run off a gen. Thats 95 seconds per gen that it blocks aura and gives you exhaustion. But you will likely get ran off and have to come back over and over so its a lot more then that. Im sorry, but that sounds a hell of a lot stronger than 3 tokens to me.
Just saying.
Post edited by Conquistadude on9 -
So we complained about seeing nothing but slowdowns and now we’re complaining about seeing nothing but aura reading? What do you want the killer to run, no perks?
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It's been a day my dude...
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What do you want people to run?
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Ah, is it that time again?
Another thread salty about aura-reading.
Aura-reading isn't guaranteed to find Victims, but if it happens, ask yourself: "What should I do, if the Killer finds me?"
You run. Also known "a chase".
So run some chase perks. Vault perks, speed perks, etc.
Give it a try, you'll feel a lot better.
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I would love a month or two worth of everyone going perkless, just perks gone, keep your items, your killer powers.
I want to see data on how much skill it takes. Genuinely. (I've seen it done by Streamers)
but the amount of whining over abilities by perks is overly done.
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it's funny that, after playing Chaos Shuffle as both sides for a while, you can see how killers are still able to adapt to playing without the aura "crutches" far better than average survivor without perks like WoO and Distortion. It really is crazy
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Would be interesting but sadly wouldn't work. People would just bring the strongest items and add ons every game and make the whole thing pointless. Without anti-tunnel there's nothing to discourage tunnelling so solo queue would be unplayable, and low-tier killers would struggle unfairly compared to the high tier ones.
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yeah, it’s almost like killers are designed to be the more powerful role on a base level - crazy stuff.
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According to Nightlight, of the 10 most used killer perks only 3 of them are aura vision.
BBQ, Lethal Pursuer and Nowhere To Hide. BBQ is mostly regarded as completely fine and only activates after a hook, which means the max value BBQ can provide is to give the killer a direction to go in after a hook, so that they get back into a chase as soon as possible.
Lethal Pursuer is a one and done (apart from the secondary effect, which is not a big deal). So you don't have to deal with it throughout the match. Meaning, complaints about that are completely misplaced.
Nowhere To Hide is the only perk here that can be activated on demand and it only helps a killer if they are already in the right place. It's also not exactly hard to figure out that a killer has this perk and to counter it. Most people already do that even if it's not in the game because it is countered by what you mostly do anyway. Run away.
Quite frankly, I don't understand what all the fuss is about. We nerfed slowdown multiple times, nerfed STBFL and Sloppy Butcher and demanded that killers use something other than slowdown on top of slowdown and just when we get there, people complain about aura vision. What perks is the killer supposed to use at this point? Pretty much all killer perks can be categorised as either info, chase or slowdown.
Info and slowdown are complained about non stop, so only chase perks remain. But there aren't that many good chase perks and they also aren't good on every killer. A Blight, Huntress, Billy, Nurse, Singularity, Knight, Trickster or Nemesis are probably not going to use STBFL because they don't benefit from it. They also won't use Brutal Strength and most of them have no reason to run Bamboozle.
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killer role is much more perk dependant than survivor role, this is just some high tier copium for not being able to improve as a player, so you have to blame everything else but your own game knowledge.
Post edited by NarkoTri1er on9 -
I just wanted to say this myself: aura reading only took off like it did, after basically everygen defense perk has been obliterated. And while annoying to get ratted out by a perk, I think that its 100x preferable to get into a chase with the killer (that they must still win), then to lose 50% of a gen just like that.
With the knowledge and experiences the players these days have, the game will never go back to the way it was like 2021 or earlier. The playerbase found the most efficient ways to play, and of you now take back something, it will severely impact the way the other side can dunk down on that weakness.
What could help would be a full on health update, to completely go back and redesign all the perks and setup hard caps for regression, gen speed etc. and maybe just outright ban certain perks on certain killers or combinations. By taking away this freedom the game would open up SO MUCH design space. Literally half the perks in the game have dumb restrictions on them, because Nurse exists, and its killers like Trapper who pay the price for that.
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Maybe a way for perks not to stack together.
Facing only one regression perk isn't an issue, facing a full stack of regression perks, where your generator loses 20 percent of progress and then locks up and continues regressing at 300% speed is.
Facing only one aura reading perk isn't an issue, facing a full perma-vision Huntress that knows exactly where everyone is at all times is.Moderation does a lot to mitigate the generalization that the entire concept is bad. Aura reading, like regression perks and many other, could be much healthier if, for example, killers didn't have vision of the survivors from the start of the game AND after they lose a chase… and after survivors drop a pallet… and while survivors are healing…
There's a point where you feel cheated. Like game is essentially getting played by itself for killers.
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I was being facetious - it’s not that deep. Try getting off the copium yourself my guy.
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Gens don’t regress while blocked unless they changed it
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I've said it before and will say it again, if aura reading and pain Res are being over used its likely due to...
1.aura reading needed to find the last 2 survivors that decide to hide untill server time ends while not doing gens (in the hope to get the hatch)
2. Pain res needed because how fast gens fly. Gens get completed too fast, killers need to be able to find survivors, chase them and down them. By the time a killer has found and downed 1 survivor a gen or 2 pops.
Killers are just trying to adapt to nerfs on their end and buffs on the survivor end by using perks as aids which is what perks are for. They will generally use perks that's needed more...aura reading and regression perks.
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Well said.
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It's why I was using Distortion for quite a while at one point, I am not chase shy I just got sick of every locker open or gen kick revealing me so I could not sneak a save or finish a gen that was nearly done before taking aggro.
Its just another consequence of the perk bloat from releasing so many DLC's and perks, it creates an absolute nightmare of perks to counter and keep track of
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"… would keep Barbecue and Kindred, then delete the rest."
Agree, that would be the best solution!
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I run Distressing (BP), Beast of Prey (BP), Lightborn (I'm on console), and either Unrelenting (if I'm on Switch) or Deadlock (if I'm on PS4 rather than Switch, I wish I had something more fun to run but there's no Bardic Inspiration for killers).
I hope Distressing and Beast of Prey are okay with you. Lightborn and Unrelenting are non-negotiable as a Switch player, and I still walk away from the controller in 75%+ of my Switch killer matches as trying to play at sub-15 fps makes me want to cry.
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yes. I started back with distortion about 4 months ago after every killer I faced had LP with some other aura perks. I did notice killers would have 3 aura perks and thantaphobia. I just really used to figure what the killer was carrying. Most of the time distortion was used up in the first 1 minute of the game.
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But remember, Distortion was the problem
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What do you recommend they use?
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can't wait to see crowd control and machine learning complaints very soon. just admit you want killers to go perkless so everyone knows to not take any of these complaints seriously. i do know it, but devs will nerf the only useful perk class left because of babies crying, once again.
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Nowhere to hide is 6th because apart from the other 2 aura perks there are 3 regress perks. Makes sense as regress perks take priority to get to the point of having 2 survivors left. If gens didn't fly so fast there would probably be less reliant on the top regress perks which would put no where to hide much higher than 6th. It will be interesting to see the top 10 in a couple of weeks. The Mori update will probably increase the need to find the last 2 survivors.
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Aura reading is really not the issue. I think the main issue you are having is pain res which I get because every time I see pain res it is in every match that I am in.
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I second this
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It's not the perk that is the issue it's because it's a meta that survivors see in every match that is run by killer. I feel like behavior needs to buff other gen perks
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Gens don't regress while blocked. There's also no perk that would cause gens to then start regressing at 300% speed.
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Yep it's so annoying not able to even get a chance to see gen set ups, pallet windows tiles and what not and more annoying when it's op killers like nurse or Billy down someone in 10 seconds.
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Aura reading as always been a thing to a degree, but I agree that DbD has gone aura crazy, and it only seems to be getting worse. It's gotten to the point that I think a lot of killers can't function without it (which is why so many loathe Distortion). No one should be able to be constantly fed their opponent's location.
Not to sound like an old man shaking his fist at the clouds, but I remember when killers actually knew how to predict pathing and actually track survivors, and the most you saw of them aura wise was with BBQ and chili (and even then most survs knew to hop in locker when you picked up). If your aura perks get countered, you should still be able to play effectively.
Now it seems like all auras all the time and it's ridiculous. Running 3-4 aura reading perks is no less lame than running 3-4 slowdowns. And as killer player, it just doesn't even seem all that fun. I'll usually run one (nowhere to hide, typically) and that's it.
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Yup just a bunch of "HES HERE LOOK HES HERE" happening with recent changes, like predator and Zanshin… and im just stepping away. This game can be about chase, but it doesnt need to scream at you where everyone is at all times, killers are too powerful for that to begin with.
Sucks cause the rift looks like it has cool stuff but I rather not have the headache of all knowing map hacks and constant "killer updates" that dont need to happen.
Game for someone else to enjoy, might go back to TCM rather have at least some form of critical thinking.5 -
Yet they won't admit it but use the excuse of survivors are scared and bad at chase. Amount of times I get max iri in chase even though I ran distortion lol.
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Complains about Gen perks so killers run aura perks.
Complain about aura perks so killers run Gen perks.
Repeat ad nauseum
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Unironically I think these people would only be happy if every killer was trapped with no perks
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Blocked gens stay in the state they get locked in. so a kicked one keeps losing % till it unlocks where a unkicked one stays.
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you’re literally crying like a baby…
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No, that's not how it works. Blocked generators have their regression frozen until unblocked.
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So Survivors just want all Slowdowns??? Alright bring back old COB, Overcharge, Eruption and Pain res meta
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Nope progress is held while blocked
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From the wiki:
Blocked State
A Generator enters this state whenever Survivors or the Killer invoke The Entity to do so for them using specific Unlockables.
A blocked Generator freezes its current state and progression for as long as it remains blocked.
If a Generator was regressing at the time of becoming blocked, it will not lose any further progression until the block is lifted, at which point the regression will resume.Blocked Generators are also immune to immediate Regression penalties.
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If you get rid of perk synergy by enforcing a 1 perk per category rule your majorly destroying Builds and variety for both sides which is a main fun aspect of DBD so this could never work
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im starting the Buff Brutal Strength campaign! Buff to 40% it hasnt been touched in 8 years!
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Its almost like we have this disussion every few months. First they nerfed chase perks so Killers moved to Gen slow down, they then nerfed that too so Killers moved to aura reading.
Now you want them nerfed too (which is fair for 2 of them). If that happens what vaule does any perk provide? With gens fyling in 15 to 25 seconds the options for killers are really limited. I don't say aura reading is best but all that leads more to tunneling. We need some common ground. Slightly nerfed aura reading perks and massivly nerfed gen speed perks.
Matches are sometimes only 7 minutes. I am not Wesker but I feel like very fast matches are more stressful then 12 minute matches.10 -
One thing Ive noticed about BHVR is when a popular perk is nerfed, they introduce a slew of things that the nerf'd perk countered.
In this, Distortion was nerfed, the only reliably Aura counter. Now there's a plethora of new aura perks.All good, 4 stacks of Object will counter the aura meta. Just have to wait til people catch on.
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I want Aura perks removed on both sides. That’s why I stated you shouldn’t be able to see the “Opposition.”
And yes, bring back the old Gen regression. I’m also for the OG Day 1 Ruin where you needed to hit great skill checks for progression.
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