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General Discussions

Aura this, aura that

God this game is so stale with nothing but aura reading and pain rez. Every game is the same rarely does anyone use anything different.

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  • Member Posts: 1,013

    I would love a month or two worth of everyone going perkless, just perks gone, keep your items, your killer powers.

    I want to see data on how much skill it takes. Genuinely. (I've seen it done by Streamers)

    but the amount of whining over abilities by perks is overly done.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Would be interesting but sadly wouldn't work. People would just bring the strongest items and add ons every game and make the whole thing pointless. Without anti-tunnel there's nothing to discourage tunnelling so solo queue would be unplayable, and low-tier killers would struggle unfairly compared to the high tier ones.

  • Member Posts: 1,168
    edited October 2024

    I was being facetious - it’s not that deep. Try getting off the copium yourself my guy.

  • Member Posts: 843
    edited October 2024

    Exactly don't forget cheap add ons too like rat poison. @KerJuice

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    It's why I was using Distortion for quite a while at one point, I am not chase shy I just got sick of every locker open or gen kick revealing me so I could not sneak a save or finish a gen that was nearly done before taking aggro.

    Its just another consequence of the perk bloat from releasing so many DLC's and perks, it creates an absolute nightmare of perks to counter and keep track of

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    "… would keep Barbecue and Kindred, then delete the rest."

    Agree, that would be the best solution!

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    I run Distressing (BP), Beast of Prey (BP), Lightborn (I'm on console), and either Unrelenting (if I'm on Switch) or Deadlock (if I'm on PS4 rather than Switch, I wish I had something more fun to run but there's no Bardic Inspiration for killers).

    I hope Distressing and Beast of Prey are okay with you. Lightborn and Unrelenting are non-negotiable as a Switch player, and I still walk away from the controller in 75%+ of my Switch killer matches as trying to play at sub-15 fps makes me want to cry.

  • Member Posts: 378

    yes. I started back with distortion about 4 months ago after every killer I faced had LP with some other aura perks. I did notice killers would have 3 aura perks and thantaphobia. I just really used to figure what the killer was carrying. Most of the time distortion was used up in the first 1 minute of the game.

  • Member Posts: 501

    What do you recommend they use?

  • Member Posts: 707

    Nowhere to hide is 6th because apart from the other 2 aura perks there are 3 regress perks. Makes sense as regress perks take priority to get to the point of having 2 survivors left. If gens didn't fly so fast there would probably be less reliant on the top regress perks which would put no where to hide much higher than 6th. It will be interesting to see the top 10 in a couple of weeks. The Mori update will probably increase the need to find the last 2 survivors.

  • Member Posts: 149

    Aura reading is really not the issue. I think the main issue you are having is pain res which I get because every time I see pain res it is in every match that I am in.

  • Member Posts: 149

    It's not the perk that is the issue it's because it's a meta that survivors see in every match that is run by killer. I feel like behavior needs to buff other gen perks

  • Member Posts: 843

    Yep it's so annoying not able to even get a chance to see gen set ups, pallet windows tiles and what not and more annoying when it's op killers like nurse or Billy down someone in 10 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 843

    Yet they won't admit it but use the excuse of survivors are scared and bad at chase. Amount of times I get max iri in chase even though I ran distortion lol.

  • Member Posts: 843


  • Member Posts: 331

    Unironically I think these people would only be happy if every killer was trapped with no perks

  • Member Posts: 460

    Blocked gens stay in the state they get locked in. so a kicked one keeps losing % till it unlocks where a unkicked one stays.

  • Member Posts: 372

    So Survivors just want all Slowdowns??? Alright bring back old COB, Overcharge, Eruption and Pain res meta

  • Member Posts: 767

    From the wiki:

    Blocked State

    Generator enters this state whenever Survivors or the Killer invoke The Entity to do so for them using specific Unlockables.

    A blocked Generator freezes its current state and progression for as long as it remains blocked.
    If a Generator was regressing at the time of becoming blocked, it will not lose any further progression until the block is lifted, at which point the regression will resume.

    Blocked Generators are also immune to immediate Regression penalties.

  • Member Posts: 372

    If you get rid of perk synergy by enforcing a 1 perk per category rule your majorly destroying Builds and variety for both sides which is a main fun aspect of DBD so this could never work

  • Member Posts: 372

    im starting the Buff Brutal Strength campaign! Buff to 40% it hasnt been touched in 8 years!

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    One thing Ive noticed about BHVR is when a popular perk is nerfed, they introduce a slew of things that the nerf'd perk countered.

    In this, Distortion was nerfed, the only reliably Aura counter. Now there's a plethora of new aura perks.

    All good, 4 stacks of Object will counter the aura meta. Just have to wait til people catch on.

  • Member Posts: 1,985
    edited October 2024

    I want Aura perks removed on both sides. That’s why I stated you shouldn’t be able to see the “Opposition.”

    And yes, bring back the old Gen regression. I’m also for the OG Day 1 Ruin where you needed to hit great skill checks for progression.

    Thread the pictured post is in:

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