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A Theory on The DC Epidemic: Perk Changes & MMR



  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I don't think it is subjective. Leaving your teammates behind is objectively a bad thing to do. That is why we have punishments for DCing.

    If aren't going to play the match, then don't click "play". The exception is if something happened irl and you have to leave, but some cases are clearly rage quits.

  • Member Posts: 1,393

    There might be something to the MMR thing in so far as, iirc, once you somehow make it past a certain mark you can't drop below that threshold anymore. If, due to changes to mechanics, perks etc. that lands you in perpetually unwinnable situations (if you're up against someone who's too far away from where you're at there's literally zero point; you won't be able to learn from that experience. It's like trying to read a novel in French after having had French at school for two years…. ten years ago and that novel is the first French thing you see since then; it ain't gonna work).

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    There is loss prevention, but I think only 5% of the player population is in that bracket. It's not easy to reach. Between that and MMR being out for 3 years at this point, I imagine most people who are there can survive there. Obviously, there is a skill distribution within that, so some players in that top bracket will be relatively bad compared to others.

  • Member Posts: 61

    I have had people insta-DC against my Doctor as soon as they hear my static blast. Just so fast it's gotta be an ALT+F4. I don't know. Maybe people just only want to play exactly the way they want to play, but there's 5 people in a match and not everyone gets their way all the time.

  • Member Posts: 767

    I literally said earlier to get rid of lobby dodging, last second switching, and hookicides all together.
    it would make the game so much better.

  • Member Posts: 2,369

    2v8 > 1v4

  • Member Posts: 239

    In my experience, most of the DCs come from the following cases:

    -A survivor is quickly knocked down in the first chase.

    -One survivor dies fast and all his premade friends decide to leave with him.

    -The survivor, usually with a previous cocky attitude, is humiliated by a mindgame or a perk he didn't expect.

    -An undesired killer/map.

    In one word, "ragequitting".

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    People are just burnt out but they don't know how to take breaks from the game and come back when they feel better.

  • Member Posts: 347

    Here’s how it actually went down:

    • Skull Merchant is added to the game.
    • Some players use her to 3-gen, leading to very boring gameplay.
    • Survivors realize they can just give up in these matches since there’s no penalty for it.
    • When facing any other killer that isn’t a cakewalk, survivors think, "Hmm, if I can DC against the Skull Merchant, maybe I can do it here too..."
    • More and more survivors start disconnecting after realizing there’s no mechanic to prevent it.

    So now it's been a snowball effect of having always at least one survivor who will give up if they're hooked first, so the rest of the players have their game ruined and some start doing it as well.

  • Member Posts: 5,606
    edited October 2024

    It mostly burnout... that said there's a lot more to it then general burnout

    Killer burnout: Survivors that play against a specific Killer more then 5 times in 1 session have all of the reason

    Killer playstyle/perks: also playing against the same playstyle is just as draining

    Maps: for me specifically this would be a reason for a lot of burnout... playing on the same Map more then 5 times

    Player(s) mindstate: after playing a game for as long as some of us start to see any pattern in any of those^^^ points will cause us to DC at the drop of a hat

    But as far as I can think/remember your threoy does hold up... us as player get comfortable with certain things

  • Member Posts: 129

    I think there are three main reasons why people dc. 1.) They don't enjoy playing against the killer. 2.) A sandbagging or total potato teammates who make the game completely miserable 3.) They've grown to understand map pressure and snowballing, so they understand early losses mean they won't be escaping anyway.

    It doesn't help that so much of the game (including the MMR) revolves around escaping. If the games at four gens and everybody is on death hook, there's not much of a reason to even bother touching a gen, as the killer is just gonna mow you down anyway. I feel like there needs to be more XP and more bp for doing things like gens, altruism, etc. It does suck to work your butt off all game to get left on hook as your teammates run through the exit gate.

  • Member Posts: 857

    The worst is that you done your part in helping sorry team mates who can't do nothing but gens cause they get down in 5 seconds in chase and you gotta carry them to do it and killer is not evening camping or they do not have noed and it's not something like Bubba.

    Had a match on dead saloon vs a doctor who was pretty bad couldn't catch me all game yet catches my team 2 times each so I would force him to come for me as they was on last gen, then ofc I get down by crutch need and what's crazy is a person did cleanse it and one was getting chased yet Dwight as they typically are is spinning and t bagging at open exist gate instead of getting me where I died.

    Dwight ofc is the one at 4th place and am in 1st even though I died with 0 hooks and it's those very same players who gets karma to them and when it happens to them, they come into your stream to tell you off. Its the same reason now I start being some what selfish now to random and do the same thing unless it's my swf ill happily die for them only.

  • Member Posts: 1,393

    tbh, with the virtually endless epic accounts I've honestly started to wonder if the 5% even mean anything

  • Member Posts: 395

    I've played since Oni was released, I DEFIANTLY see the writing on the wall was majority of matches and the outcomes.

  • Member Posts: 69

    If they add rewards like that, I'll just stay in game, even if it's a Knight or SM. Currently, playing survivor is not rewarding compared to killer BP. Now If you get tunneled at 5 gens, you'll get ~9k BP and killer get around 25k. So why not commit suicide and try to find more enjoyable game where you get more points.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    Hard to say. We really only have BHVR's word on MMR and player distribution. Other sources claim differently, but I'd wager that they're script kiddies who don't understand the tools they're using. Nor do they have a connection to any backend database+access to a data dictionary. If they did, we'd have much greater problems than the occasional hacker.

  • Member Posts: 767

    The problem itself is survivors ragequitting because they have a way to bypass the DC penalty, a symptom of that is people make excuses to try and justify such behaviour.
    What needs to be understood is no matter how much the game is changed those people will always ragequit at the earliest inconvenience as long as there is an option to do so with no repercussions.

    By your rationale lobby dodging shouldn’t be removed, they should gut everything killers dislike and find unfun to try and make them not shop for lobbies like survivors do with match shopping.

  • Member Posts: 925

    giving up plague is not really perks/MMR problem tbh, but instead a mixture of players being fed with one type of very toxic mentality and devs basically rewarding those players. As a cherry on top, you have people who are burnt out from playing dbd so much that they will give at every slight inconvenience.

  • Member Posts: 767

    The majority do find it fun and stick games out, a lot of the fun is sucked out by people ragequitting and it being rare to actually play a normal game for those who enjoy the game and want to.
    The people who wouldn’t stick the game out without an easy way out obviously don’t want to play the game and should play something else maybe come back after a break. A lot would not ragequit if there was no easy way out option.

    Fun is subjective and you’ll never please everyone; someone has to win and someone has to lose. People who only have fun when winning will ragequit as long as there’s an easy out option when they aren’t winning.

  • Member Posts: 925

    ummm...the point is that people that are clearly burnt out from the game stop spreading their misery to others and eventually stop playing the game for some time if that's what it takes for community to be a healthier place.

    Atm, people are visibly tired of the game because many have been playing dbd and nothing but dbd for such a long time, it's literally a normal thing to take a break once in a while, dbd community is just obsessed.

  • Member Posts: 2,232

    Even if you get rid of "going-nexts" on hook, people will just stop playing the game altogether. 

    As a person who thinks they should get rid of the hook suicides and doing so would improve the game, I'll admit this is a concern. BHVR does have to worry if it would just lead to people quitting the game and moving on and, while its easy for players to say 'we didn't them anyway', BHVR as a company does.

    That said, I think they are ways to work around it as it causes severe problems. There's no way they can ever make a game that people won't want to quit in some circumstances, and they need a mechanic that makes it not so penalizing to teammates. Even if they tried something like 'you can dc on hook for no dc penalty, but you gain no BP or Pips, hook suicides are prohibited during the first 4 minutes of the game' I think it would be a massive game improvement.

  • Member Posts: 767

    Because it only takes one quitter to ruin the game for the other 4 players, so there’s enough ragequitting babies spoiling the game for the majority of players who actually enjoy the game and just want a normal match.

  • Member Posts: 925

    burnout is a symptom of not having fun, yes. But what exactly is fun for people?

    What exactly can you assume is fun for ppl who bring meta perks and addons on items into the match? quite a huge part of community)? Winning is the only answer here. Yes, there are ppl who like to goof off too, but they are not the majority.

    And then, since winning is the major fun aspect of the players, they would do whatever it takes to win, right?

    Well, the case with dbd community is...they think taking specific loadout into the game is enough to feed their fun hunger, while they don't have to basically do anything in order to improve so that they can further feed the fun hunger.

    So, since they lack one critical aspect of the game, they will give up at the slightest inconvenience where they assume game isn't going their way, and thus, burnout happens.

  • Member Posts: 411

    I think they should test it out for a week or so. Don't tell anyone when it's going to start so people dont just plan something beforehand. I'm indifferent on it either way but at least they'd have a week or 2 of knowledge on how it would play out. Or make it a "bug" in a select number of games /wink /wink.

  • Member Posts: 925

    because depipping removal recently was the final factor that made people completely legitimize giving up so easily.

    If you remember the times before where DC penalty was bugged and nobody received it for DCing, there were plagues of people giving up to the point where game was barely playable.

    All in all, burnout is widespread for quite some time, removal for another specific sort of punishment for giving up and community considering bots as reason why they are more lighthearted to give up than ever a trigger for what's happening nowadays. Freedom for cherrypicking matches is at the all-time high.

  • Member Posts: 558

    People have not cared about depips since long before that. The better argument would be to choose back when they changed it so you could no longer depip out of a rank, but even still, that would imply people were going next back then as frequently as they are now, and they simply weren't. Removing depips has not affected that to any meaningful degree.

  • Member Posts: 1,393

    I'm not sure what you mean. - I'm just saying that between known instances of people buying accounts for hacking and burning through a dozen of them within a week or two (quite a few of them speak quite openly about it and sometimes even stream what they're doing) and there being absolutely no shortage of fresh accounts for that, I think you kinda have to wonder how many of the recorded players are actual players and how that affects any out-of-all-players-statistics.

    Tbh, if they removed 100hrs or less accounts from these statistics I think they'd be a lot more accurate. - But that's besides the point of the topic.

  • Member Posts: 925

    then why did depipping removal have such a positive feedback and why did intensity of people giving up rise sharply after that change?

  • Member Posts: 558

    I claimed it didn't have an effect and you just claimed it did. The small amount of positive feedback was for people who want more bloodpoints at the end of the month. Pips have only been tied to bloodpoints for years now. The people disconnecting from matches do not care about bloodpoints, let alone pips.

  • Member Posts: 94

    its not mmr, in the past survivors dc even more without the dc penalty and i mean in the times of the rank system

  • Member Posts: 375

    My swf with 25k hours combined and 4x p100 was dodged 31 times. Beat it

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