Thoughts on new Predator

I've tried it out and it's surprisingly good, I thought the cooldown would hold it back and yeah it is long but you see their aura for so long especially with lethal pursuer. It's especially good on Wraith and Ghost Face because you have more control over chase being active.
What do you think is Predator meta now or is it still not worth using? Personally I'd call it a B tier perk that's great on certain killers but it's not really bad on anyone.
It'a another perk that will get nerfed due to the nurse
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decent perk... but being just decent dosen't get use. Nurse will use it and that about it
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Its kinda overrated, 18m is quite the distance for most M1 Killers to catch up to, and we see the scratchmarks and blood pools of the guy we just chased a few seconds ago anyway. Its a nice perk but also not that great especially compared perks that help you actually finding survivors to chase in the first place.
Despite this it will get nerfed along with Genetic Limits because its OP on Nurse.
Post edited by GroßusSchmiedus on1 -
I have to say it really does suck that Nurse ruins a lot of potential fun and useful perks
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This perk is silly. Shouldnt even be a thing the state it is in.
If they insist on an aura read for losing chase then it needs to have a restriction, like a range requirement being far away like outside TR. If you lose chase on a loop and the survivor is in the loop youill just be told where they are and insta down on them on several killers. Theres no safety.Again, not for me it seems. Predator, Weaveabroken, and new Zanshin.
Its just becoming more brain dead each patch. If this is the direction, games staying grey on my steam. Not challenging and getting less on killer each patch, and then unplayable on survivor. Shame because I just saw the new rift as well and halloween right around the corner.But enough is really enough with this crap. Looks good at a distance, but once you play it you just want to hit escape and leave.
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idk what BHVR was even thinking when pushing it to live tbh, it's such a braindead kind of getting aura reading on survivors and is definitely 2nd perk aside NTH that is gonna benefit Nurse so much.
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its fine unless your nurse we gota give nurse the SM treatment
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Nowhere To Hide + Predator is now a more or less guaranteed, mindless win on Nurse for everyone that has played her more than a handful of matches. NTH gives you the first free hit, Predator the second right after that.
And I and lots of people saw this coming the second they had announced the Predator change in the dev update. Their vehement refusal to nerf Nurse even just a slight bit is perplexing. Blindness during blinks (or already when charging blinks), blink tokens only recharging after fatigue, being able to stun her (pallet/Head On) during fatigue, blink tokens only recharging after the stun animation has played out, stunning her out of blinks causing her to go through the stun and then fatigue animation, decreasing her lunge range out of blinks, … - those are completely sensible nerfs some fashion of which they have already implemented for a variety of other killers that aren't as strong as her, and yet still, after all these years, nothing. And these are akin to "quality of life" changes that make Nurse somewhat less silly to play against, it's not even going into things they could do to actually bring Nurse's ridiculous power level notably down. Only thing they do however is buff her considerably for the 2v8 mode, enabling players to 8-slug 100 matches in a row, how fun!
They say they don't only look at their published killrates to determine balance changes, but Nurse really seems to be proof to the contrary. There are obvious reasons why she doesn't have the highest killrate on a global average (harder to play for new and intermediate players than any other killer, harder to play on controller than many other killers, easier to play against than play as at an average level), if they were to look at the players with the highest killrates however, most of them would be Nurses. But since the global average doesn't show her with a problematically high killrate and even a relatively tame one, she goes unaddressed for years and years, again not even remedying some of the blatant flaws she has that are akin to bugs.
…Anyway, on most other killers, Predator isn't that crazy. It is still fairly good on ranged killers such as Huntress, and it can be beneficial on most of any killer since you can deliberately lose chase state on tiles where line of sight is broken and use it to "mindgame", but I don't think we'll see it become as popular a perk as Nowhere To Hide. I quite welcome its introduction even, from a killer perspective, because I don't enjoy losing people in chase. That said, it is a bit lame that it counters stealth-juking for free. Imagine using one of the many (often rather lackluster) perks BHVR has been busy releasing that are intended to give the survivor a chance to lose the killer in chase, such as Dance With Me, and actually being successful for once, only for the killer to be told right where you are. This is of course even worse if you are using something like Inner Strength and/or Head On and hide in a locker once you have lost the killer.
How they came up with both this and the PTB version of Zanshin Tactics and nerfed Distortion at the same time is puzzling. But yeah, while these and other aura perks can be a bit "mindless" in how they can win chases for the killer or counter stealth aspects of the game "for free", I don't think they're all that concerningly problematic, not least because we always have to consider their perk slot investment: a player using one or multiple of these is forgoing really impactful slowdown perks. It's really only Nurse these perks tend to be downright broken on. Lethal Purser + Predator + Nowhere To Hide Nurse is playing DbD in baby mode (Rat Poison Chucky and Compound 21 Blight also deserve mention, for two more particularly egregious cases of aura-reading abilities making hits mindlessly easy to get).
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Unfortunately I think this is true.
Honestly, I'm kind of tired of Nurse bottlenecking perk balance. I wish they'd address her. Maybe just give her the Blindness status effect or something.
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I was away during the PTB for this and purposely kept off the forums and only started playing again this week after a 3 week total break from the game. As soon as I saw the patch notes I instantly thought that's a huge buff for any half decent Nurse. No doubt the perk won't stay in this state for long because of her.
Before the nerf though, I plan to play Artist to get the down 50 injured survivors with birds trophy. It's been at 10/50 forever. This perk should make it a lot easier!
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I disagree it's good for a decent Nurse.
First, you have to lose your survivor. That's a huge assumption when it's based on the Nurse being decent.
Second, I believe it's exactly what "Distortion" is for.
Third, there are way better perks to use in a chase that do not require the Nurse to lose a survivor to be effective.
Time will tell but I as for myself I don't think I'll use it.
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That's actually a decent ides. Give her Aura blindness while charging and actively blinking.
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it's not a braindead perk just on Nurse tho, it's braindead on every high mobility killer, it's something similar to PWYF level of unhealthy, literally rewards you for losing a chase with something that would benefit you way too much
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It is a terrible designed Perk, not just on Nurse. You basically make any outplay the Survivor can do meaningless, meaning every form of mindgame will just be removed by Predator. Unless you do it multiple times, but then the Killer is most likely way worse than the Survivor they are going against and there was some Matchmaking issue.
But it is way worse with Nurse. The way to play around Nurse is to break line of sight, which is parotted a lot here when it comes to the everlasting topic that she is broken and does not play DBD. But this is basically removed at this point. it is already hard to win against a good or decent Nurse, but with new Predator, you cannot even lose her by breaking LOS. And I am very sure we will see the full extend of it in a few weeks when basically every Nurse-player has caught up that Predator is good.
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Still fairer than the perk that for free turned off 60+ perks and addons auras
In any case, it works only once every 40 seconds and probably does not have a particularly strong meaning for m1 killers + if the survivor has a distortion, then on the contrary, finding the survivor will become more difficult since his traces will not appear 12 seconds1 -
I'm not the best against a competent Nurse, but always try to break line of sight ASAP or run to somewhere close where that can be done. The perk now completely takes that away or any chance of playing around a structure. It just tells them where you are with no effort.
I'm planning to play quite a bit this weekend so will be messing with all the reworked perks. Will be interesting to see what happens using and going against them.
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Breaking line of sight is good. But it doesn't end the chase immediately. So for several seconds you can make distance, preferably not where she expects you to be.
To me, in a chase, that delay is unacceptable. I usually find the survivor before it happens. And if I don't, because of course I can be bamboozled, the time I've wasted tells me to drop the chase go disturb the generators. Besides, given the prevalence of Distortion, I may be waiting for nothing.
The more I think about it, the more I feel it may be a crutch perk for baby Nurses.
I'd rather see a fast-vault (usually combined with Lithe) to get an idea of where the survivor is going. That's way more useful in a chase. (That Ghostface perk I can't recall the name of because I've worked all day and I'm tired.)
I'll try to remember to try the perk if I play this week-end. I'll have to replace a perk of my build and that won't be an easy choice.
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Am all ears the basekit perk for all pyramid heads.
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Indeed, thanks.
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I like the idea of the perk; committing chases makes the game too predictable for swf you need to sometimes break chases to create a new opening. Some loops or areas are too strong and you don't have time to brute force. I'm under no obligation to chase you, I'm here to kill you.
I'm gonna try it with the Unknown this weekend and see if it could replace Nowhere to Hide but I won't be sad if Predator changes
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y dont they just rework nurse?????????
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Broken on Nurse, not bad on several killers and almost useless on others. Nurse is the only reason why this perk has 40s cooldown and I'm tired of Nurse being bottleneck too.
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I believe that this is part of a convoluted plot to raise Nurses killrate to such lofty hights, that they can warrant a big nerf to her in order to safe the game and minimize the pissed off long-time players.
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I mean hell, if it means Nurse gets a nerf and Wraith gets at least one good teachable then I'm all for it.
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Hopefully 2 good teachables soon since Shadowborn was on the roadmap again.
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Yeah, I'm curious to see what they're cooking up for that one.
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I've made a few checks yesterday.
As far as I'm concerned that perk is useless. My usual build is way better and doesn't require me to lose a chase to trigger.
So my initial impression stands: it may be useful for beginners who often lose the survivor in a chase.
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Agree. I tested it even on my Artist and… well, I got hit, which I could have and without it anyway. Nice to have maybe in Chaos Shuffle, but I won't place it in my usual build. And about Nurse: I've said it's broken on Nurse, but… does good Nurse really needs it? Good Nurse will give hit no matter what with and without this perk.
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I should have specified I tried it as a Nurse with 40k registered blink attacks (so at a decent level).