Distortion...i know beating a dead Maurice

Grungelives_ Member Posts: 12
edited October 10 in Feedback and Suggestions

I saw BHVR is changing distortion to 15 seconds in chase instead of 30 which is better but still feels like a unnecessary perk change. Distortion wasnt nearly as big a problem that needed addressing as other stuff. If you need to rely on aura reading to find a survivor thats more of a thing the individual needs to get better at. So many aura reading perks that give you value from not even doing anything and so few that hide your aura in general. Distortion was one of the perfect perks. Now the measley 2 max stacks are just guna get shredded faster than you even get them. Im All Ears and Zanshin alone would remove the stacks you just got no add any other aura reading perks and ad ons that work in chase. I rarely even use Distortion but this seems like such a random decision and huge blunder.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Grungelives_
    Grungelives_ Member Posts: 12

    those perks were just examples and im not referring to myself anyways lol im simply stating how 2 of many perks let alone all the killers who have aura reading ad ons can chew through Distortion stacks.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,381

    There are defo some killer aura perks I think need nerfed too tbh, I just got tired of teammates who would hide with distortion all game & i think new Distortion is still viable. If Distortion is at 1 charge per 15 seconds chase time, that still costs multiple killer perks to partially counteract one survivor perk.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 981

    I think that 15 seconds per stack is perfect, if not maybe a bit too little. The perk is fine.

  • upsideinsanity
    upsideinsanity Member Posts: 29

    While yes distortion helped some survivors hide - the ones that wanted to use it that way - those survivors are now just spending the entire match getting into a locker at the edge of a terror radius so slowly going between lockers.

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 53
    edited October 10

    Some used it as an Info perk to know what aura reading killer had if they weren't pig or Myers.

  • Grungelives_
    Grungelives_ Member Posts: 12

    and that was a great use of it, itll still do that just far less often now.

  • Grungelives_
    Grungelives_ Member Posts: 12

    im sure itll still be viable just less useful overall and easily replaced by another perk granted that perk wont do the same thing. The way i look at it is id be fine with it if we had more perks had the ability to hide your aura. I have no problem with killer aura perks like at all i love them actually as someone who also plays alot of killer but on the other end we barely have any perks that counter them. Killers can use a slew of basekit abilities or perks and ad ons to become undetectable,survivors have none of that

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,890

    I agree. I always felt Distortion needed a buff, not a nerf. You can burn through stacks easily when going against aura reading add-ons and perks

  • Grungelives_
    Grungelives_ Member Posts: 12
    edited October 10

  • Grungelives_
    Grungelives_ Member Posts: 12

    It's definitely an improvement the whole rework just feels a bit unnecessary for the small handful of players who use it to do nothing all game as opposed to the productive survivors who used it. Since the rework i haven't seen a single person use it.

  • Grungelives_
    Grungelives_ Member Posts: 12

    i never thought it needed a buff but i did think much like Adrenaline even though that got nerfed too that they were perfect perks. DBD has so many useless perks i dont see the purpose in nerfing perfectly fine ones. I haven't seen Distortion in a single game since the nerf, just killed a great perk.

  • Grungelives_
    Grungelives_ Member Posts: 12

    Exactly lolol if survivors want to hide they will and dont need Distortion to do it. Meanwhile the majority of people who use Distortion as a strategic perk instead of selfishly are getting punished. Pretty typical in dbd nerfs.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 303
    edited October 10

    the main point is: people are crutching on Distortion and will count on it to win their matches as they hope killer has next to 0 game sense, but will usually give up at the very moment they realize killer has game sense and manages to find them, down them and hook them very fast.

    Being e.g. gen jockey is not about knowing which gens to repair while not knowing any other aspect of the game.

    In CS2 for example, being an AWPer (sniper) player doesn't just mean you should use AWP 24/7 because your team economy will often not let you do that, meaning AWPers also need to know to use other weapons in the game.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,839

    Distortion screws over I'm All Ears hard. Rather than see their aura, they just become completely stealthy after vaulting. The perk is basically a hinderance to you against a Distortion user.

    I think letting it burn through tokens is a fair compromise honestly. And even then, you just regain both tokens before IAE is off cool-down anyway so it makes no difference anyway.

    The perk seems perfect now. The OG was way too easy to get tokens that you were basically immune to auras and the 30 second chase requirement was too high. 15 seconds seems like a perfect compromise between having to actually interact with the killer and be rewarded for playing well while still letting the killer play around it.

  • Grungelives_
    Grungelives_ Member Posts: 12

    i mean the purpose of Distortion is to counter things like Im All Ears granted i was just using it as an example. Plenty of other perks and ad ons will absolutely shred tokens faster than you get em. Id be alot more fine with the Distortion change if their were more perks that hid your auta but their arent. Meanwhile we have stealth killers and a massive amount of perks that make you undetectable to counter survivor aura perks that take no effort at all to get value from.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    The amount of games I have on my ytd that shows the none distortion user hiding all game and me with it ends up with 1st place with iri in Chase healing and no downs or 1 down is wild.

    I Remember a match a nurse vs me and 2 friends and a random Sable who had no distortion, she was pretty new and I was looping well but she started to get a hang of her and down even me eventually.

    Me and my 2 set on death hook and when when I was rescue on my second hook I saw Sable hiding in the basement healthy and no hooks so my swfs and I pointed her out the nurse did notice and spank her and put her on the basement hook and the 4 of us had a blast and me and one friend died for the nurse telling her to hook us as a thank you which she did but let one friend go.

    She even came on nicely in my stream saying how she respect me the only one using distortion but did all that looping mind gaming and even flashbang save a few times cause my 2 friends don't run it either( I do have the video to show xd) so yeah in conclusion people are gonna hide if they want distortion or not but you know killers won't have it their ego and mindset will always be it's because people are bad at chasing or scared. I thought term survival would make sense why people hide not be the Karen at Walmart yelling HERE I AM COME GET ME.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075

    The only thing that ever depleted all my stacks was huntress and scratched mirror Myers. It was impossible to run out 95% of the time. Waving your hand at "aura perks" doesn't mean anything.