What if Premonition revealed the Killer's Aura for a short period of time?

Like, for a single second, maybe. It'd reveal the direction of the killer a lot more precisely but it wouldn't allow you to track where they're going next reliably. I think that'd be a neat change without being too strong.
I don't get how this is different to many other perks that reveal the killers aura. Dark Sense, Fogwise, Object etc, what would make this perk unique?
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It'd be when you looked in the Killer's direction when they're close on a cooldown.
It'd function the same as current Premonition, it'd just be a bit more precise.
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It's those, except better.
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Scene Partner does this already. Thus you scream when the killer aura gets revealed but that is a fair trade.
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Yeah, I guess. If Premonition had a very short aura reading duration it'd be a stealthier alternative, though.
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a buff that only makes swf stronger. if it works for allies than it becomes wall-hack on killer like scout class in 2vs8.
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It would reveal the killer's aura to the user for a single second.
Not really comparable to the Scout passive even remotely. Also not really any more effective to a SWF than a regular callout.
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I think the reason it does not do this, would be if you would get a warning the few seconds before an attack, you would always be able to get away because you know the precise location of Killer. You would be able to escape more easily than all perks that can do the same thing without requirement, every 30 seconds.
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We discussed this change with friend a year ago and I was about to make same suggestion here, but completely forgot about it. I think leave 36 meters with this change is too much, because people will use it same as old distortion: nothing but rat into corner of the map as soon as they see killer. I think it should be 2 seconds aura within 24 meters and 30 seconds cd and it will be fine, pretty strong and fair perk.
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Umm.... yeah, why not.
This seems like a reasonable buff idea, plus it would give it a bit of identity instead of being a Spine Chill clone.
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But then what is the point of Scene Partner? The perk should rather get a rework to do something else useful
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It definitely needs a buff. It's terrible, and what's worse is that it's a general perk. New players deserve better tools.
Other ideas:
- Remove the survivor's scratch marks for a few seconds.
- Make the survivor silent for fifteen seconds or something.
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Scene Partner would reveal the killer's aura for a significantly longer time.
It's also getting buffs soon so we don't know what the perk will be like in a few months.
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I think we're getting way too many killer aura reveal perks at once.
I get that we have a lot of survivor aura reading perks, but the killer's aura is at least 10 times more important because not only can 1 out of 16 brought survivor perks in the game be used to communicate to the whole team the most critical information in a given match, but the aura reads are just generally more useful to the survivor than the killer.
When you're playing survivor, all you're thinking about is yourself when you see the killer. Is he coming to me? How far is he? Do I have time to run or hide? All of these extremely important questions are answered when you see the killer aura. You know exactly how much time you have to spare doing whatever it is you're doing, because the only thing that could stop you no longer has the element of surprise.
When you see a survivor's aura as killer it can give you vital information as to where you need to go, but because there are four survivors whose location you need, it might not even be worth going for them. There are still 3 other survivors who you need to know what they're doing, and sometimes it doesn't even matter. It's all great to know where a survivor is and go after them, but there's still 3 other survivors who can be working on objectives all the while.
For killer, it's just information, simple as that. It's something that can give you a slight edge and clue you in on the survivors' plan. For survivor, there is literally 1 single thing in the match stopping you from winning, and it's the killer. Knowing where he is can make you almost unkillable because you know exactly where not to be.
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eye of belmont makes it 3 seconds. like i said, soloq doesn't use voice coms so perk is kinda weak but if the perk becomes strong enough, it's something that swf can abuse like OoO to neuter mindgames. Still Sight is a perk that can do that but nobody really uses it.
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Sorry mate, it's not kind of things we are saying here. We usually say that killers have too many aura perks, while completely ignoring the fact that survivors can see killer literally non-stop whole game and it's way more stronger. It's not like we have strong argument against, we just choosed next thing to nerf.
You know exactly how much time you have to spare doing whatever it is you're doing
Nah nah nah, wait wait wait, forget about all these e-sport words. "Know, thinking, planning", lol. Are you playing Dota 2 tournament or what? It's party game, so every new player or player who don't want to learn the game, still should have a chance to win frequently.
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I have a kind of unrelated question.
If either Premonition or Spine Chill would get a total rework, which one would you keep?
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This isn't needed because Still Sight is now a thing.
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Still Sight requires you to stand still. Premonition wouldn't.
(also Still Sight kinda sucks, 4 seconds to activate is kinda steep)
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I mean, it's not "all times", it's only in a range of 40m.
It also requires you to become as useful as one of the Yamaoka rocks to do so.
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I have tried that combo. Not worth 2 perk slots imo.
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It's just so clunky to use, not worth it. It also doesn't have enough range to be used as a free callout machine like old Object was (which is a good thing but still).
Like, maybe you COULD stand still at a loop nearby a chase, but chases are always moving, so the effect it would have would be limited. It also ties up a second survivor in the chase essentially, which kills gen efficiency.
They need to reduce the activation time to 2.5-3 seconds imo.