So when are Map Offerings getting removed?

Every match I queue into, either as a Killer or as a Survivor, at least one person brings an offering to a map that's super strong for their side or for the specific build they have.

It's not fun. Just saying "Bring the ward" doesn't solve anything. It limits the maps that I get to see and play on substantially, and makes the game incredibly boring. Killer players who see a map offering are more likely to go super sweaty tryhard to "punish" survivor teams for bringing map offerings, meanwhile survivor teams that see map offerings do the same because why ######### around when clearly the Killer is trying to optimize the fun out of the game.

This has been an issue for years, that several people have complained about extensively and yet it's continuously ignored. I understand that there are maybe more game breaking or overtly broken perks/addons/powers/etc but this would be so simple and the removal of the Cypress Mori is I think the perfect way to handle it. Give everybody BP and remove the offerings. If people get mad, literally who cares? They'll come back after a week like they always ######### do because realistically all it does is help keep the playing field level.

Remove map offerings, give people BP in return, and let people actually see more than 8 maps out of the 24+ that there are.


  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 713

    Trying to optimise the fun out of the game? I'd say trying to make the game fun by optimising. Might not be fun for you but it is fun for others. My advice is find your own fun in the game instead of relying on others to make it fun for you by playing a certain way or bringing certain offerings or perks.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    no map offering jumpscare michael be dead.

  • Feetman
    Feetman Member Posts: 15

    I try to. I don't run gen slowdown (aside from Grim Embrace) on killer cause it's not fun, and I run Dramaturgy+Scene Partner on survivor because they're goofy as hell. I just want fun chases against people that don't feel like they got lost on their way to a Scrim.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,192

    I don't really hate map offerings and to be honest they shouldn't get rid of them because it helps achievement hunt and people who just like to play on a certain map because of the aesthetic.

    Imo, they should just focus on making maps that aren't terrible to play on for a certain side. Looking at you Garden of Joy.

  • Khastrx
    Khastrx Member Posts: 156

    The minimum change could be making the green ward a lower rarity or making maps higher rarity instead, hell they could even do both of those things.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,652

    Sometimes I wish I could bring a ward as a survivor

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 713

    It can be difficult when 2 sides have different versions of fun. Me personally, don't enjoy looping or being looped but many people do it because they find it fun. So in that instance I do what I can go counter loops, go Pyramid head, tunnel the looper out asap whatever it takes to get my fun but I still need to go through the boring rigmarole of loops as a killer to get the first down.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    My take on this: if the survivors play a map offering, the gloves come off and I tunnel and slug play disgusting from second one of the match and don't care if I tunnel someone out at 4 gens. Yeah I know, there are benign usages of map offerings, like the ever present "I don't like going to that other map 4 times in a row", but interestingly its also often followed by a "I did`t know that The Game/Mothers Dwelling/Springwoods was survivor sided, I just like the visuals", closely seconded by "and its an item in the game, so its okay if I use it!!!!11".

    Whatever, I take a map offering as a personal declaration of war and will play accordingly. 99/100 cases, the builds the survivors bring to the table show that they hadn't intented that round to be a casual fun one, and its quite often also players with 3k or more hours, who actually should know the game well enough that they don't need such artificial ways of slating the game in their favor.

  • Feetman
    Feetman Member Posts: 15

    This would be the better option because of, like you said, the achievement hunters, but the devs have made it quite clear that they don't have any issue with maps being deciding factors in who wins a match. The only "nerfs" or "buffs" they give to are usually to help curb game breaking scenarios and usually if the balance of a map shifts it's due to the brokenness of that map.