Let's give survivors infinite Unbreakable basekit

To resolve the Slugging problem, Unbreakable basekit with infinite use is paramount.
It doesnt need to be infinite at all time
if all survivor remaining in the game are either in the dying state or hooked, yes
Infinite when 2 survivors are left
13 -
How about no? Survivors don't need any ridiculously strong buffs like that. Instead, just make it so a survivor can force bleed out after being on the ground so long.
29 -
Funny you say this, I played a match on haddonfield where two survivors had no mither, soul guard, breakdown, and something else let me tell you there are ways to not be a slug. Just so you know no mither procs soul guards endurance every single time. The third survivor would run head on and flashbang and also carry a bnp, they would all congregate in the basement across the street for Mikey's and proceed to bs. All while the fourth rushed gens with yet another bnp and gen build. Needless to say unlimited unbreakable (no mither I this case) was not fun at all and never will be.
Post edited by Xxjwaynexx on10 -
Ummm no.
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Nah, we good. "Slugging problem" only in your head, especially with stupidly overbuffed WGLF.
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Sure, maybe we can make the gens repair themselves and the gates open themselves too, get rid of all that pesky "gameplay" that survivors hate so much.
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I'd rather a give up option.
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i dont think thats fair just giev a bleedout option.
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yeah lets give 4 man swf groups more basekit meta perks
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The issue is that only benefits the killer. I don’t agree with infinite unbreakable at all but this also is not a fair option. Because then killers will just 4 man slug everyone knowing the survivors will force bleed out to get out of the match, killer gets their 4K. That takes zero effort, skill and artificially inflates MMR and kill rates
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If a console video games gameplay loop requires it's players to afk on their cellphones(and complain about it here since they have time) then something is fundamentally broken.
At this point I'm all for it.
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Devs almost did this, but guess who complained. Killer mains. Their favorite.
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It is a fair option. It stops full length bleedouts while not giving a huge buff to either side. It's not like I suggested that killer gets permanent aura read or a speed buff after a survivor bleeds out.Yes, their favorite. That's why they just completely gutted a killer since survivor mains were ragequitting on hook against her.
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Cool. Ask the devs to prevent that from happening instead of positioning yourself against a good update for 90% of the community from releasing just because you got bullied once by a (snicker)… No Mither squad.
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If one of the most unfun things to ever grace any game ever is causing the majority of players to not want to play, I'm pretty sure anyone in that situation would nerf Skull Merchant into D tier to save the game.
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She was only the most unfun when players played 3 gen merchant. Other than that, she's ever been just an okay info killer or someone who only punished terrible survivors, especially in her state before her gutting.
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2v8 is getting basekit Unbreakable isn't it. I know different modes and all that jazz, but will be interesting to see how player behaviour might change in that environment. All survivors being bled out just to get up and having 8 beamers burning your killer retinas...
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I don't see how. If the survivor had the option to insta die after being slugged for 60 seconds, the only games its going to come into play is when the killer is downing people so quickly that they can't actually engage in gameplay. The killer was already going to win that game, this just speeds it up. It's nothing compared to the 'just die on first hook mechanic' which BHVR seems insistent on keeping in the game.
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haha sometimes survivor mains are hilarious
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even though OP is most likely ragebaiting, basekit UB in any case is a big "no". If it ever gets released, it will be a big sign that the game is heading towards most unbalanced state where bad players are being rewarded for not even attempting to improve
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That's an opinion if I've ever seen one.
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Yes infinite unbreakable but in a 1v3.
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We could treat the bleed out button like the hatch, so that its not a win or a loss. Killers would start hooking if their 4k wasn't actually given as a 4k.
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this would be a good idea.
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The 45s self-PTB showed 0 actual problems. It was still possible for a snowballing Oni to pickup all 4 Survivors within the time frame. It was still possible to push Survivors off of would-be pallet/blind saves. The only drawback of that PTB was the forced auto kill into Mori. Sadly we got the wrong forced mechanic, but now we get even more (IME) bleedouts for the 4k, which was already a massive problem.
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As it were, things are changed because of bad actors. A few can ruin it for all.
An argument for Distortion being changed were RAT players, or those who hid all game and just wanted hatch, screwing their team, etc.
I didnt use it for that, but nevertheless, Im also punished. So it matters not if killers can pick up survivors 'within the time frame.'
This is a fun discussion!
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at this point give them a gun for killing the killer…
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Is that why the feedback for base kit Unbreakable was almost unanimous?
Most survivor mains at the time found it stupid as well. It's just completely busted and exploitable. There are situations in which a killer is forced to slug and base kit Unbreakable turns this into a lose-lose scenario.
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As a killer main, I've suggested something like this for a while. After 60 seconds on the ground survivors can pick themselves up at the cost of a hook state. Would be interesting and not exploitable.
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What was the basekit Unbreakable that never went through? Was it unlimited self pick ups?
I like a one time base kit Unbreakable because I (hot take here) believe that slugging has the potential to open up new gameplay options if the slugging perks were updated.
So many slugging perks are so hard to use because the Killer keeps such strict accountability over Survivors. Killers don’t slug too much barring slugging for the 4k or for bleedouts.
I’d love to see slugging perks become more powerful, maybe even combined into one another. Controversially I’m not against the slugging game at all. I love how many different phases a trial can have. I’m okay that there is a “slugging” phase in the trial because I love getting value out of slugging perks. In fact as the Killer I will slug a lot to give Survivors a chance to use their slug perks if they have them. I never slug to confirm kills or to let the Survivors bleedout (in actuality I find it personally difficult deciding to end someone’s game early). It’s all bark no bite.
Idk maybe a miracle perk will come that prevents the Killer from picking you up for a certain amount of time then deactivates the rest of the match. Like a “Dead Weight” perk or something.
Case in point, the slugging game is underdeveloped on the Survivor side and has the potential to add another domain of play.
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Personally, I would think that this is okay to benefit the killer because in the scenario we're trying to get rid of, slugging for the 4k and slugging to bleed out, the killer has already essentially won the game. The problem is not that the mechanic is killer-sided or survivor-sided, it's that survivors are forced to waste their time when they should, in intended gameplay, be going next.
That said, the force bleedout should only be an option in specific scenarios - if every other survivor is downed/hooked/dead, or if it's two survivors left. Letting people suicide out of the game whenever they're downed is a recipe for ragequits.
Under those rules, I don't think that mass slugging as you outlined would be much more common than it is now, though who knows - I wasn't expecting as much slugging for a 4k for a rewardless mori as is happening now.
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Didn't go so well back in 2022
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Just take a wild guess, of how fun this game went for the killer. Yeah, don't be shy, go ahead :)
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Wdym "fun for killer"? Another killer main with made-up terms.
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Alternative idea.
If all survivors mess up and end up incapacitated by being in struggle phase or downed (with no way to get up), they instantly randomly get mori'd or killed by the entity and the round ends.
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I wouldnt mind a ptb or a game mode where survivors could kill a killer and make him slug on the ground for 16 minutes or so, depending on the amount of survs alive.
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well, if the killer didnt slug or tunnel that would have been a 3-4k. Except for the prove thyself and the brown toolbox they didnt have any gen perks.
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Yes it should benefit the killer, no different to if a killer hooks 4 players. If a killer can down all 4 how can that take 0 effort? They still have to go through the rigmarole of loops to hit the players twice each to down them. If they can achieve that they have worked for it, no different to hooking them. If everyone is on 2nd stage hook it auto sacrifice everyone it doesn't let people get unhooked for free it doesn't prolong the waiting with skill checks. Same should happen when slugged, after a certain time if all 4 (or all remaining survivors are slugged) then it should auto bleed them out. But the issue with that is many survivors want it to change in their favour rather than for the health of the game, they want yet another chance to win when they have clearly lost the match.
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On these forums, there are a lot of discussions about winning or losing, but for me at least that's not the point with DBD. I don't know about for other people, but for me this game is about having fun.
When I play killer, I'll often (not always) give hatch because most survivor players like receiving it. I also like to avoid tunneling, camping, slugging for 4k, etc. so the other team can enjoy their match. (Obvious exception is bully squads.) And if I play a fair match and the survivors give me a 0k or a 1k, I'm usually happy with that as long as someone doesn't try to taunt in egc.
Ultimately, having your whole team slugged, or being slugged for a 4k isn't fun. Sure, for the killer, there's a little risk that survs will get picked up before all four are down, but slugging a whole team usually bypasses the need to down and hook everyone three times, making it feel like the survivor players have been cheated out of their chance to play the match. And slugging for 4k just isn't fun for either of the last two survivors. It's certainly valid to talk about winning a match, but I think fairness and enjoyment for all five players needs to be part of the discussion.
Having said that basket unbreakable could be fine in certain limited circumstances. All four players are slugged? Give unbreakable to all of them after some timeframe. Alternatively, after some amount of bleed out time, allow one recovery into the broken state, which could last until that survivor's next hook or next heal from the dying state.
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what are you smoking knight ?
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Except they don't. A bleed out does not count as a kill as far as the game is concerned. Sure, it might mean something in your KILL STREAK CHALLENGE count, but you get no points and it doesn't count as a kill in the numbers (it might mean something to MMR) but does not for Adept.
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Force bleedouts will just be the new going next 2.0
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itll just be the new going next on hook 🪝 we need to take away these options not add more
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I was already told by some killer mains slugging is the new meta.
I don't agree basekit unbreakable but maybe something like if there is 2 players left then it kicks in. Problem is with many players leaving due to playstyles and such you are left with bullies and hackers mostly. This should not be given freely and needs to apply to certain situations.
I started playing more killer lately and man these survivors are awful.
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the 2 left wouldnt work since it directly breaks Devs new basekit mori system which encourages slugging the last to so they wouldn't add it realistically they can only allow self pickup to prevent 4 man slugging extremes
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I figured that. It's just the toxic game play on both sides is really out of control and it needs to stop.
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Lmao not bullied( I run Perkless every match for the shiggles) my guy just giving insight how it could be used among the survivors to make the killers life hell (a singular time is hilarious as well I have plenty of these squads that just happened to be the most recent). I invite bully squads if we're being honest it's more engaging than the gen jockies. 90 percent of the survivor community needs base kit unbreakable to be viable that's very Interesting. You did get something right though no mither is your answer don't want to be slugged run it, otherwise don't whine about being slugged. Even better how about not getting bullied by the killer and not losing chase twice to be slugged in the first place (see how idiotic this sounds). Thing is anything base kit like infinite unbreakable, DH 8 second ds will be weaponized more so than not. Just like this base kit mori which actually promotes slugging for a 4k.
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I agree that basekit UB will get abused unless it's only applying in very specific situations. And even then, bully squads find ways to optimize every mechanic they can to be annoying the killer. Also agreed about them not really being a problem since most bully squads don't do enough gens. But if they bring one dedicated gen jockey, and make their plays right, they can make the game unenjoyable for the killer.
Also also agreed that basekit endgame mori wasn't thought through; it definitely incentives slugging for 4k, which much of the community funds either annoying or toxic.
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Hopefully the bleedout Killer players 'ruin' the game into becoming better, and we get a basekit self-pickup lol.
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Looks like a lot of anti-slug perks, with 2 gen perks, one being meh. Maybe Im daft, but I don't understand your thoughts here.
Also, just to make the point, killer fun should be as important as Survivor fun. However, current game design in dbd has neither side having fun. This is a BHVR issue that won't get addressed because there's no need. We still play. We still pay. They've no incentive to change things that don't make money.