Killswitch Flashbang (+ Firecrackers)

Flashbang is bugged currently and whenever the Killer is performing a Mori, Flashbang blinds will crash the game of the Killer, force them to DC, and give them a DC Penalty for crashing. This applies to Firecrackers as well.
Part of this has to do with Flashbang messing up the camera positioning since the game is unable to properly register the blind effect and does not know what to do.
This even works against Tombstone Myers as well.
Keep in mind that it does require good timing to pull this off, but it is easily abusable by experienced players and can ruin games; this should be killswitched, along with firecrackers.
thats kinda funny ngl lol
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The only reason why I know about this was a friend in my VC was trying to get a Mori daily done and their game kept crashing because people kept using Flashbangs and Firecrackers during the Mori. :(
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Have you opened a Bug Report?
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Someone else has already filed a bug report (as far as Im aware); Im just generally saying that it should be Killswitched.
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Will flashlights do this too possibly?
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Not as far as Im aware, only things that apply an instant blind effect.
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Post edited by CountOfTheFog on0
I didn't find a bug report for it.
Besides, if there is one you should add a link to it and vote it up.
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they kill switched it. :)
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hopefully you can still blind the killer during the mori once this is fixed, if that task is possible.