What survivor item and addon needs a buff and why?

There are firecrackers, flashlights, keys, maps, medkits, and toolboxes. Which of these items needs a buff and why?
Green maps could do with a slight range increase, I think.
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Green Maps should be removed, including all their Add Ons.
Maps and Keys, but I think it is pretty hopeless for Maps. Maps are just not really contemporary anymore, they were decent back in the day, but nowadays the only relevant thing they track are Gens.
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I think Med-Kits were overnerfed, they could use some changes.
No one had a problem with healing until it was allowed to reach extreme levels with the original iterations of Circle of Healing, which seems to have been a perk created with Hexes in mind: a powerful effect which can be removed from the trial. But Boons cannot be permanently destroyed, so that perk was unquestionably overpowered and I agree it had to be changed.
But the Med-Kit nerf? That I think was too much, it shouldn't have happened.
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Maps and green keys + some of the lesser-used key addons
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I mean basic medkits saving more time then toolboxes were probably to blame for it, and on top of that throwing stronger medkits and addons on top of it was just crazy time efficiency for the survivor side
I mean just look at numbers like this
Cumulative time for 1 survivor to heal another ~32s
Time for 1 survivor to heal themself with a brown medkit ~16s
Time saved by a commodious toolbox on generators ~10.66s
A default brown medkit, saves more time by freeing up another survivor to not have to heal you than a commodius toolbox, now just for arguments sake lets add some addons to it
Wire spool for 44 total charges and socket swivels to go up to 180% repair speed. That toolbox saves ~19.56s
Here comes a default green medkit from the top rope healing in 10.66s, saving ~19.34s
Medkits even at their default saved time across the team even more competitively than the strongest toolboxes in the game.
Theres no easy way to balance a game based around time with one of the strongest effects in most scenarios (being healthy) buys more time to do it yourself with a basic item than it does to have someone else do it for you, and saves more time than the strongest items that should "speed up" objective progression in the game.
Medkits deserved to be nerfed down to 66% speed and 1 heal max without addons they were just too good for time efficiency
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What does the green key even do nowadays
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Medkits have and are still the best item a Survivor can bring by far. Being able to get several self heals is nothing to scoff at. Its why CoH was so strong, medkits were and still are basically just that but map wide.
Even nowadays some one can get 2 self heals with add ons. dressings and gauze arent even the best combo as you have the green needle and gauze which still allow you to get 2 heals (assuming you can hit greats) while also doing so faster.
Not to mention styptic and syringe which are two of the strongest add ons for Survivors, arguably the best.
The nerfs were very much waranted, one could even make an argument that it wasnt enough
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to make this face when you pull a key from a chest
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I think all of the items need to have new add-ons in addition to what we have. An item add-on pass needs to happen asap, give something new for survivors other than perks. Even some of the more commonly used items like toolboxes and flashlights need some more fun added to them.
Keys are weird because they’re basically only useful for wallhacks and the nice niche of opening the hatch. Give the purple and pink keys the base-kit ability to instantly open a chest to find a high rarity item except for keys with powerful add-ons at the cost of fully depleting the key.
Remove charges for maps, they can now be used infinitely but only while standing still or walking; id used when walking you cannot sprint.
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I miss Pharmacy so much.
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I’d like all maps to have glass bead as base-kit please. It would help with getting teammates to prevent a 3-gen or cleanse a lit totem. At the very least, make glass bead more common in the blood web.
Other than that, I don’t think items need a buff, but rather, we need new items to keep the match interesting. We should get trip wires that have different effects such as revealing the Killers aura or slowing them down for 3 seconds. I’d like to see a one time use roller skates that give Survivors a short speed boost like Sprint Burst, but make it difficult to control like the Syringe that Killers get during Halloween.
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Keys and Maps.
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They aren't useless, of course. They can still be useful, but they could be more useful.
I don't think there was really a need to go as far as they did with the nerfs, especially after CoH was changed.
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Toolboxes and medkits were both over nerfed.
I guess if I had to choose one though, buff medkits.
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Maps and Keys, outside of hatch access, both do the same thing, they reveal auras. They should be merged into one item and buffed accordingly with the traits of both.
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Im saying theyre still too useful
The nerfs were 100% warented, and I dont even think having access to 2 self heals with a medkit should be a thing unless you have perks
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The thing is that the auras of the environment are basically meaningless except for Gens. And IMO Deja-Vu helps with that already enough.
I would be fine with Keys tracking the Auras of players and Maps tracking the Auras of the environment. But I dont see that Maps can become really useful with just Aura Reading.
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The purple toolboxes should have more charges. 16 charges is not enough they should have 20-24.
Grey and yellow toolboxes should get removed, because they are super bad and we don’t need 5 versions.Medkits should get their nerfs reverted. There is no difference between all rarity’s, that warrants having 5 versions.
Keys and maps should get buffs. - Too bad. Maps should work always without charges and keys need bigger changes.
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The broken keys need a use because unless you manage to get one with add-ons (which needs perks to guarantee), no one wants them. Perhaps keys can let you use charges to open exit gates a little bit quicker, so it's not just exclusive to hatches (and auras).
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its meant to be used with addons for aura reading effects. It has more charges than purple, but cant open hatch...which is basically the only thing purple CAN do with so few charges.
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Except that goes all out the window when you get it from a chest with no addons
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Maps need some serious reworking and buffing. Track more generators by default, and add-ons automatically track their relevant item without needing to scout it first. Buff the rainbow map and regular map massively, then add a yellow-rarity map that's equivalent to the regular map as it is right now.
Medkits also need some work. I don't necessarily want them buffed, but I do want them to be diversified like the toolboxes are, so that they have different uses instead of being identical with insignificant number differences.
Speaking of toolboxes, Mechanic's and Engineer's Toolboxes need buffs. It's ridiculous to me that the Commodious is the objectively best toolbox for repairing to the point the other toolboxes are irrelevant.
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Too useful?
Honestly, MedKits aren't giving me much trouble as killer. If they aren't going to be reverted, then I don't think another nerf is required.
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Maps and keys should be the highest priority when it comes to item buffs.
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green keys need a use everythign else fine maybe toolbox overbuff but keys need somthn else bad.
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For sure. I'd be completely for adding an actual basekit effect.
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Medkits arent something that is directly "in your face" in terms of strength. Its why youll have some people swear that flashlights are the strongest items, because you clearly see the impact that its caused.
Gonna use Sprint Burst and Dead Hard as a comparison. Dead Hard was complained about since it was able to extend chases for quite some time, wasting a lot of time for the killer. Sprint Burst on the other hand, has always been able to even start lasting chases that shouldnt of even happened to begin with, and because of this it wastes WAY more time than you realize.
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To counter boons the killer should have been allowed to destroy bones too when stomped out. That way both sides could have a counter and be fair until all totems are gone on the map
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keys and maps
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Any broken key(the green and purple ones both) that works only as a map for 1-2 things with addons in it. Without its a pointless item.
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I can understand the fact that Boons and Hexes are different from each other, but I think CoH wouldn't have been as problematic as it was if Boons could be permanently destroyed.
I agree, but even then I think the current strength of MedKits isn't enough to require a nerf. And I think it never was, unless CoH was being used.
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Killers do have a way to do so in a perk called shattered hope. It also reveals aura for 6-8 seconds. but you have to hope they bring a boon to get use.
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Defaullt altruistic healing speed is 16 seconds per health state.
- With a purple medkit (50% faster altruistic healing) = 10.6 seconds - With Botany as well = 8 seconds
- With a brown medkit (35% faster altruistic healing) = roughly 12 seconds - With Botany = 9 seconds.
- With We'll Make it = 8 seconds.
- With Boon: Circle of Healing = 8 seconds.
Default self-healing speed is 16 seconds per health state.
- With any med-kit (66% of regular speed) = 24 seconds - With Botany = 16 seconds.
- With Self-Care (35 % of regular speed) ~ 46 seconds - With Botany = around 30 seconds.
- With Strength in Shadows (70% of regular speed) ~ 23 seconds - With Botany = around 15 seconds.
Personally, I think the medkits should have better represented their tiers more. Considering the common brown camping-aid kits are easy to find in the bloodweb, they should by far offer the least efficient values by default.
Personal take on reworking med-kits:
Med-kits - General:- Removed self-healing efficiency penalty (1 heal = 16 charges)
Camping Aid Kit (brown):
- Reduced charges back to 16
- Self-healing speed = 50% of default speed = 32 seconds per health state (same as pre-nerf Self-Care)
- Altruistic healing speed bonus = 25% (down from 35%)
First-Aid kit (Yellow):
- Reduced charges down to 16
- Self-healing speed = 60% of default speed ~ 27 seconds per health state.
- Altruistic healing speed bonus = 35% (down from 40%)
Emergency Med-kit (green):
- Rarity changed to Very Rare (Purple)
- Reduced charges down to 16
- Self-healing speed = 80% of default speed = 20 seconds per health state
- Altruistic healing speed bonus = 50% (up from 45%)
- +100% bonus to all Bloodpoints gains from this item.
Ranger Med-kit (purple):
- Changed rarity to Iridescent (Red).
- Reduced charges down to 16
- Self-healing speed = 100% = 16 seconds per health state.
- Altruistic healing speed bonus = 66% (up from 50%)
- +150% bonus to all Bloodpoints gains from this item.
Event Med-kits:
- Charges stays at 24
- Self-healing speed = 66% = 24 seconds per health state.
- Altruistic healing speed bonus = 40%
- +50% bonus to all Bloodpoints gains from this item.
- This change would treat event med-kits as separate entities, and as a more "jacked-up" version of the default counterpart (like what is the case for event toolboxes).
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I don't think the medkits should be a line of straight upgrades specifically because of rarity in the bloodwebs. Paublogonzolas2007 who just barely scrapes by with a handful of brown medkits shouldn't have half the healing speed of the guy who "totally didn't save edit I swear". I kind of liked how they were differentiated before and with tamer numbers they could still be that.
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Maps and Keys should be merged into a single item type. They both do similar things, one gives aura of objects and one of players, just merge them and them tweak the addons and rarities and stuff to make them useful.
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unironically keys in general need changes. With the changes awhile ago to how hatch works and the new mori mechanic for killers it’s extremely common for killers to just slug at 2 people left making the key absolutely useless outside of using it for its aura reading which kinda sucks and other perks just do it better