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Why do you main your survivor

I get killer mains, you like their power and their outfit it alright.

But survivors are different, the only thing is their perks and you can just prestige them and never touch them again.

I play Jeff cause I think it’s cool how he has a metal outfit and is he just looks cool with his beard and hair.

but what about you?

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  • Member Posts: 2,194
    edited October 2024

    Fun question!

    I never thought about what tied my two mains together; Kate and Yun-Jin until now.

    It’s music! They both have a strong association with music. Being a music lover myself it makes a lot of sense! I think because they’re musicians they have the coolest cosmetics.

    These are my favorite jackets in the game. I think I like Yun-Jin’s jacket with the tie more but both are perfect. They’re just so cool that I can’t take it lol

    On a side note: Awesome choice for Survivor. I think Jeff is really cool too (another musician!) I just finished playing over 100 games with Jeff I think a month or two ago and yeah, he’s really cool.

    Post edited by HerInfernalMajesty on
  • Member Posts: 7,161

    I empathize with Dwight. Shy nerdy guy. I also love how he went from being the underdog to finding his inner strength and becoming the leader of the survivors in the fog. He also has the most realistic disposition in this situation. He's nervous. As anyone would be after being thrown into this scary world of killers hunting you.

    Aside from that I love his design. His voice. He gets some terrific cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 94

    i like militar stuff and the only survivor with a militarish skin is ace with bomber ace (aka flying ace)

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Meg has been my go to Survivor. First character Ive ever P3'd back in 2017, and first character I ever P100'd about a year ago.

    I honestly could not tell you why. I would jump to other Survivors, those being David, Kate, Yui, Zarina, Jill, and Thalita. But in the end they were sort of just "phases". I never really stuck with them and always found myself going back to Meg. Been running the same fit as well for quite some time, and the fits Ive had in the past have always involved the Deathgarden mask since its introduction (moment of silence)

  • Member Posts: 843
    edited October 2024

    Leon= he fits me and am a die hard re fan but ofc lack of skins being his licensed. Leon traits I have, a no nonsense attitude but strong and smart solving complexity things with a slight of cocky and funny depending on games and movies though cause in re 4 remake he is so much more serious and gloomy compared to his re4 vanilla counter part. My first p 100

    Yoichi my 2nd p100= Well I just like cute Asian guys I mean I like any race ofc but yeah he cute though Leon is priority since Leon fits my personality.

    Trevor = ok well he just hot and uh amma work on him as my third p 100 but no idk jack squat about the castlevania games lol.

    Wesker= The e best villain out of all re villains because any other re villains tend to be some clowns that don't know what they doing. His son Jake(would love him as his skin).

    Trickster = same reason as yoichi and his laughs when he hooks is just perfect fit of a sadistic person, weird thing though Clown and slinger laugh urks me hell with their laughing.

    Post edited by buggybug on
  • Member Posts: 1,914

    Jonah looks like me irl quite a bit… It's even kind of creepy…

  • Member Posts: 822

    I’ve always been a silent hill fan

    I’ve mostly played the first trilogy and a few of the late 2000s games which weren’t that good

    I mostly main James and Lisa

    Lisa is basically the one character in silent hill 1 that stuck with me the most mostly because of how the interactions you go with happen but most importantly it’s that one scene where she dies infront of harry

    Meanwhile James….well silent hill 2 has been my childhood and I’ve played this game since I was young so it meant a lot to me

    Especially with a character like James he’s very well written (and became even more well written in the recent remake)

  • Member Posts: 2,661

    Because I'm attracted to her. She's gorgeous 😍

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Claudette was recommended to me by the forums as the best beginner friendly character. I ended up liking her design and voice more than anyone else’s (except Carlos, he’s too gorgeous). I also love how polarized the community is with her. She’s also super cute.

  • Member Posts: 373

    I main Lara because I like her tribal outfits, I wish we got more primitive looking outfits for survivors instead of all of them looking like a neon sign.

  • Member Posts: 969

    I main Cheryl, but i'm not a big mega silent hill fan, I just like her

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Dwight was my first main when I started. Mostly because he's the gen guy and I felt like gluing myself to a gen was the best way for me to help the team. Plus, he seems like he's really not having a good time and let's be honest, accurately portrays how most of us would be if we ever found ourselves in the fog.

    Meg is my "main" main. I think the sound she makes when she falls from height (as well as her injured noises) are cute. And I kinda like her permanently grumpy expression. Also, I like to use at least one perk from a Survivor's teachable perks when I play as them and Sprint Burst is obviously one of the best.

    Steve is my male Survivor main. (Aside from Robin), he's my favourite Stranger Things character and his goofy scream makes everything feel better. BHVR have got to get Robin in the game someday (even if she's just a Steve Legendary). Matching Scoops Ahoy uniforms ftw!

    Ripley / Rain / Ash. I just love the Alien and Evil Dead franchises.

  • Member Posts: 451

    Jeff and Jane are hot.

    Yui and Elodie have awesome designs. They rock and I love them.

    And I haven't found anyone that agrees with me and I suppose it's because I have some sort of distorted sense of beauty but I think Haddie is really cute?

    I mostly rotate between them when I don't have a mission that requires a specific survivor, but, like, 90% of the time you'll see me with either Jeff or Haddie.

    Oh, and ocasionally Zarina. I just think she looks cool. It's not Yui or Elodie levels of cool, but I like her too.

    If I have a cool cosmetic for the others I might switch to them sporadically. Lots of characters are one good cosmetic away from me using them more often.

    And then there's this **** idiot:

    If you see me play with him, I'm not taking the game seriously.

  • Member Posts: 239

    Because Meg is the queen of DBD.

  • Member Posts: 812

    When I first started DBD, I just played with Dwight because he was the one selected by default.  And then they did the texture rework on the Survivors I forget how long ago, and Dwight became a lot more visually attractive.  And the longer I kept playing with him, the more I got attached to him.

    I also felt bad for him in his lore, being the "laughingstock of the community" and all that.  Kind of makes you want to give him a hug, doesn't it? 😢

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Well, for most of my time in DBD I've been a Claudette main.

    She is a perfect, flawless character.

    She is beautiful, has a short but very interesting lore, her starting perks are pretty helpful, Blendette was an iconic chapter of Dead by Daylight's history and she is an OG.

    Thought recently I should also mention my second main, Mikaela.

    She was actually the last character I got to P3 before the prestige change. That was at a time when I was really unhappy with the game, and Mikaela was the only reason I decided to stick around for a little longer before taking a break, so she is special to me.

    I don't have a P100 survivor yet, but I hope to reach that milestone with both of them.

  • Member Posts: 880

    she’s cool and gay

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I play Jeff, Adam, Zarina, and Gabriel because they all have backstories I can sympathize with, and good character designs too. They're the people I would root to survive if they were in an actual horror story. I also play Yun-Jin and Ace, less because of sympathy and more I just find their characters entertaining. I'm also playing as Jonah more often but that's mostly because I really want his Noir cosmetic set, I'm a sucker for detective stories so dressing straight out of one is very tempting.

    I also bought the SH2 bundle with James and Maria skins and I'm definitely going to get my money's worth out of them, especially James.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Whoever can hide in a bush effectively. Using Bite the Bullet mid chase is very fun.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    I used to main Kate because she was hot.

    The closest I have to a main, now, is Ada. But I don't always play her (usually, but not always). Sometimes I play Jeff because I can do funny things him him (dress in his road warrior costume and name myself "Mad Max", put on a halo and name myself "Jefsus", that kind of thing, I can change my name at will on the Switch). Sometimes I play Ash with the puppet hand because it looks hilarious when playing the lute. Sometimes I play Leon because he and his injured noises are hot. Sometimes I play Vittorio because he's hot. During Lights Out 2.0 my friend would be Mikaela and I'd be Sable (or vice versa) and we'd dress witchy and make circles with the candelabras. Etc.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I main Sable because i enjoy that she has dark cosmetics, i enjoy her menu theme. She is beautiful.

  • Member Posts: 38

    because he's groovy

  • Member Posts: 80

    I main Maria because she’s one of my favorite characters of all time. I even have her butterfly tattoo!

  • Member Posts: 473

    Because Ace is just better. No way around it, and nobody can deny it.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Look at her, the definitive final girl of DBD. Nobody does it like she does.

  • Member Posts: 1,013
    edited October 2024

    Think I answered this in another post thread, that had other Hot Takes of the whole DBD, but I liked Jeff since Legion and him DLC chapter. I liked Jeff because he was a biker type guy. Into heavy metal. And all that. And as killer I have mained Legion ever since then. But I sinced moved on to Vittorio now since his appearance into the Fog. Much the same for him, him being the much more Head of the Pack type biker. The Boss. Jeff being maybe the second in command type in a pack. Or even an enforcer type. Even though he has a kind heart ideal. But.. long story short. I like them both being Bikers.

    Post edited by IIITweedleIII on
  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Zarina, Yun-Jin, and Thalita are just goated. Simple as that.

  • Member Posts: 38
  • Member Posts: 376

    Sable. I have always liked the "goth girl" look.
    Like the sound of her voice too, and the menu theme.

    Currently at P37 - level 48.

    And yes, I will always bear the Puppers charm. The community lost a very good guy that day.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I main Claudette from a time maps were properly dark and being a "Blendette" was a thing.

    After the maps becoming stupidly bright, I decided there were no advantage to make a change.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I really miss my Blendette tactics. Those were the days.

  • Member Posts: 898
    edited October 2024

    i could not even be able to tell you why i chose to main Mikaela at all because i have 0 idea why i chose her, the idea came into my mind so randomly

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    Felix, ‘cause he looks like me kinda.

    Leon technically looks more like me, but with him being licensed ‘n all he’s less appealing to me.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    It might also have something to do with his sense of style.

  • Member Posts: 115

    Claudette because back in the day we can just crouch in the middle of a chase and become invisible

  • Member Posts: 4,884

    I vibe with Sable's style a lot. Pretty similar vibes to the stuff I wear.

    Also I'd also enter an otherworldly fog/torment dimension just to see my "best friend" (see: girlfriend) again.

    There's no way those girls are straight…

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited October 2024

    The other 3 Quentin mains are still asleep so i'll speak on our behalf. It's because we are always tired and we love our (former) Gremlin and his cool beanie. NoES fans as well.

  • Member Posts: 76

    i like cheryl cuz i like silent hill :)

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    A multitude of things, namely:

    • An IP I grew up with, and is likely responsible for shaping a huge part of my personality now.
    • My incessant desire to have unique, lore-accurate builds on all of my Survivors despite how bad 90% of these builds are leading to two of my three favorite perks winding up on them by chance.
    • Sharing a voice actor (Robbie Daymond) with one of my favorite characters from my favorite game of all time, as well as a major character in my favorite SERIES of all time.

    All of these combine to form the perfect character that is Baermar Uraz.

  • Member Posts: 328

    I mained Kate till they nerfed her physics. Now I main Ash because evil dead

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    Feng because I want the killer to chase me. Its works, truly lol

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    Alucard because he's very pretty.

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