Why I became a killer main after being a survivor main

The reason I switched to killer was due to many reasons.
- Survivors ratting out fellow teammates
- Inconsistent delays in skill checks
- Looping around killer being boring and pointless if no one does gens
- Survivors suicide on hook
- Survivors all trying to go for flashlight saves instead of doing gens
- All survivors are exactly the same, pointless changing characters.
- Survivors body blocking teammates in corners
- Survivors doing individual tasks such as cleansing totems for a challenge
I think these are the real issues that survivors should be complaining about, not slugging, tunneling, camping, aura perks, op killers, basekit mori, regres perks, noed, map design or whatever else so many survivors feel they need to complain about.
Most of the issues is due to survivors own teammates. I switched to killer and never looked back. I still do survivor time to time for tomes and things like that but I see the survivor role as a Mickey mouse role not to be taken seriously. It's more fun going into a match with that mindset thinking "meh probably not going to survive but will go for the challenge and never know might escape". Going into a match with the "I want to win" mindset as a soloq survivor might not be the best approach and may result in a salty attitude developing over time lol.
I think it's good to play both sides. Most of the toxicity in the community comes from people who only play one side and constantly blame the other side for their frustrations in the game. But I understand where you are coming from with your frustrations on the survivor side. I play about 50% solo queue and I see many of these myself. The biggest problem is matchmaking. No matter how many times I escape, I still get constantly matched with brand new survivors, people who refuse to touch gens, get downed almost instantly after a chase starts, etc. The matchmaking is just completely broken and no matter how well you do individually, you will never be rewarded by getting matched with competent teammates. That's the core issue here.
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At least 7 of your points - pointing out at unexperienced teammates, MMR void, poor team-play.
I was saying for many years - "The only issue with soloq - teammates making mistakes\plays poorly."
You should not expect to constantly escape in soloq, since it's very dependent on your teammates.
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You could probably alleviate most of those issues by playing in a SWF. Not even a cracked SWF; just a group of likeminded players who want to win.
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Point 8 really shouldn't count ever as challenges have to be done at some point. and survivor ones tend to be much harder then killer ones. AKA the hook 12 people vs Safe unhook 12 peopl.
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No. 2 happens alot on consoles, especially PS5. I wish BHVR would fix it already
No.7 BHVR can easily fix bodyblocking by removing collision after a player has 1 idle crow, it saves the support team time and trouble from having to keep banning their customers
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"No.7 BHVR can easily fix bodyblocking by removing collision after a player has 1 idle crow, it saves the support team time and trouble from having to keep banning their customers"
This can easily be fixed by not having collision with teammates but only onto killer for assisting in bodyblocking. It don't need to be that far for an Idle Crow to show up. That takes too long in most cases, the killer can take advantage of this behavior even before a crow shows up. Collision with Mates shouldn't be a thing. Less Sandbagging would happen if Teammate Collision wasn't a thing to begin with.
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I agree with you
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All feedback is valid. If people want to complain about tunnelling or slugging they are free to as much as you're free to complain about quality of team mates.
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Its basically boring. That's why I switched. Basically it's just sweaty killer after sweaty killer . I was playing survivor and the killer came into my stream.... Why did you give up. First, I didn't, second you basement camped. What exactly did you want me to do? I was injured.... I'm a basement with you camping. My options are nil. FYI..5 gens left. So yeah .. survivor is boring and just miserable to play. You get garbage points for staying in miserable games and even the blood web stop giving good tool boxes and streamers. Literally nothing to play for unless you want to harass a killer .. which I dont
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I feel like when I play killer I am 100 in control of my own experience in the game. If I want a chill game, I'll make it that way. If I want to sweat, I will. The survivors can't "force" me to do what they want. And if I fail, it's all my own doing. When I play survivor, I'm forced to play according to the wills of my teammates. If everybody is engaged in the altruism Olympics, there's not much point in doing gens, since everyone will be dead soon anyways. Teammates will dc or go next, turning the game into a miserable sh#t show. Sandbagging, teaming up with killer, etc. It's pretty annoying to die to a killer who's obviously not even playing that well, all because you got matched with locker hopping, map creeping, sandbagging, skill check blowing potatoes.
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Bhvr. is trying to.make survivors stop playing the game or switch to killer. Why they are doing this I do not know, but is obvious from their actions that they are. So good job, you are following Bhvr's guidance. I will keep playing survivor because I am more stubborn than is good for my mental health. Enjoy playing the game in easy mode.
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Survivors need to rethink their win condition. We aren't expected to survive most games. If I have some fun chases/ sneaky moments that's a win for me :)
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prolly so ppl have experience on both sides instead of bein one sided. :/
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i win if i had fun c:
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Yeah I've mostly given up on playing solo during peak times.
At off-peak times you're a lot more likely to get competent teammates in my experience, but once it goes past like ~5PM then you're outta luck.
SWFing is a good guarantee that you won't have a game ruined by a teammate instantly going next though. At least most of the time.
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i dont solo q during peak either i usuly get my friends and we play togteher and games are fun :)
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That's it. Solo queue gets ignored, because the devs think they know better with their matchmaking system. They don't. I've never seen a game that consistently gives bad teammates. This leads to you taking like 15 matches to do 1 survivor daily, if it's like escaping with X character or opening a gate with X character. You almost never get the opportunity, because 1 bad teammate ruins it for everyone. It's still not enough to disprove my conclusion, that survivor's ultimately still favored balance-wise, which is clearly visible anytime you gave a SWF or a good solo team. But the MMR, or lack thereof (who knows at this point?), stops those teams from forming, unless it's a 4-man SWF. And this is not a solution. You can't force the result of the killer having an easier match by shoehorning 1-2 bad survivors in. You're only ruining the match of the survivors and forcing them to 4-man SWF, or switch to killer which we see the OP has done. We need a real MMR system back, because we had it once, and people complained that 2-5 minute queues was too long, so to shorten them the devs force mismatches by introducing unqualified teammates to the lobby. Nobody's happy with the matchmaking system. It just doesn't get talked about as much because "Urg! The game's killer sided! Nerf them, and then the game will be a utopia!" or "Urg! Survivors are so strong! Nerf them, but don't touch SWF! That's 'punishing playing with friends'!" How's that working out? We could do the correct solution of giving SWF a gen speed debuff, and it still wouldn't do anything as long as matchmaking stays as is.
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I disagree. I've never felt 100% in control of my killer matches. You're only relying on the game not giving you good survivors.
But you're right: Uncarryable teams makes it to where even if you're doing the most efficient thing you can, staying on gens even through being injured and everything else, they're not doing anything and end up killing you. It's 1v4 for a reason. A 1v1 or 1v2 doesn't cut it. The devs keep hoping that they can buff survivor enough to make those uncarryable teams win. It's never gonna work. Those survivors don't want to learn what they have to in order to win; they just hide and heal, and hope they'll magically win. The devs' mistake is believing that those people want to learn and want to improve, when they do clearly don't. Or maybe they know this, and just on principle believe that the survivors should always have a chance to beat the killer no matter how poor they're playing. That's what their recent stream kind of eluded to.