I genuinely wanna thank the devs for the basket mori

my games went from killers slugging for the 4K 60-70 percent of the time to slugging for the 4K 95 percent of the time. Except now they slug both people, force one to lay there and bleed out (we don’t do hooking anymore) then go to the other one for their mori. Yes, I started tracking my matches and that’s what it’s been for me. Maybe people at other MMR levels are seeing different? I’m not.
Anyway, super fun. We always appreciate the encouragement of the slugging META. Obviously no one could have seen this result coming from the first time they talked about doing this right?
Time for survivors to always run unbreakable, boon exponential and soul guard. Cuz who wants variety in their playstyles right?
Bang up job.
I'd really like to see some stats on slugging before and after the change. I'm noticing a marked uptick on slugging for the 4k in my games - it went from being an occasional annoyance to all but a guarantee if I'm one of the last two survivors. I can only hope the novelty wears off soon.
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This is my experience as well, I just hope it’s as it’s new etc but yeah being slugged for the 4K when they have no idea where the other survivor is and I can see them crouched in a corner somewhere has gone from once in a blue moon rarity to almost every game now.
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Some survivors will just give up on hook to avoid them being the last one to get mori'd. Maybe it's petty but so is slugging, the vicious circle just got amplified...
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Devs just show time and time again how little they actually care about the survivor experience. Sacrificing our fun for a 10 second mori animation that the killer mains will eat up.
27 -
I've been surprised by how few Killers actually do the finisher mori. If the other Survivor has a long time on the struggle phase left then I get it, it would be boring to wait. But even when the second to last Survivor is already is dead, they still don't do it.
I guess some Killers didn't read the patch notes.
2 -
Yeah it really doesn't feel like a good change.
The 2v1 hide&seek situation was already one of the least interesting parts of the game, and this change makes it far more common than before. Now every survivor hides like their life depends on it because they don't want to get mori'd, and killers slug the 2nd survivor 90% of the time. It feels like a net negative on both sides.
20 -
Had a killer stand on the hatch for 15 minutes while I went around and did gens. Before I finished the last gen they closed the hatch and then patrolled the gates. I stayed out of sight because if you’re gonna waste my ******* time I’m gonna waste yours and not given you a free mori.
Bhvr needs to cut the **** and implement a surrender option.
25 -
I play both sides and I agree this change was not well thought-out. I see a lot more slugging for the 4K in my matches as well. I hope the devs are considering this feedback because this was a very unnecessary change that really nobody was asking for. Just let people use mori offerings if they really want to see a mori in a match. The only thing this change did was to significantly encourage unfun gameplay.
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I let the entity mori me all the time being crushed liked a bag of is chips funny specially cause calm spirit muffles the initial scream. I wont ever give these killers any satisfication of their mori unless its wesker or trickster.
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basket mori
22 -
Ah yes the basket mori where killers are balling
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Slugging is a tactic. Don't compare that to the ones killing themselves on hook.
That's a winner vs loser comparison.
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I read the patch notes and STILL completely blanked on it. Played 1 match of DBD, got a 4k, started playing some warframe and was like "wait a second... DANGIT".
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A survivor giving up on hook so the last one could find the hatch is also a tactic, but now it'll just guarantee the remaining player will just get mori'd instead. I will compare them.
18 -
You got a point. It happens so much a the start and so rarely when it's actually needed I didn't even think about it.
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Would have been hilarious if you found a key in a chest and got out via hatch anyway.
It's always struck me how strange it is that BHVR seems to have designed mutually assured destruction into the game. Want to slug for the 4k? Survivor just hides it out creating a boring experience. Bring an overpowered sweaty build? Survivors kobe on hook, leading to a boring experience.
They seem like they are easy things to fix, but they get left in the game.
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not my xprence i get one hooked and one left til the hook finish then mori.
LOL basket mori. c:
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ummmmm but thats still a kill they still get satsifacton of killin u… :/
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Now we just need a legendary Twins skin where Charlotte hits a survivor to death with her basket and then puts their head on it.
Uh… devs, I know that almost nobody plays twins, which indicates not so many people would buy the skin… but please make it happen. :)
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Yep if the game is 5+ hooks at 4 gens left its a hatch game and most survivors don't realize this. cause with the state the games in those 5 hooks are 1 dead cause of tunneling and one at 2 hooks from the second tunnel target.
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The times this has happened have appeared tp have gone down for me, after the noticeable increase in slugging the last 2 in my trials as Survivor.
However, just because it's decreased for my trials, it doesn't change my view that the Cypress Mori basekit is unhealthy for the game. Those "last 2 standing" trials are very unenjoyable.
As Killer, I just play as normal. If I down the final Survivor, I just randomize what I do, unless they've done somethung notable to warrant a Mori or escape. Killers 4K a good amount of the time anyway, so it's not like the Mori isn't going to happen
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Really baffles me how something we said no to something but it comes back and ofc for the killer its this finisher but survivors cant get base ub.
I thought the ebony and green moris only going to be extra blood points only if you kill the last survivor with them but no you can also bring them to kill others.
Post edited by buggybug on5 -
maybe because it's just a fun animation for the ending of the game?and bs ub for survivors is a completely broken and easily abused mechanic?
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Basekit UB would be an insane buff to SWFs while not really helping solos very consistently. Yes, it'd nerf slugging for the 4k and probably stop the practice, but it would turn save swarms into an unwinnable scenario for killers who aren't Pyramid Head. When someone's downed under a pallet or out in the open with 3 beamers lurking in the wings, the correct play is to slug, fake pickups to lunge at survivors out of position, and fake leaving so you can catch people trying to heal. If the slug can guaranteed pick themselves up, there's nothing a killer can do in this scenario.
There's better ways to mitigate excessive slugging/the killer's ability to bleed out survivors just to be a dick.
As for the moris, they changed those back because rewarding the killer with bonus bloodpoints only if they get a 4k incentivizes slugging for the 4k even more.
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Seeing the same animaton actually becomes stale eventually. Its not like MK where every character has about 4 kinds to mix it up.
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One option would be to let the killer Mori the downed survivor in a 2:1 situation, even when the other survivor is hiding, and after the mori the hatch spawns right next to the survivor, so they can easily jump in if they want, or try to open an exit gate, if they need to do that for tomes or dailies or achievments.
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The whole base kit cypress mori change was such a horrible idea.
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Yeah because slugging I suggested killer having ability to mori one survivor during match who is on death hook. So your not forced to slug as killer either to get the mori and bp bonus.
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lmao love this
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im marking for the record even us Killer mains said this was a bad idea we literally threw away the US vs THEM mentality and were on your side agreeing with you
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we badly need that Mori shop
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TBH I just played a few matches and totally forgot about it. It's not like there's any indication it's available. And I even read the patch notes and had discussions about the base-kit mori.
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There is one if you stand over the last survivor it has it as an option out of 2 pick up or kill.
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Yeah, it's very subtle. Especially since we're so used to seeing the Mori icon pop up. Maybe BHVR can add a mini Mori icon to make the finisher mori more obvious to players.
When I first started playing DBD, I didn't realise you had to mend after being hit by Legion because the prompt only appears if you stop running. So I'd run to a gen, start doing it and then suddenly bleed out. True story. You can imagine, Legion seemed very OP to me! BHVR could do a lot of things to improve communication to players imho.
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tcm also been giving all family members different kill stuff… I havent played it like forever though but I see on psn store they have a kill pack 1 2 and 3.
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tcm also been giving all family members different kill stuff… I havent played it like forever though but I see on psn store they have a kill pack 1 2 and 3.
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the kill packs are nice although i do want a tab in the shop for moris
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I typically just pickup as soon as I get near a dying survivor. Gonna take a bit to unlearn that for the last survivor.
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I’m so tired of being slugged so the mori can happen. I don’t even care if I’m the one moried. Ground simulator is boring. Can’t DC cause the punishment adds up, can’t just bleed myself out either. I no longer have any desire to be one of the last two survivors because it’s hide and slug game. Nearly every game (when the servers don’t crash) I’ve played today has been hide and slug. Unbreakable can only be used once and Exponential always gets snuffed. And respawning hooks was going to be the solution to slugging?
4 -
I didn't understand why you were talking about Mario Kart
And then, I understood that was the other MK…1 -
Ofc the respawn hooks would not stop it, killers was only trying to butter up survivors because hook respawn was being complaint about for awhile why its a bad thing to do and they didnt want to hear the complaints.
Same reason I want bots gone for this annoying playstyle cause they abuse and use the bots to their advantages of doing it.
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agreed, slugging was bad enough as it was. dev's rlly neglect survivor fun and keep pushing the comp sweat killer agenda
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yep its always the OTHER side that gets ignored and is the one thats all Op and sweaty.
on topic tho, idk why people would slug 3rd person instead of last. just kill person 3, go close hatch and then unless you get bad gate spawn/surv had it mostly open the 4th person is easy to take out and mori
base mori is fine, its not a problem, its just that both survivors and killers do things that the other group dont like and everyone treats each other like they are real life enemies