Is it just me or there is a steep increase of the auto-misses?

a.k.a "aim dressing"
I so often get turned into a wall when going straight, or simply hitting "wood" in the middle of nowhere (when I'm right on the survivor) that I'm wondering if something new is bugged, or if I'm encountering a new kind of cheat.
I have been experiencing this as well. My friend has said the same during his killer experiences. (3k hours)
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I think it could be due to the hitbox bug. Survivor hitboxes are slighly displaced forward after the mid-chapter patch, aren't they? The aim assist is probably tracking the hitbox in unusual directions and causing the killers to sometimes hit walls because of that.
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Directly after the patch I was having issues with missing guaranteed hits (both regular and lunges). I've never whiffed so much in my 3.5k hours. It got to the point I was stopping chase to check ping, but the pings were fine.
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Yeah, I'm having this issue.
And I already have to play with a somewhat lower sensitivity because I cannot handle the sudden changes in direction from higher sensitivities, so this is just making my life as killer harder.
As if being a Freddy main wasn't hard enough.
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The game, since the last patch, has been having major latency or desync issues.
And the major latency or desync issues is causing the aim dressing bugs to happen more often, which is why the game keeps forcing attacks to whiff, because the game is forbidding the killer from making a full lunge even though the survivor is too far away to hit with a short m1 attack.
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Game has been having Desync problems on both sides since the mid-chapter, so while the survivor might look close to you on your end, on their end they're miles away, leading to you either getting hits you shouldn't or not getting hits you should
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There's some hefty desync going on since the patch. I'm taking this time to learn Huntress because I can explain every miss as "desync"