Few questions for bhvr

1-why there is killer like nurse in the game that break all mechanics?why she is not reworked?

2-why chucky have so broken power with 0 cd?

3-why there isnt mechanic to prevent facing 13 times from 15 games blight? Ban 1 killer for example

4- why tunneling is still in the game?why this is not reworked in such way that either survivors win or the killer?

5- why i cant see my solo Q teammates perks like in mobile version,if you dont know what to do in this game -copy/paste mobile game, their skins too

6-why every gen regression perk is killed except pop and pain?

6-why survivors items, addons and offering are still not reworked,75% from all of them are total trash

7- why there is killer who have power like pyramid head but he have 2 more powers?

8-Freddy,Myers,Onryo buffs when?

9-some killers addons reworks when?

10- skin with animation like mobile version when? Like the Nea one?

11-what was the point with the mori rework?1 guy to be slugged to dead so the last one to be found and before bleeding he get morried ?

12-why there isnt bleed buton ?

If i was working for bhvr i would make the game 10 times better


  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280
    1. She does not infact break every mechanic. Hooks work, pallets can work, blinds work, etc. Shes not reworked cause that would turn her into something less unique to placate the whining masses.
    2. He doesn't and does indeed have a cd
    3. Because wait times would increase by miles
    4. cause you can't remove it without survivors abusing whatever would stop it and it would remove player agency
    5. Cause people would lobby shop
    6. They're not
    7. Cause the power specifically like Pyramid heads power is weaker than his
    8. wdk
    9. wdk
    10. wdc
    11. If we had to guess to end the match in style
    12. A good question in our opinion, dont know

    There ya go

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,758
    1. Nurse is cool she just needs some nerfs.
    2. Because people complained about scamper and the cooldown, which I disagree with with
    3. Would be nice, but unlikely to happen
    4. Behavior does not know what to do here and they don’t want to risk back flash to it
    5. Agree we should see teammates perks in the pause menu
    6. Agree
    7. On some killers it’s good on others it’s too much, but I’m not a fan of straight up copying already existing powers
    8. Agree, I hope sadako gets more like her first version with passive and local condemned, Freddy should also gets his first version back and Myers needs some buffs
    9. Agree
    10. Don’t know what you mean
    11. Agree
  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 904

    1-why there is killer like nurse in the game that break all mechanics?why she is not reworked?

    because she would lose whole identity as a killer + basically only things that truly make her OP are NTH, new Predator and quad slowdowns.

    2-why chucky have so broken power with 0 cd?

    idk, he is just 3 high mobility killers in one with significantly lower skill floor than each one of those, just too easy to play while too highly rewarding.

    3-why there isnt mechanic to prevent facing 13 times from 15 games blight? Ban 1 killer for example

    because e.g. SWFs could abuse this to ban Billy/Nurse/Blight, while overall some killers would face much longer queue times.

    4- why tunneling is still in the game?why this is not reworked in such way that either survivors win or the killer?

    because tunneling on it's own is not a problem, problem is that, even with so many anti-tunneling perks and basekit changes to counter tunneling, average survivor player still refuses to counterplay this strategy and learn chases, even if it is not that much difficult to counter.

    5- why i cant see my solo Q teammates perks like in mobile version,if you dont know what to do in this game -copy/paste mobile game, their skins too

    everybody was asking for this feature long ago, idk why it isn't in the game already.

    6-why every gen regression perk is killed except pop and pain?

    some nerfs were justified (like Eruption) but overall, BHVR seems to not be able to pinpoint the source problem of why gen regression perks are even used (and the reason only gen related perks were always meta)

    6-why survivors items, addons and offering are still not reworked,75% from all of them are total trash

    honestly, i don't know the answer to this one either, medkits are still very good, toollboxes are good, tho unhealthy, rest is meh

    7- why there is killer who have power like pyramid head but he have 2 more powers?

    probably because there is no more inspiration for powers.

    8-Freddy,Myers,Onryo buffs when?

    i think Myers rework is something BHVR was talking about, no word from the other two afaik.

    9-some killers addons reworks when?

    this is also a long-term question, tbh watching Pyramid Head still struggling with quite possibly the worst addons in the game makes you wanna cry.

    10- skin with animation like mobile version when? Like the Nea one?

    there are already skins like that.

    11-what was the point with the mori rework?1 guy to be slugged to dead so the last one to be found and before bleeding he get morried ?

    another question i don't know the answer to.

    12-why there isnt bleed buton ?

    you mean something like "give up" option via insta bleedout? Honestly i still think team give up vote needs to be added, but no info on that note coming from devs.

  • AngelOfHope2017
    AngelOfHope2017 Member Posts: 105

    1. I think the nurse is fine just how she is. She takes a lot of skill to play so anyone who is good with her deserves to dominate the game.

    2. I do not feel Chucky is broken. Annoying

    3. As a survivor

    4. Tunnelling is a major issue that needs to be fixed. I think there needs to be a penalty to the killer if they hook a single person consecutively (with the exception of the last survivor

    5. I do think that not seeing your teammates perks is a great disadvantage to solo-queue players. I think they need to be seen by the other teammates.

    6 (first one). I feel the gen regression is balanced as it is right now.

    6 (second one). I do agree that some add-ons need to be reworked

    7. It's okay for some killers to be stronger than others. I'm not sure why this would be an issue. Not all killers should be equal. Some should be more powerful.

    8. As an Onryo main

    9. I do agree that some killer add-ons need to be reworked

    10. I have found that these types of skins tend to be used by toxic survivors.

    11. I love the mori rework.

    12. I don't like the idea of a bleed button because you have to give the killer a chance to hook or mori you. It's not fair to just quit on the killer just because you chose to hide so they couldn't find you... which is why you bleed out.

  • AngelOfHope2017
    AngelOfHope2017 Member Posts: 105

    1. I think the nurse is fine just how she is. She takes a lot of skill to play so anyone who is good with her deserves to dominate the game.
    2. I do not feel Chucky is broken. Annoying, yes. Broken, no. I've won more than lost against Chucky.
    3. As a survivor, I love the idea of each player being allowed to ban one killer that they don't want to go against. It would force killers who only play one killer to step outside their comfort zone. However, on the other hand, as a killer, if I'm really good at a killer, I don't want to be banned from playing them just because some people don't like losing to them. So, I see both sides of this.
    4. Tunnelling is a major issue that needs to be fixed. I think there needs to be a penalty to the killer if they hook a single person consecutively (with the exception of the last survivor, of course). But, what would that penalty look like? Or, they could make Decisive Strike base kit and allow the perk to be used for an additional escape from the grasp of the killer.
    5. I do think that not seeing your teammates perks is a great disadvantage to solo-queue players. I think they need to be seen by the other teammates.
    6. (first one). I feel the gen regression is balanced as it is right now.
      (second one). I do agree that some add-ons need to be reworked, mainly the ones that cost a lot of bloodpoints to get.
    7. It's okay for some killers to be stronger than others. I'm not sure why this would be an issue. Not all killers should be equal. Some should be more powerful.
    8. As an Onryo main, I feel she is balanced right now. I do not think she needs a buff. However, I think Freddy needs a buff. As for Myers, no... just no... I've seen too many Scratch Mirror and Tomb Stone Myers to know that he does not need to be buffed lol
    9. I do agree that some killer add-ons need to be reworked, mainly the ones that cost a lot of bloodpoints to get.
    10. I have found that these types of skins tend to be used by toxic survivors.
    11. I love the mori rework.
    12. I don't like the idea of a bleed button because you have to give the killer a chance to hook or mori you. It's not fair to just quit on the killer just because you chose to hide so they couldn't find you... which is why you bleed out.
  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    because most of these, BVHR doesn't consider them as issues.

    1-Nurse is not considered a balance problem in for BVHR

    2-Chucky being able to use his ability is not a problem for BVHR.

    3- Because it would make Queue times for killer miserable. The problem is here balance in killers in which BVHR doesn't care to fix because survivor fun > killer fun. who cares if killer are useless or ineffective?

    4- They're working on fixing tunneling. In progress. Every patch slowly nerfs killer. trip trip trip.

    5-They said this feature will take YEARS…. to implement.

    6-Because BVHR logic on killer meta if they need change meta, they nerf the killer perk so killer stop using it. funny enough, when survivor need change meta, they just buff other perks.

    7-Again, Not a problem. Many killer have complex powers.

    8-When BVHR has to nerf a killer, its priority is shifted WAY UP almost instantly. When BVHR has to buff a killer, that is on backburner for AGES.

    9-Unimportannt, add-on balance is often secondary. primary power is almost always focused on first.

    10-They already make skins by their own devs. they do not need secondary dev to make good skins

    11-To make mori's more prevalent in games.

    12- Because they don't want survivors bleed out, They've always been against slugging. Why? Nobody knows. The irony is that some dev that worked on dbd have designed killer around slugging and bleed out yet balance so poor.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 768

    If i was working for bhvr i would make the game 10 times better

    If you want to work for BVHR, I'm not sure these 'few questions' are the best cover letter you can do. Everyone surely would make the game better but apparently BVHR needs a lot of statistics to spot a problem before 'to solve' it in any way.