Mori Protection Offering

With base mori now available for all killers, what if there was an offering that provided the final survivor protection from it until they had at least one hook state? I'd mostly see two possibilities, either it would reduce the amount of slugging as the killer would know they'd have to hook if they wanted the mori, or they'd just allow more survivors to bleed out. Granted it could be kinda niche as unless you're hiding all game; a survivor would usually have at least one hook, but it's just an idea. Of course I'm not trying to denying the killer getting the mori if they deserve it, but we've seen it can encourage toxic behaviour as of late...
this would be a really cool idea. Imagine a scene where it plays like the mori, but instead the character breaks free
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At first I was like "sheeeesh … why would you want an item that protects from Moris? The game is over at that point and this is just a funny animation" - but now I can kinda see the appeal. It would really be pretty niche, and I don't know how I would feel as the killer if it happens to me, but I can really think of some pretty cool ways of how the survivor fights back and gets one last chance to escape. I guess that it would be fun enough to play occasionally and not too bad for the killer, as at that point they already won. But sometimes it feels really bad when the survivor who tormented you all game also escapes to rub it in :D
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no this defeats whole point of moris just let the mori happen.
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I love this idea… because it deters killers from slugging the last person and waiting for others to die on hook to mori.
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This doesn't defeat the point of moris. The point of a mori is to watch your killer murder their victim. Why can't survivors fight back against a mori?
It would be fair to say the chase is the fight against a mori, but the same could be said of hooking, and survivors still get a tiny chance of escaping being hooked.
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So another useless offering to waste my Blood points?
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The Mori is just a special way to kill off a survivor who was already dead. The only exception is Devour Hope.
If you really don't want to see the Mori animation, just d/c.
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The survivor isn't already dead. They could have DS or some other perk that prevents them from getting hooked.
Also, dc is actively discouraged by BHVR.
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So you would much rather killer waits 60 seconds to hook the final survivor instead of just ending the game immediately.
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I think I missed something. Why would the killer wait 60 seconds to hook the final survivor?
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You're excuse for why you need to deny moris is due to DS. So would you rather killers force survivors sit on the ground 60 seconds instead of just executing the mori.
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Well, not so much and excuse and more of an example. There are multiple perks and even a very rare wiggle free that can get someone free from being carried.
And I didn't say to deny the mori here, just thought survivors being able to fight against it would be fun. It would be like a wiggle mechanic for moris :)
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Just to be clear, my original concept was involving the final survivor having no hook states at all. If they have DS available then clearly they have at least one hook state and can be mori'd, so there would be no reason in waiting 60s or letting them bleed out on the floor. Any final survivor still has a chance to make a play until they get downed so anything is possible.
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That's fair. I agree that a way to 'wiggle' from a mori would make it more fun, even if only when you haven't been hooked :)
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In no scenario should you ever be able to fight against a mori. The mori is the the end result of you losing multiple fights throughout the match. And frankly would make zero sense lore wise. Realistically What is Sable going to do to stop Pyramid head from cutting her in half? Nothing. I could see it bring more fun but it’s only more fun for survivors.
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I doubt anyone would use it.
Similar to sacrifical wards, no one bothers to bring them because they can get wasted.
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The finisher mori doesn't require you to have lost multiple interactions throughout the match; just one will do it. And the new mori system mainly only benefits the person playing killer. All moris also bypass wiggling and saves for the hook state they're happening on. From a gameplay perspective, it seems pretty reasonable that the survivor should have some way of interacting with a mori so that both sides can interact with it, especially when the ability to do one is being added to the killer's basekit every match. And don't get me wrong, I play killer :)
Also, lorewise, if someone is attacking a person, it makes sense for them to fight back. I have personally been nearly killed in a situation before where it's shocking that I survived, but I promise I didn't just sit back and die.
Your perspective is definitely valid though, and I do agree that someone super strong like Pyramid Head or Meyers will have an advantage, but that's why the survivors have very weak means of fighting back :)
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i thought we don't like matches prolonged for no reason?
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You realize hooks insta kill the last survivor right? Even if its their first hook. A finisher mori is nothing much an ego boost for killers so they can relish their 4k.
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I think the match is fun for me as long as I'm getting to interact in some way. So if I wiggle off and get to run a bit longer, I enjoy that. And a couple times, I've ended up surviving as a result (e.g. breaking chase and hiding, getting hatch). Even as killer if someone wiggles off, I usually just think "really?" and go down them again. But I've probably lost a survivor or two like that also, though that stands out less than my own unlikely survivals :)
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No one was complaining about cypress mori before and it always had the power to do that.
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maybe have it as a peotection if you are still unhooked or only hooked once? That way it woulsnt feel that bad for the killer.
Also, I imagine it as just animation ends, the survivor stands, and the chase continues