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Playing killer on Console is 100000x harder than Survivor

There is not 1 killer that is optimized for console. Playing dbd on PC is HIGHLY recommended.

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  • Member Posts: 3,386

    I play on PS5. So this isn't true to be honest. However, I don't totally disagree with you to be fair…M1 killers is a breeze. Killers like Oni, Trickster, Plague, Huntress, Death Slinger, Blight, Nurse, are a lot harder…. M2 Killers are not console friendly. When they gave singularity some love they helped out fellow console players, so I thank them for that at least.

  • Member Posts: 378

    I agree. Some killers just aren't fluid on console. Also the hit boxes are weird too. Even playing survivor on console is different than PC. There is a definite divide.

  • Member Posts: 156

    The main divide is filters, the fact a PC player has the option to make things look clearer and easier to see can sometimes be advantageous compared to console users.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503
    edited October 2024

    I've found Nemesis to be the most comfortable killer for me to play on console. Mainly because of his strafe, but it's also nice that the zombies aren't affected by the console's performance issues.

    I tried playing with mouse and keyboard on PC for a bit and was reminded how much I hate using WASD for movement. It feels so clunky and unnatural. I wish I could replace the right analog stick with the mouse and use a controller with my left hand for everything else. (I did look up those left-handed stick plus keyboard gamer things for PC that some companies have done… seems the best ones are retired and my god the things are expensive, it's a damn analog stick and some keyboard keys what the hell people).

    I've been complaining about how terrible most killers feel on console for so long, now. And we're still missing necessary controller options like dead zone and response curve. Those are important in general but especially with ranged killers.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I usually prefer playing survivor on console as I like the gamepad better for that role. (But I've cancelled my PS subscription so I'll have to find a great gamepad for the PC soon)

    For killer, I see no point playing anything else than keyboard + mouse.

  • Member Posts: 8,863

    I just wish KB/M support was on console. Feels so dumb that DBD limits consoles that are fully able to use kb/m for other games.

  • Member Posts: 1,149
    edited October 2024

    I've always been a controller player regardless of the platform, but I certainly struggle to play Killer on Switch quite as well as I do on PC. Mostly due to the higher ping (same wifi, so why do I get 20ms extra when I'm playing on Switch?) and other performance issues. Survivor is more difficult on the Switch too. The next time I see popular streamers attempt a Hardcore challenge, I'd like to see them try it on Switch. That's the real DBD on hard mode.

    Trapper is usually my go to Killer if I do happen to play on Switch. He's not so bad. Besides, nobody is doing any looping if their foot is caught in a trap (unless they double up to help each other out of traps, then it'll be GG pretty quickly).

    In any case, adding keyboard and mouse won't do much to help if the platform can't even support a solid 30 fps. I'd prefer BHVR focused on implementing that instead.

  • Member Posts: 203

    Very true. I get motion sickness from the motion blur from turning so much. I wish I could take it off.

  • Member Posts: 767

    It’s the controller analog movement I find to be the problem. You can’t move forward at full speed while using any left/right input and it means you can’t hug loops as tightly so lose distance and what would’ve been a hit on PC is a pallet to the face on controller. It’s most noticeable against Boil Over which is uncontrollable on console, the inputs just can’t fight against the wiggle movement let alone move forward at the same time and you have to try and turn into the wiggle in a kind of crab walk to get to a hook.
    I don’t know why analog movement is a thing for killer as when are you ever going to not want to be moving at full speed by only pushing the analog stick half way?

  • Member Posts: 787

    most of the time you can’t even spin pc killers on survivor on console. They have many advantages. Blight being prime example how fluid and smooth he is on pc while rushing with increased sensitivity. Also Hillbilly.

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    While I'll say PC is no doubt better overall, console killers are plenty playable. Having played every killer and seen quite a few decent killers on console, I think the only ones you should avoid are Trickster and to a much lesser degree Pinhead.

    Trying to control Pinheads chain on console is very difficult but it's hard in general so it kind of gets a pass.

    Trickster however requires a lot of micro adjustments using his knives and IMO is the hardest killer to play properly on console and none of the others even come close.

    Nurse, Billy, Blight, etc. are all playable with a lot of practice; more then you'd need on PC but are still plenty doable. I've seen a couple PS5 killers of those that I would have thought were PC.

    I've also played against a Huntress main on PS5 with I think around 5-6k hours and they were a monster. Not the best Huntress I've seen period but with the cross-maps, double hits and just general nasty shots they were insane. An outlier to be sure but shows it's doable.

  • Member Posts: 1,739

    As console player I do hardly disagree. Killer is extremely easy while survivor is mostly frustrating. The part I agree with you is that you have a huge advantage as pc player on both sides.

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