Is the Map Prevention system actually working?

I wanna start with that I know that the system is apparently offline for a week after a map got updated. As this is the case with Badham, it currently should not be enabled.
I also know that the system doesn't set the chance for a specific map to have a chance of 0 percent to be select, just near 0.
But here's the thing: the system is out since 07.03.2023, so over 1,5 years. At the start, there was actually an impact of the maps that were selected. Sure, the realm might have been the same, but realms like the Red Forest still feel and play different, unlike Badham, Autohaven or Racoon City (to a certain degree).
And now this year alone it felt that it doesn't really matter if you bring a map offering and/or a Sacrifial Ward or not, you will be sent to the same four maps anyway. This month alone I was more on Sanctum than on any other map, one day 5 times in a row!
So, is it just me, am I just extremely unlucky, or is the Map Prevention system really not working anymore and needs to be restarted?
Trust me all I get is swamp, crotos pren, lerys, and rpd. If I do get a good map it's the gosh forbidden small version where all you can do is run on top of each other and die because you are literally in arms reach of the killer with a big building in the middle of it