Was this the result BHVR wanted?

I'm lost someone please explain how they did NOT see this happening....
This is why I dislike haste on both sides without a drawback. Being able to stack stuff like this, on either side, just breaks matches.
12 -
I agree. If they want these changes just put in a ranked mode for all this and keep a casual mode where no side has perks and can't use items. Just go back to basics lol I'm tired of it all lol
8 -
I see no problem here. There is full build around the end game Plus this is the only way to feel speed on Legion (cause Feral frenzy is very slow by itself).
17 -
Then they need a legion rework not a bandaid. Unless they test it on all killers and get the same result and every killer is blight speed because just him walking, not even feral he can instantly catch up with no effort.
3 -
Yeah im agree on part that it mostly problem that Legion doesnt have enough base kit speed so peoply try stack all haste perks and addons. But any killer can stack this build and have the same speed or even more (Blight/Oni/Billy). Plus machine learning is gamble by itself if the last gen done not the one you kicked you loss value.
3 -
Honestly devs don't play this game and changes aren't even tested.
Because tell me, how could anyone don't see this combo?
"Aight, so let's buff this perk that gives haste. Hmmm, are there maybe any add-ons or perks that grants haste? Ah, there are quite a lot of them and combined they can be obnoxious" ~ said noone ever, literally.
Remember CoB + Overcharge + Eruption? Same case.
12 -
The build isn't as consistent as he makes it out to be. He also played against survivors who were kind of bad and kept giving a lot of free hits he shouldn't have gotten.
Content creator exaggerates how good a build is. In similar news: water is wet.
That said, this still shouldn't be a thing. I don't personally find this build fun at all, but it isn't healthy for the game.
19 -
Its full end game with gamble perk like machine learning and almost full haste combo, so nothing wrong with that. You waste all your pressure in the beginning to get huge value in endgame.
5 -
I remember when 3% haste "completely broke chase mechanics". Oh wait that was a survivor perk. Never mind. Haste for thee and not for me, understood.
25 -
Like there's so many good things they can do for the game like take the cap off chase points, diversify the perks more, they are trying to give us more game modes which I really enjoy, but something has got to give. It feels like they throw in crazy ideas in a hat close their eyes and pick randomly on what they are gonna change sometimes like ...you all made this game, know all the ins and outs and you never even had a second thought about how things interact or synergize in your own game? That's scary because that almost means you are losing love for the baby you created. We love the events and cosmetics already and the new opportunities we get with collabs, but where is the love for the core?
0 -
Mft could have definitely been something else besides haste, they already have hope for that and with hope you have to make it to end game to even use it and all gens have to be done. Which is pretty niche because you might get to use it some games but not all. The killer can't die so they are always gonna be able to use it lol. I think hope is more of a gamble where people who can loop well and not get hooked early game get the most out of it, very far and few between.
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i knew Machine Learning will be gigaop after it's changes, this just proved it.
Slapping haste on perks for both sides and buffing haste related perks is something that should stop
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Its an endgame build. Chill out. Those are very situational and sacrifice a lot of game control and pressure to attempt a comeback late game
10 -
That was also the case with perks like Decisive Strike and Adrenaline: They'd sacrifice a slot that could be used for gen speed perks or heal perks for the entire game for a chance that they'd come in clutch at the end game.
Still didn't stop people from complaining and the devs from changing the perks, so the whole "It's an end game build" kinda means nothing.
14 -
PvP games don't have endgame's its the same thing from hour 1 to hour 10k. Endgame suggest getting something that unlocks more harder content in a game then a new player.
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Waiting for someone to come in here with the mental gymnastics and tell you why it's fine for killers and not survivors.
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Playing cards with the killers who said 'I slug to win, not to be mean' as they just dry hump til death. Both lots are ridiculous lol
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Wasn't it Hens who made a video of him winning something like 7 out of 10 games playing just M1 trapper? He won 5 out of 6 here, doesn't seem broken compared to how powerful a killer can generally be.
4 -
When streamers make videos like this, its likely from a sample of a lot of games they've played. Or not. But I've learned never to trust streamers who say 'look how easy!' or whatever shock phrase might catch ya. Its all pretty much BS.
In this case, his games were not against any good team, at all. Its just cheery picking. If all this was recorded in one go, I'd like to see him replicate it over a larger sample size.
9 -
That argument didn't seem to fly when it came to Hope + MFT or Adrenaline
8 -
Adrenaline is still strong and if you didn't use Decisive Strike the entire trial then you weren't tunneled so you didn't need the anti-tunnel perk.
8 -
Im not sure what you're saying. Are you agreeing with @Eelanos?
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It's a disagreement. They act like Adrenaline was nerfed significantly, it wasn't, it's still strong. And using Decisive Strike to be effectively invincible in endgame was not the intended purpose of it, it's not an endgame perk, so it's irrelevant.
When killers get a perk that automatically sacrifices any survivors hooked in the endgame, then we'll have some valid complaints.
12 -
Never the less, their statement is still 100% accurate. People complained. They got nerfed.
And going from years of using a perk like Adrenaline to… what it became, its a huge difference. To each their own.
And in your last breath, you suffocate all voices that fall short of 'a perk that automatically sacrifices a survivor in endgame.'
Its indeed a disagreement, and I can't help but taste bias here. Balance and viewpoints are usually incompatible on this forum lol.
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I remember when NOED wasn't a Hex perk and had literally 0 counter. Nerfs hit everyone, most of them fair.
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Haste should not stack. Period.
3 -
Most. But BHVR are made up of humans, so error is always looming. I'd personally bring that NOed back. The rush it gives on survivor side, for me anyway, is always welcome. :)
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You are comparing an entire build made around the endgame..... To one perk that could completely ruin any momentum and provide a free safe escape
7 -
The people that balances are very pro-killer.
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I do not think this video is exposing an actual issue at all, it's complete hyperbole.
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End game means the literal end of the game….. Ya'know. like the ENDGAME COLLAPSE
5 -
Honestly this build is very fair. Yes the killer runs at 140% but the only way this works is if they manage to down all 4 survivors, which if the survivors split properly, should not happen. Then after 60 sec the killer loses most of its speed and after the NOED is cleansed, they are just a Legion with +6% speed, should get 1k at most.
There are a lot of genuine things to complain about in the game as survivor, Legion is really not one of them. I'd much rather face this build than say Chucky or Knight.
Also Hens wins the overwhelming majority of his games as killer, regardless of the build. The fact he won most of its games does not mean this specific build is particularly strong.
9 -
That's not the point, but if you want to compare effects, the entire build shown in the video gives:
- 20% extra speed
- 60 seconds of undetectable (No aura reading, no terror radius)
- Up to 60 seconds of locked gates and a warning when someone tries to open the gates for the first time
- The ability to instadown survivors (2 health state hits per attack)
These effects come from 3 perks and an add-on and you still have a 4th perk slot and a second add-on to round your build to your liking.
This is being compared to:
A) A single use 4 second stun that disables your ability to do anything but running for 60 seconds if you want to get any value from it
B) A single heal (potentially) and 3 seconds of sprint
These are your "ruin your momentum" and "free escape" perks that are single handedly outvaluing your 3 perk end game build.
5 -
It's a bit of a sweeping statement to make given that A) Hens is one of the best non-competitive Killer players out there and can make almost any build seem viable and B) a Youtube video is going to curate successful examples of the build rather than any failed attempts. Legion has basically no anti-loop, is allergic to large or convoluted maps and gets hurt by any number of Survivor perks that trigger when injured or in Deep Wound. Plus, you have to use the BFFs Pin addon which gives no benefit during the main game and requires a really large number of hits to trigger in endgame anyway. The average player would struggle to make this work in the average match for all these reasons and more.
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Congratulations to Legion for finally being good at something.
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Issue was MFT was INFINITELY more available than this build. This is just a pub stomp build while MFT always got value no matter what.
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They’re here. lol. Like clockwork. But I’m sure BHVR is watching. Things will be adjusted accordingly.
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That's an entire build leading up to one moment. ONE MOMENT OF THE GAME. They sacrifice most of the games for this one moment
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A moment that the average DbD player, who is nowhere near Hens's abilities, would probably flop, too. On a D-tier killer.
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This content has been removed.
Exactly, This is just silly
1 -
yeah, looking forward to next patch where they tone it down. Machine learning is super ######### obnoxious rn.
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Let's put in this way if survivors had this for end game build running at 140%, it will not make it past PTB for sure.
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Pretty cheesey-strat, but NWO-ED is always cheesey.
I never liked the idea of ML. Came out at the same time as MFT and I said as much back then that just slapping haste on things is problematic. Course the condition limited it's effectiveness severely, but we're seeing that problem now xD
Machine Learning makes it more over the top, but Legion has had access to BFF, NOED, NWO and PWYF for ages With these he moves to move at between 5.24m/s and 5.93m/s. Machine Learning takes it to 5.7m/s and 6.39m/s.
Its a nasty trap, but a risky one, as slugging only works if the survivors kinda let it happen. If you're split up miles apart from each other as you should be, the killer can't effectively slug you, and you can happily just split up and wait it out as long as the Legion doesn't get 2 fast slugs and is already able to find the third... but that's obviously a principle you can't trust your average players to respect... so yeah... it's cheesey and lame, but OP? Not so convinced.
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Getting BFF stacks requires you to literally throw games so yes I love funny meme build; Mr Canadian go fast zoooooom
Machine Learning is a fun perk. Vecna is fun with it too!
2 -
More movement speed benefits are an easy solution to disguise subtle cheats. harder to detect, an easy and cheap fix.