Rework/Nerfing Distortion Ruined the game

With distortion existing killers weren't spamming aura perks. you would see maybe 1 that's it.
Now all killers are spamming them. it's 2-3 per game because they know no ones using distortion.
Several Aura perks have litteraly no counter like nowhere to hide(unless you hide in a locker, but killers usually check lockers near gens) . And darkness reveal works any time you want. Survivor can't even get hatch.
Solo q always was bad and for some reason is never improved.
It was nerfed because a bunch of cowards were using it to hide all match and Survivors relentlessly complained about those few bad apples which made the majority of people using it (most of which were newcomers/casuals that knew that they weren't that good in chase so tried to focus on gens in order to be useful) lose the only reliable defense against aura-reading.
Ironically an indirect Nurse and Huntress buff. Will just make people use gen-speed perks instead, cowards will simply spend even more time in lockers. Nothing was fixed, a perk was killed and changed in the wrong way again and the game is now even less newcomer/casual-friendly than before.
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It was nerfed because a bunch of cowards were using it to hide all match
And how nerfing Distortion fixed that issue? Players aren't now hiding all match, aren't going to the lockers, aren't using Urban Evasion in the corner?
and Survivors relentlessly complained about those few bad apples
No, seems like cheap excuse for killer mains, because honestly - which survivor main would demand nerfing the only perk that hides your aura?
Especially after introduction of Weave Attunement and Nowhere to Hide?
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hey let’s not forget most of them have add ons too that have aura reading. It’s just insane. Punish those survivors that aren’t doing anything not the whole playerbase just bc those few survivors were doing nothing
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It didn't counter entire subsection of killer perks because it has limited tokens (to replenish them you had to be in terror radius - close to killer).
hide all game with no real way to locate them
How killers played that game when BBQ + Chilli was the only good aura reading perk?
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i believe dev exclusively said in interview that it was nerfed because 1 perk was making aura perks provide no value for no effort. don't think they mention hiding anywhere. It is pretty much free buff to tunneling.
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I would rather gen perks tbh, more flash bangs to crash the game jk but more flash bangs for saves or at least attempts 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 but hey they keep spamming all these aura perks they will get nerfed eventually too. So keep using them that’s fine by me.
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Then tell the devs to buff chase and Gen perks. Unless you don't want those either
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In the developer update they said
"Dev note: Many found a single use of Distortion to be very limiting, so we have reintroduced the token mechanic. These tokens now recharge while in a chase rather than by being in the Killer’s terror radius. This will prevent Distortion from hiding a Survivor for the entire match and reward those who are play well during a chase."
So at the very least people hiding all game was a reason for the nerf. I imagine that it countering too many perks was also a reason for the nerf as well, though.6 -
It does counter all aura perks because it tells you what perks the killer has, so you can go into a locker to save tokens or if you’re empty. Essentially meaning Distortion was infinite. Never mind the fact it got tokens in AND out of chase which is absurd because pebble and stakeout require you to be in the radius but not in chase. Which is harder to do for weaker perks.
It needed to be gutted. Glad the devs did it finally.
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it counters all aura perks but if they burn through all tokens they can see the survivor in the other hand killers have a perk that is completely shutting down a mechanic of the game and survivors can't do anything about it. the hypocrisy of killer mains is insane.
with how much aura reading perks and addons killer have distortion should'nt have been touched especially with the combo franklin and weave that give permanent aura reading. this combo is game breaking.
7 - might wanna read the whole post.
I mention that this fixed nothing. Killing Distortion won't change how rats play.
Cowards who hide all match and don't do gens are a detriment to their team. Survivors don't like being in a 3v1 from the get-go and one Survivor always hiding means higher chances of tunnelling (if it wasn't rampant enough).
It's true that many Killer players didn't like Distortion, but just as many Survivor players went berserk when they died and a Distortion user survived, whether the Distortion user hid all match or did half the gens by himself didn't matter.
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With distortion existing killers weren't spamming aura perks. you would see maybe 1 that's it.
so first killers were spamming aura reading perks like mad and Distortion wasn't the problem because "tokens were melted anyway" but now suddenly killers didn't spam aura reading perks? Such a strange twist of events when one narrative is pushed before, and completely another after the nerf.
Now all killers are spamming them. it's 2-3 per game because they know no ones using distortion.
or you didn't pay attention on killer's loadouts before Distortion nerf because you were deep inside the comfort zone while equipping it.
MMR in it's current state is the same as if it didn't exist.
SoloQ being in in's terrible state is 90% fault of average person playing survivor, you can pretend it isn't, but it's very obvious once you open your eyes.
Several Aura perks have litteraly no counter like nowhere to hide(unless you hide in a locker, but killers usually check lockers near gens) . And darkness reveal works any time you want. Survivor can't even get hatch.
yes, NTH deserves a nerf, as well as Weave and Predator because they are free info. But still, aura perks only make finding survivor easier, they don't secure chase to be won.
Solo q always was bad and for some reason is never improved.
because somehow average soloQ player doesn't want to understand that survivor is a team role + they feel like they "don't owe their teammates anything" in order to actually play as a part of the team.
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But still, aura perks only make finding survivor easier, they don't secure chase to be won.
Survivors don't know that their aura is revealed (Weave is an exception), so they may be crouching nearby and in case of Nowhere to Hide it almost always guarantees free hit.
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this is why i always vouched for NTH nerf. It's a braindead aura reading perk, especially on Nurse and with the fact that aura reading radius moves together with the killer
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would you prefer full gen regression build?
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Love the passive agressive nature. I always check killer loadouts. And i don't use distortion for months now. The thing is it was fine. Now it's all aura spam.
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You didn't understand the post than. The issue isn't distortion users. Is that because distortion is dead Killers are now all spamming aura reading. Before killers knew people could have distortion so they invested on maybe 1 aura perk or non. Now it's aura spam every single game.
To make things worse, the game has so many aura perks that barely have counter if non at all in normal circumstances.
Maybe you are a good looper. cool. but for the average player. they are just being destroyed left and right now.5 -
This post isn't about distortion users being affected. is about everyone. reread.
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YES PLEASE PLEASEEEE spam gen regresss at least game is playable.
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why are you all acting like this, seeing the aura of a survivor = his instant death, you just know where the survivor is, you still have loops, god pallets and second chance perks
+ this is still a very useful perk, and its recharge time is literally 1-2 palette and shift w6 -
i was an avid aura reading user until a year ago, NTH and Lethal Pursuer never got out of my builds. The thing is, i realized i'm crutching on those perks and that i need to get rid of them. Not only regards those or aura perks in general, but regards general kind of gameplay on both sides. I don't want to rely on anything that is truly overpowered and let it carry my matches without my skill being involved. Same with Distortion.
I don't hate anyone, i'm just stating how some perks can play heavily with your mind and literally hold you back from improving as a player and even finding more fun in the game.
I can't even describe how great it felt when i managed to finally build game sense as the killer and knew where i should be at specific moments of the match. Or when i first managed to screw up a killer trying to tunnel me, even though i died at the end, watching all 3 of my teammates getting out thanks to me wasting so much of killer's time was the moment i was proud of.
With crutches you will never truly achieve that state of mind, you will forever remain in cage called "comfort zone" as you get screwed many times purely thanks to relying on crutches, what leads to "everyone is to blame except me" moments
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I dont think bringing back distortion is a good idea, the only change I could see being relevant here is the old "aura is being read warning" or how it was used in 2v8, which warns Survivors their aura is read.
This would nerf all aura reading perks/ addons which I think will make aura perks feel more fair to the general playerbase.
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some survivors would run a full " screw my team i want to escape build " . Something like distorsion , left behind , sole survivor and wake up . Distorsion made it easy for the killer to focus on only 2 survivors and many times made it the only choice for the killer. How can they chase someone else they can't find ?
the best way to win is spreading the hooks against your team . You see someone on death hook ? ( go and literally throw yourself at the killer because winning a 3v1 is barelly possible). However distorsion allowed on played to neber get hooked or even seen the entire match . That is the complaint survivors had about it and it is very valid.2 -
YEAH no. Spam all the gen regress you want. at least people can still play the game. Woth aura reading spam people cant even reach a gen to do anything.
You need a good looper. Something teams don't have most of the time.
So you just get fed to the killer.
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Idk man. the mmr where i play at survivors last 10 seconds in chases.
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The game is still playable. I played a lot of matches without and with aura reading perks on different killers and there were only one player that complained about my FTTE aura reading-wallhacking-cheating perk. Otherwise, players don't really care.
I guess aura perks are rather a personal problem and not a metagame issue. You don't like them which is okay but they are not a metagame issue and therefore don't ruin the game like other perks did.
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How did Distortion protect you from tunneling? If you are unhooked, the killer doesn't need to see your aura to tunnel you since you're injured anyway. Also OTR would be a better choice if we are talking anti tunnel perks.
This makes zero sense.
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the killer will not chase any survivors. they'll use an aura perk like nowhere to hide and just kick gens until they find person on death hook or closer to hook. it does make sense if you play killer efficiently. distortion would allow survivor to hide themselves from aura perks so that they are not chased.
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The killer in this hypothetical is roaming around, not taking chase until they find someone with hook states. That's not tunneling. If they were tunneling they never would have lost contact with the person they want out of the game. In your scenario the other survivors are just doing all the gens while the killer aimlessly roams around in the hope they find the person they want.
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Seems you never gotten a billy with lethal before then, they will have you beg to differ..
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I do because if a killer is bad at catching loopers and sadly worst if all 4 survivors know how to loop the gen perks cant do anything at that point, I know this cause sometimes I do get those crack teams who can loop and my 4 gen perks become 0 value, but as a put on weaves + franklins am getting downs easily, specially cause they get greedy and wanna go pick up the item to not lose its charges. Besides tool boxes I admit are still busted and survivors have so much gen rush perks, hey you dont even need gen perks either, if two survivors go on a gen together that still makes them fast. Yes gimmie the gen slow downs, it also means more bp gain the longer gens are being worked on sad that some survivors wierdly do complain about 4 gen slow down.
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there is two types of tunneling in the game. soft-tunneling and hard-tunneling. hard-tunneling is tunneling that is often done after a hook save or after a slug save. soft-tunneling is selectively hooking people and ignoring everyone else. Distortion protected survivor against Soft-tunneling which would often force the killer to spread hook inefficiently and lose because they can't find right people due to their aura perks being blocked.
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Reckon we disagree. I don't think "soft tunneling" is a thing at all. Moreover current distortion will protect you from this as well.
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That's just not true though. Killers are not just mindless robots. Once a game reaches a certain point, chasing a survivor that hasn't been hooked and trying to get 1 hook on each survivor just isnt worth it. Even in games where nobody runs distortion you'll almost always have one guy that has less hooks then the rest because unless the killer has the advantage already, its not worth spreading your hooks out between all 4 players.
Your argument's really just an excuse to explain why killers dont hook all 4 survivors equally, which even in a perfect world they would never do.
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Touch down brother because even with no distortion teams I see tunneling, even the so call bbq chili that is claim to be healthy they use it to tunnel along with anything that reveals aura example a killer chasing a person but see someone with nurses healing (when they just got off the hook)what do they do, down them again) and hook them. Common thing with pyramid heads or very same bbq and chill I see people beeline right back to the person who just got off hook and down them again after they catch someone else.
There aint no such thing as soft tunneling or hard tunneling, tunneling is tunneling period( I know its not you that said it). Finally yes your point is on spot even 0 distortion team always seem to have that one person with 0 hooks hiding and never doing anything. I had this experience in like 190 out of 200 matches from a 13 hour stream lol. Killers will always claim tunneling is cause of distortion/gen slow down nerf when they always been tunneling when gen regression pandemic was happening its so old and silly hearing the same thing over and over 😑
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exactly. it isn't worth it which is why killer will tunnel because chasing fresh hook has no value. the strength in aura perks is being able to find survivors that you want and ignore the survivors you don't want. that is what makes distortion really good. if a killer doesn't realize that you have distortion, they may attempt to hook you. chase another person and than attempt to use an aura perk to find you but than realize that they can't find that survivor so they just waste time hooking someone that they can't find to kill them while doing gens in background. this forces killer spread hooks and have some hook will become wasted time sinks.
Your argument's really just an excuse to explain why killers dont hook all 4 survivors equally, which even in a perfect world they would never do.
right, but if survivor play stealthy, survivor can force you to hook survivors more equally because killer physically cannot find anyone other than fresh hook people and if they attempt to use a perk to find other players…. it is blocked by distortion. What killer usually do against this type of hide & seek gameplay is they hard-tunnel off hook. you can't hide & seek if a killer is proxy camping hooks and than hard-tunneling you out of the game. in any case, distortion has already been nerfed. it is no longer good for this tactical spread-hook gameplay. it is more of chasing perk to block aura reading in chase.
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Nowhere To Hide doesn't kill anyone. Neither do any number of aura perks. That's still the killer.
You could have all aura perks at once and what you said still wouldn't make sense. If the killer doesn't chase anyone, then what good are aura perks to them?
Nobody runs around the map aimlessly in the hopes of finding that survivor that was recently unhooked. That wastes way too much time. If you want to tunnel, you will either get back to where they were unhooked or you don't leave to begin with. Either way, you do not need an aura perk to find that survivor.
If they heal, you'll catch them before they're done unless they have We'll Make It and even then you still see their scratch marks. If they don't heal, you see the pools of blood and scratch marks. It's not hard to track that survivor down. No killer in the history of this game has ever stopped tunneling because a survivor had Distortion.
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There shouldn't be one go-to meta perk that invalidates an entire host of perks on the other side. And if Distortion being nerfed is THAT big of a deal, then that's what's going on. If you're so hard done by this nerf, you were too reliant on Distortion.
This is why Haemorrhage and Mangled were nerfed, so that Sloppy Butcher didn't just completely delete healing builds.
It's why Borrowed Time was made basekit, so survivors didn't have to run it every single game.
There are other great aura-countering perks:
- Off The Record is 90 solid seconds of stealth when you're at your most vulnerable.
- Shadow Step grants the whole team stealth in a given area.
- Object of Obsession turns aura reading against the killer.
- Sole Survivor gives you permanent stealth towards end game.
But why bother with any of these when Distortion recharges so quickly and effortlessly and counters any aura reading regardless of circumstance.
Maybe, if you really want a strong counter to aura perks, you could try bring more than one aura-countering perks yourself. Run Distortion plus OtR maybe.
I'm hoping we get more situational aura blocking perks too, to give us more options in different scenarios. But one single perk shouldn't be able to do it all, especially when aura reading is only an "issue" when killers bring multiple aura perks, and you're countering their entire build with one perk.
And if there are any aura reading perks that are problematic, such as Weave Attunement, then those perks need nerfing, rather than blanket buffing something like Distortion.
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Jeff went from being a calm, quiet observer to being in on the action. Idk it’s weird he has a perk that goes against what I thought his character was about.
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The real advantage of nerfing distortion is that it is now even harder to see whether someone is using a wallhack or not. In such a cheater-friendly game where more and more modifiers like speed inc perks aura reading and etc are added, this is another nice addition.