Dead hard
New suggestion for dead hard: if you get exhausted on the ground, you should immediately pick yourself up off the ground, much like the animation when you get revived off the ground from a teammate. This would help with players dead-harding and being exhausted on the ground against bad ping killers.
They're going to be reworking Dead Hard and interrupts/grabs from the ground up to make them work better against players with high latency. The devs' stated goal is to not change the perk at all, just make it work more reliably. When will these changes be implemented?
"Soon (TM)"
That should solve the problem, assuming it ever gets done.
...and now que the disgruntled hosts of low ranked killers who think that Dead Hard us OP/pReSs E tO oUtPlAy/uNdOeS sUrViVoR's mIsTaKeS.
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It never got fixed, 3.5 years later...