Skull Mommy's Nerf and People still DC.

Just got out of a match playing as Skull Merchant. 1 survivor dced and one gave up on hook at 4 gens. Imagine Skull Mommy getting nerfed to nothing and people STILL wanna give up against her. Shrugs To each their own I guess, but its sad…..
I mean, she is still not fun to play against, so...
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Shes a lot more fun to play against than legion…She has nothing to her kit now. How hard can it be?
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the d/c won't stop instantly, it takes time. over-time, they'll take a skull merchant match, realize that the trial wasn't that bad and more matches vs skull merchant will be played on average…. over 1/3 of being d/c's.
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Then a different angle: She's boring to go against due to no real power. Just an M1 killer.
Most have a personal issue with her, due to BHVR releasing her in her initial state and being tone deaf on anything around her. Holding games hostage, etc. You know the issues. I can't just 'forgive and forget'. She is a stain on the game and all hate she gets is deserved imo. Do better, BHVR.
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It doesn't matter what they do to her, how they change her, how they rework her. That's not likely to change truthfully. People will always react this way to her.
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Survivors have been giving up against any killer for any stupid reason.
Don't expect the SM to be an exception.
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I've played quite a bit of SM and it's absolutely different with her. People DC instantly as soon as they hear your terror radius or see your character. Or stand still and wait for you to hook them. It's off putting that people are taking out their hatred for 3-gen merchant that was in the game a year and a half ago on people playing SM today.
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I never play her myself: I've never liked her so I've never even acquired her (and I have over 200k shards).
So I can't experience DC against her.
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But if that was truly the case, then people would still DC against Legion. On their release, Legion was way worse than Skull Merchant ever was.
No, at this point there are no more excuses for DCing against Skull Merchant.
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To each their own. SM will forever hold a place of hate in my heart.
SM is the exception. Legion didn't do anything SM did when she was released. Not even close.
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Well I can, and let me tell you, it hurts. When they don't DC or give up, even if we had a good match, they are not nice in post game chat. It makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry. They tell me to hang myself in post game chat, to get cancer, and to die. They also mock me and humiliate me. And that makes me want to cry too. But you know what? I'm still going to play her. And I don't even BM or play mean at all. It makes me very sad. I just like the stealth and the scans and think she's fun.
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That's not right. I'd simply report and move on.
I'm rarely getting a bad end game chat.
At most I get a critique if I've played harshly, which I only do as an answer to my opponents doing it first. So my reply is easy.
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Yeah, I guess I'll just report without even responding and go next from now on. No real point in endgame chat when playing this character, it's usually just silence or that stuff.
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Almost as if the nerfs removed the only interesting part about her (her trap playstyle) and just boiled down her kit to “Worse Clown that has to put in double the effort for a third of the reward” or something
Who could have POSSIBLY seen the result of that coming /s
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People saying mean things wont ever stop. If a chat can make you feel like curling up into a ball and crying then I think it'd be in your best interest to disable chat all together. Its not saying that it's ok for them to say horrible things, but it is showing that its in your best interest to not see them in the first place.
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Without a complete ground up redesign, she is always going to be SM and the entire killer is just not fun to verse. Not excusing DCing or whatever but it is what it is
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I agree my friend. 100%.
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I am aware of that, however its more often with her than other killers.
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The random undetectable is still super annoying
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I played against two yesterday and no one DCd or let go in either of them. In my general experience it's a minority, even as hated as SM is.
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On their release, Legion was way worse than Skull Merchant ever was
This take is baffling to me. Yeah Legion's original design was bad, but I never got held hostage in one-hour matches by Legions for weeks on end after they released. In fact, I barely saw Legion when they released because noone liked them. Skull Merchant made the game completely unplayable for weeks. Every other survivor match lasted ~40 minutes.
Of course there was that brief stint where Legion's mending add-ons were bugged, leading to ridiculously long mending, but I played against that maybe twice back in the day.
Design-wise they were both absurdly offensive, but SM had a much greater impact on the game's playability IMO.
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Played against four since her rework and there was one give up on hook total. Which doesn't feel any higher than the rate people give up against any killer. Granted four isn't a lot of matches, but I'm yet to see the "survivors still giving up in swathes against nerfed SM" people keep talking about.
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SM is the exception. Legion didn't do anything SM did when she was released. Not even close.
Right? I don't get how people even think they are comparable.
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Exactly as I predicted. They nerfed her but didn't address what actually made her unfun. Now she is terrible for both sides and the issue that caused the nerfs is still there.
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I mean, her "interesting" part of her power was also boring to go against. Because there is no Killer/Survivor-Interaction. The Killer Interacts with the Drones and the Survivor interacts with the Drones.
The changes they did to her just made her another "Place something at Loop and force the Survivor to go away or get a Hit"-Killer. From one boring concept to another.
Strength does not have to correlate with how fun or unfun a Killer is. And Skull Merchant is just another example.
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i´m sure that skull merchant had an average pick rate, and the ´´super 3 gen merchants´´ were kinda rare to see, it was really annoying when it happened but it´s not like she made the game unplayable (thank god she´s gone since 2023 at least)
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I mean maybe I was unlucky but survivor was absolutely unplayable when SM was at her prime. The 3 gen nonsense was every other game.
Vividly remember playing as part of a 3-man and both of my teammates decided to give up playing for the day because we got held hostage three games in a row.
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The Entity really needs to just eject her into the void. Do better, Entity.
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While they were both terrible, I think Legion was worse because your match would be ruined earlier. With Skull Merchant, at the very least you could play the game until the 3-gen begins. With Legion, the moment they find you it is over because there is absolutely nothing to do against them, the killer had no counter.
Though maybe there are some other details about SM that I do not know. I was around for original Legion, but with SM I missed most of the controversy. I thought DBD was in a bad state even before her release so I wasn't really playing, and when I got back to the game she had already been reworked.
Either way, they both had to be changed.
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PTB Skull Merchant was fine
Then they buffed her again
People need to understand that she is not OP, she is annoying
I still prefer not playing against her until the full rework
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When it came to SM's release the antigen build during that time was eruption, overcharge, pop and call of brine. Well with her power some people found an optimal strategy to just throw all her drones on a gen and profit from the slowdown.
Well a few SM players as well as a small streamer (Cant remember their name but you can possibly find the vid of them going against an actual comp team swf) found out that you can hold a game hostage at 3 gens till the server booted everyone out (which was about an hour or more). Well that started a huge wave of SM players to use this build in pub games, and then people would start going for the 3 gen as soon as they were able to move their character. If you were solo-q you might as well just have dced or give up on hook because you were not escaping (even in the match with the streamer and the comp swf they were close to the game kicking them out)
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Lol absolutely not
Legion is far better
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Yeah, that’s a totally legit reason.
So why don’t just remove the bans on all DC when we’re at it?PS: Don’t complain if your teammates suicide for any reason then, not just against SM.
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Then people will just go AFK or hand themselves to the killer. Avoiding the actual reason why the majority of people are DCing will hurt the game in the long run.
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I disagree. To each their own.
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there are some matches where i could win with perkless trapper playing with one eye close and no headphones . This is not the killer being strong but instead some survivor literally load win and dont want to escape . So many solo matches where people give up before the match even starts as they go in with the sole intend of getting hatch or doing a ramdom tome challenge.
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I know the quote is not at me
But I never complain about suicides. If someone wants to go next so be it
If someone dies at 5 gens at will I just do the same and move on with another game
Again, this is a game, and being "mad" at a game is the last thing I will ever do in my life
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Apparently survivors won't be happy until every killer is exactly the same with basically no variation because god forbid they have to utilize different strategies or interact with different things.
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While it’s good quality of you not being tilted, I still think survivors shouldn’t be able to leave the match so early without any consequences.
It’ll be fine if it’s 1v1 game, but this is a team-based game. You’re screwing over all other people in the match including Killer, wasting everyone’s time.It’s funny this is still a thing for a 8-year Online Game :(
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I agree. However I also think BHVR should focus their attention on more important issues. For example, they should ask themselves why survivor players do not stay in matches. Perhaps they should address that issue first instead of simply dealing with the rage quitters
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You dont get the point. But I cannot say that I am surprised about your hostility.
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Unfortunately, the SM still has a reputation that lingers, and even though recent mechanics and nerfs have changed aspects of her playstyle the people who leaned into those arguably frustrating tactics haven’t necessarily changed. Her “unfun”strategies, like 3-genning and slugging, became popular because so many players used them to stall games, and those same players can still do alot of that stuff today (just not for an entire hour).
It’s not unlike the stereotypes of Bubba with basements, Tunneling with Pyramid Head, or proxy camping with Huntress. They’ve all developed reputations for those things. Certain killers can attract certain players who rely on specific, and (at times) frustrating strategies because that killers base-kit mechanics make it easy to take advantage of those tactics. (a Ghostface tunnel vs. a Trickster tunnel will be a very different experience)
Of course not every Skull Merchant player uses these tactics, or those other killers with those tactics aren’t always used, but it happens frequently enough for that reputation to persist. (Survivors are a bit different since it’s just skins but there’s still reputations. Like Dwight’s in lockers, Claudette’s who hide, colorful Feng Mins who BM etc.)
It’s less about the specific changes to her mechanics and more about the frequency in the mindset of players that created the stereotype in the first place having not changed.1 -
They left her in horrendous state for way too long, and id argue her rework made her more annoying and frustrating for the average person to play against. Then they left her at a 70% k/r which is they said did not take dc/s or first hook suicides in to account. They left her so unfun to play against and so problematic for 18 months. Thats an insanely long time to have that bad of a rep. This is not something that will recover after 1 patch. It will take probably 6 months to 1 year before her bad rap starts to dwindle imo
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Survs says this and never say what it is or its an extremely petty reason
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Do you DC against Myers or Ghostface?
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I got 3 skull merchant dailies since the rework. DCs every game lol. I'm just gonna reroll em from now on.
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The only issue I have with that is despite face camping Bubba being very prevalent, and untouched for literal years, people generally love Bubba. Even that is in spite of the fact he's a buggy, inconsistent mess. I don't think there's ever been a point where Bubba didn't have something bugged or unintended in his kit, even now, yet people still like Bubba.
Same for Huntress and Pyramid Head, who are still absolutely capable of their agregious and unfun gameplay...
Skull Merchant's agregious gameplay on the other hand has been nerfed 3 times. 1 with one AFC, 1 through a complete rework and then 1 through a butchering nerf to Skull Merchant herself.
What really gets me is Singularity can do pretty much the same thing Skull Merchant used to do, stall out the game by hard holding a 3-gen, only tempered by the very nerf Skull Merchant brought in... yet he basically gets away with no criticism whatsoever.
People hate Skull Merchant on principle. Nothing more... and while I acknowledge the long list of flaws with Skull Merchant, at some point it switches from a Skull Merchant issue to a community issue, and I'd argue we are far past that point.
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Lol literally everybody mentions whats bad about the game
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Perhaps It really comes down to the level of irritation. Basement Bubba, Proxy Huntress, or Tunneling Pyramid Head, while frustrating, are over relatively quickly. In the height of Skull Merchant’s days, games could last 45+ minutes. This is a community that’s not known for its patience, even being bled out for 4 minutes or survivors taunting at the exit for 2 minutes can drive people crazy.
While tactics like tunneling or camping are annoying, and can be detriment, they don’t compare to an hour-long game where Skull Merchant could hold even the best survivor teams in the world hostage. That’s why her reputation is so bad, it wasn’t just frustrating to face her it was exhausting. Her ability to drag games out to such an extreme, especially against highly skilled players, left a lasting negative impression. It’s like getting really bad food poisoning. Some people can never touch that food again because of just how awful the sickness was, even if the chances of getting sick that same way are low. The absolute misery that you experienced that 1 time was enough to keep you away from it.
I’m not happy about the hatred, but I understand why it’s there. Especially when you consider how many people defended “chess merchant” it just gave this nasty reputation that the people who play her don’t care about anyone else but themselves and will go out of their way to make the game as miserable as possible just because they can. Kinda like with SWFs. More than likely the majority of SM players aren’t like that, and majortiy of SWFs aren’t like that either, but it happened enough to get a nasty reputation that makes people want to delete both things from the game entirely just because of how frustrating the memories of the bad ones are.2 -
It's what me and others have been saying this whole time before the update- No matter what BHVR does to SM it won't change a thing because a lot of players in the game have an issue with entitlement behavior where they refuse to accept any form of reality at all if it isn't their's and will just say "let's go next" the INSTANT there's something they don't like.
That's what was the biggest issue with SM before her nuking since too many survivors refused to give the match a chance and give up which then screws their team over causing them to give up as well. Imo what BHVR just needs to do is try to find a way to discourage this negative behavior from all players on both side instead so that we don't have all these kinds of problems.