Are the adept achivment disable?

I got the dracula game with his 3 unqiue perks and didn't get adept after killing all four survivors.
Any reason why I didn't get it?
Best Answers
I don't think Mori counts as a kill for adept.
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That's were you lost the achiement... You have to sacrifice them all to entity to get adept. It's for sure annoying I lost adepts to last one bleeding out.
Did any of the survivors bleed out? If not, I would think it's a bug. It wouldn't be the first time an adept achievement was bugged.
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this can be the case, but adepts are sometimes bugged too.
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nope a mori the last one with the free mori.All of themm (except 1) died by hook
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Well that sucks. what the point of Mori then?
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Unless you bled one out or didn't have just his three perks equipped, then it's a bug. You can get adepts with moris (I got Chucky's yesterday with the last kill mori).
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Moris do count but bleeding out does not.
If you used the new end game Mori on the last survivor it may be a bug with that, but I’m sure I got some using an Ebony Mori.0