We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

So what exactly is the goal with Vecna

HexAvadaKedavra Member Posts: 38
edited October 13 in General Discussions

I mean he just seems… bad?

The survivors get gadgets that just provide free counterplay to some of your power or get out of jail free cards with the 2 special magic items.

His powers are also just bad. His mobility is mediocre with a longer cooldown than any other mobility power in the game, his dispelling sphere is a flat out BAD information tool it's disastrously slow, flight of the damned is genuinely funny how bad it is because all survivors need to do is crouch or go in between the skulls without missing a step or even gaining a step and then mage hand is about the only redeeming tool he has.

I get it, lots of powers need to be weaker to compensate but weaker is big difference compared to horrid. Most of his powers are horrid.


  • Fuzzycube
    Fuzzycube Member Posts: 254
    edited October 13

    He takes a bit of getting used to but:

    The dispelling sphere also temporarily disables any magical items a survivor currently has, I find it useful for scouting generators where I can aim the sphere one direction then go in the other.

    Fly I like using after getting a hit OR when used in combination with Friends ‘til the End, it can also travel over vault locations and pallets, I’m not sure if it’s much quicker but seems okay when there’s a vault with a big drop like in RPD or Dvarka Deepwood.

    And Flight of the Damned takes a bit of getting used to, if timed right you can hit survivors when they are animation locked vaulting or dropping a pallet and also if used from a lower position in a map then ducking won’t help the survivor avoid the projectile, it can also go through walls to catch people off guard and almost all of the time firing it off will make a survivor duck and slow them down.

    Vecna also has a lot of interesting add-ons that mix up how he plays like with the faster and larger dispelling sphere and the iridescent that makes it also cause the broken status it means you can use it when a survivor gets unhooked to stop any healing, although the Mage Hand then isn’t as good since it only breaks pallets instead of lifting them however while it’s breaking the pallet a survivor can’t vault over it so it’s not all bad.

    I like using Surge, Friends ‘till the End and Franklin’s Demise/Weave Attunement since he’s mostly getting m1 hits, I hear Rapid Brutality is also popular to use with Vecna.

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 89
    • Use dispelling sphere in chase to nullify item effects and to find rats outside of chase. You don't want to give survivors free haste with mage hand.
    • Spawn skeletons on people around corners or otherwise in a way that denies a window/pallet vault. Use elevation differences to (practically) guarantee hits. Use them to deny late hook saves for free (though this has become less important with 70 second hook stages + reassurance).
    • Use mage hand to deny strong pallets. Fake mage hand to deny a pallet against someone who predicts you're going to use mage hand. Again, use dispelling sphere beforehand.
    • Use fly as a fast way to vault strong windows (like shack) and cut people off from locations you don't want to chase them at. Using it as pure map mobility is more often than not a waste of a cooldown you could've won a chase with (though double cooldown add-ons can help here).
    • Laugh as people screw over their entire team and let the game snowball out of control by using the eye and hand willy nilly.

    Vecna's really not bad by any means. You just need to know what your cooldowns are capable of and not waste them if you can help it. Other than that, you have 4 powers, 4 perks, and 2 add-ons. Be creative. Find what works for you.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,463

    sounds like you don't understand how to use his kit.

    use mage hand when survivor is in the 0.5 second animation of dropping the pallet or a little before. it will lift the pallet up allowing you to walk through and hit them on next loop. watch out for people that pre-drops pallets and rush gens.

    Use fly to get around the map to enter chases. Alternatively, you can use fly to catch-up the survivor after a health-state. it can also be used like old chucky scamper to fly over pallets but you need calculate distance between you catching-up to the survivor around loop. only works very long loops.

    Dispeling sphere is more for disabling his items than anything else. it does provide information but i'd rely on your game intuition more so. Still, throw this ability when its off-cooldown. it is most free ability in his kit that should be spammed every sec it goes off cooldown.

    Flight of the damn is likely his most difficult spell to use. the main trick to spawn skeletons on top of survivors. it takes 0.5 second for skeletons to spawn and hit survivor but if you do spawn skeletons on survivor perfectly, a lot of survivor have poor reaction time and will get hit by them. The other way to use his flight of the damn is to force survivor crouch the skeletons which makes survivor lose distance allowing you to m1 them. experienced survivor will almost always go between his skeletons but that is only 1% of good loopers.

    Spend time learning his kit and you'll do better with Vecna.

  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 27

    His goal is only to give survivors that achievement they can only receive by vsing him specifically. Cause as a killer with 4 powers he's embarrassingly weak.

  • HexAvadaKedavra
    HexAvadaKedavra Member Posts: 38

    I mean he's bad as in every power except mage hand is awful. Again, I understand 4 power needing to be weaker, but when only one of them is even remotely useful and on top of that you just give survivors multiple gadgets to combat the killer, then you have a problem.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,152

    I don't really get it either. He just seems like a noob stomper.

  • Bookern
    Bookern Member Posts: 319
    edited October 14

    heres the problem hes on the fence of being weak and ok however he does have some major complaints. Obviously is one majority complaint Mage hand Survivors hate Vecna can pickup the pallet their middropping for a guranteed hit. And another Major common complaint is Vecna able to spawn skeletons directly in their hitbox and want the skeleton spawns more closer to vecna.

    so worse case he might get nerfs to fix these complaints

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 684
    edited October 14

    I think he's solid tbh. Flight of the Damned is good for vaults and zoning, Fly can be used after M1's or just getting places, Dispelling Sphere blocks his gadgets so they balance out power wise and can be okay at tracking if you're out of options, and Mage Hand can get a cheeky hit with the right playstyle.

    I'd honestly rank him as one of the better members of the cast. Not top 5 or anything, but good.

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 89
    edited October 14

    I think Mage Hand is a bit…fundamentally boring to go against, but they've already nerfed it before. The smart thing I could see them doing is buffing the haste on the mage hand items to make using dispelling sphere mid-chase even more palatable.

    But it's BHVR in 2024, a BHVR that feels like they draw mechanical tweaks out of a hat, then put them back in the hat before drawing them again and scribbling on the final draw. Anything is possible. There's a reason "nerf Pig" became the legendary meme it is.

  • Wiccamanplays
    Wiccamanplays Member Posts: 139

    Vecna's complicated and he could possibly benefit from a little more power in his kit (he got nerfed after release since his killrate was actually shockingly high at first: I'd like to see partial basekit of Ring of Spell Storing and maybe a tweak to Mage Hand to make it more user friendly), but I enjoy him a lot. He has a rare example of clear and relatively balanced counterplay between Survivors and a Killer's power. He's not S-tier, and he may not even be as strong as Dracula in the right hands, but his playstyle really clicks for me.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,540

    I must be in the minority as I think he is actually pretty good

  • Bookern
    Bookern Member Posts: 319

    Sadly Survs just want to counter Vecna without the use of items which is his whole point

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 790

    Flight is a good mobility-power but with more cooldown than a lot of them that's true. The sphere takes way to long if it isn't near you that's also true. The skelletons are used right one of his strongest powers, you just have to place them directly into the survivor, that's also counterable with crouching but most people aren't able to do that through walls xD

  • HexAvadaKedavra
    HexAvadaKedavra Member Posts: 38

    See my thing with skeletons is, if I need to be directly inside of the person to hit them with it, I might as well just swing. It isn't like trickster or huntress where it's encouraged to go up close and still use M2 because huntress can follow up that first M2 quickly with another M2 while they are still relatively close. Trickster can already instantly start building up for the 2nd injure while they are still running away with the speed boost from the first one.

    Vecna doesn't have that. If you hit with the skeletons from that close you're just going to have to hit with an M1 afterwards.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 877

    4.6 killer with on demand killer Instinct is all I needed to play Vecna lol. Makes my Legion brain tingle

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 790

    If you manage to place it inside them while you're on open field, you can actually two tap them. Outside of that it's just a free hit if you can do it consistently xD