I lost 50 consecutive Soloq matches

I'm never playing survivor again. It's bad for mental health.
And was it right after you said "Okay, one more escape, then I'll stop", too? Happens every time.
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I just played a survivor and escaped first match. You died 50 times in a row?! Man, were you afk or something? :D
I can't win matches for you to make you feel better… The only thing I can give you - a little motivation… Just look at that guy - he knows his stuff:
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Playing Solo is the hardest role so think of it like playing a dark souls game or playing on the most difficult mode. It can be absolutely miserable and it is designed for you to die ALOT. But when you win…it's ecstsasy! Quite the high. But then you'll forever be chasing it and…well…
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ok I have lost 10 straight solo que games in the past, but 50 is crazy
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The most frustrating thing is playing solo Survivor and getting the usual teammates, then switching to Killer and get stomped by a 4 man swf or at the very least 4 good Survivors. This scenario happens way to often and it demotivates me to play this game more and more.
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That has to be a record. Congratulations
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It was a player on here who said they won 2 survivor games in 200 hours of play time.
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I wouldn't be too upset at yourself, the game is inherently one-sided and poorly balanced because the developers of this game want it to be that way.
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I'm not disagreeing that solo q can be awful, but you really lost 50 in a row? Even I find that hard to believe
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I don't find it hard to believe as MMR doesn't split between survivor and killer. Played up to higher ranking in SoloQ survivor and first ever game as killer was vs 2 P30 and a P100. So if her was a killer main going to survivor to test it suck more.
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... but did you try playing the lute?
Seriously though, I really don't understand what SBMM is doing if it's not moving players into a bracket where they escape at least occasionally. 50 losses makes no sense. (Edited to clearly say what I mean.)
Post edited by TragicSolitude on2 -
That's almost incomprehensible. I've had some
roughbrutal days as a solo queue surv, but I've never gone more than 10-12 in a row without escaping.If you lost that much your MMR would be so low you'd almost trip and fall into more escapes than that.
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Just because you are high prestige doesn't mean you are any good. Me? I have a P50 Jill Valentine, multiple survivors 9+ and all at least 3. But I have about a 20% escape rate according to my Nightlight stats. Killer side I have a P55 Pig and about a 65% kill rate.
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IIRC my record is 18
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Didnt say anything about being good. when swapping to killer from Survivor for the first ever game on that roll, killer MMR should be at 0 not tied with your survivor one.
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I believe it tbh
I was tracking games and got to around 70 ish games and realized I escaped less than 15 games and just pretty much gave up on tracking as I think the results spoke for themselves at that point. Mostly due to inefficient team play and there's nothing we as individuals can do to make up for poor play
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My point was that just because a survivor going against you is P100 doesn't mean THEY are any good. Plus, as so many others have said, if you have significantly played as survivor, you likely know what tricks survivors have and how to counter them. So yes, your early matches will be very very easy.
Prestige is a measure of how much time you've spent playing the game, it has nothing whatsoever to do with your MMR. While likely those with high prestige should be better in theory, that's not always the case.
In fact, I have a P50 Jill, but most of my bloodpoints come from playing Killer side. So that should tell you even more of how little my P50 Jill means to my survivor MMR.1 -
yeah seem extremely hard to believe but solo q in this game is something special..... i don't rule anything out.
"brutal days as a solo queue surv, but I've never gone more than 10-12 in a row without escaping." my most is 13 . You're eventually going to win by default due to someone carrying the team.
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I would never play survivor until the balance is changed. You are nothing more than a punching bag to a power role character in a video game.
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You must be really low mmr. Actually its only posts like yours that make me think mmr is not actually a myth in this game.
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this game really makes survivors lose more often, my advice to you is that every second is very valuable... always touch gen when you are not being chased or idle, in the current meta genrush is there because if your team doesn't do genrush it is certain that the game will be difficult and chances are your team will lose.
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I was only saying that it really sucks OP had such a string of bad matches. We're told MMR is based on dying vs escaping through the exit gate, it doesn't matter how well or how poorly OP may have played in the matches, the simple fact they kept dying should, according to BHVR, lower their MMR and put them in a match from which they'll escape. So why didn't that happen? What is going on with BHVR's SBMM? Because even dying 25 times in a row shouldn't happen. Not if BHVR wants people to keep playing survivor, anyway.
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Well I think once you pass a certain point you cant go back down or something? Thats what other people have said i dunno how it works. You are right though it definitely does not work well.
Post edited by doobiedo on2 -
😂😂😂😂 you really do make me laugh.
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Why is nobody of the dev's commenting why this happens and how the player thinks it could change? Where are all the community managers to offer words of encouragement?
For me it looks like nobody at BHVR takes pride in their work anymore and the gamers have to suffer because of it.
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I'm convinced that a significant part of the survivor playerbase actually has a BDSM / submission fetish and enjoy survivor as it is now.
Compared to other games, DBD has a very obvious over-representation in submissive player names like "Choke me Daddy" or "Myers' Wife" (to stay polite). Pretty sure anybody has seen these names a few times. As killer, it's also quite frequent that my survivors do something suggestive, like moan tech, or crouch and show their *ss etc. At first I thought it is just funny (and I still think it is) also who am I to judge these people - but I'd say yea DBD has clearly disturbed some people's mental health.
Curious to see how common this has been to other killers or if it's me who's playing in a way that triggers these types of people more lol (I'm usually playing meme builds, nodding etc.)
Post edited by Saiph on5 -
You have to remind yourself that, as a soloq player, you are merely meat for the grinder. You aren't supposed to win. Your purpose is to satisfy the power fantasy of some killer player. Remember, BHVR wants the game to be slightly killer sided.
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losing 50 times in a row means you are likely doing something wrong. Even on bad nights I can still get multiple escapes before I'm done playing.
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100%, and I hate to be this way, but I have to believe that's either an outright lie or a gross exaggeration.
The absolute hyperbole about how unendurable solo queue play is makes my eyes roll all the way back in my head.
I play 90% of my survivor in solo queue, laying back on my couch with no headset, often playing paying only half attention because my wife is trying to show me cat videos or something, sometimes just mindlessly grinding for BP, and I escape like 30% of the time. Probably like 35-40% on days when I'm not half-assing it. And I'm not playing at top MMR (obvs), but I play against good killers most of the time.
And that's not some sort of stupid flex, I'm not that good and I don't really try all that hard. I'm just vibing on autopilot half the time. Survivor just isn't as bad as people are trying to make it out to be.
It's like "maybe if enough of us claim to literally never escape, BHVR will buff survivor a bunch", but the stats just don't jive with the "surv is impossible" narrative.
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Oh wow. That is some dedication to the craft 😆
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It's not a joke when I wrote this. I had survivors giving up, hiding, trolling, working with the killers, not repairing generators, griefing, being toxic, disconnecting. I had killers playing as sweaty as possible day and night. They were either smurfs, lowering MMR by using auto clickers or whatever method they used to bring themselves down a notch in the system, or a high MMR killer filled in the queue because the previous killer left the lobby, or killers using VPN a ping so high you have no chance to escape crazy hits. They slug for 4K, they tunnel and proxy but simultaneously patrol the gens. 3 genning.
No, soloq is miserable and I'm not exaggerating or lying. This is happening and I'm done with playing survivor.
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This here is written so heartfelt, that I am just bound to believe you … but dayum, 50 consecutive matches sounds like its literally impossible.
Would you want to team up for a night? I know, in that case we were technically a duo, and that improves chances already, but I would want to see what kind of matches you get ^_-
BTW, I am not a fire survivor, but I can (sometimes) hold my weight for the team.
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Either you’re really bad Survivor who drags down the whole team, or you’re insanely unlucky that you got paired with trash teammates that suicide 50 games in a row.
Honestly I feel like you’re exaggerating, no offense.
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This is what happens when you have a trash matchmaking system.
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What is moan tech....?
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Yeah this but at least now for some reason I been getting more often easier survivors. But yeah you do just wanna quit the game when that happens. It sucks.
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Yeah that is something I can relate not stopping playing before I escape at least once. Though nowadays Im tired of this and one bad game and im done for the day probably. I
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Yeah 50 is lot but it's doable if you have worst luck and you're altruistic. My longest is 10 straight loss too happened for me twice at least. There were couple games I could escaped but just not any luck. I
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I had survivors giving up, hiding, trolling, working with the killers, not repairing generators, griefing, being toxic, disconnecting.
This I absolutely believe.
SBMM is based on escapes when it should be looking for survivors who do stuff like this. Death is a much easier metric to measure but filtering this type of behavior into its own bracket or queue would do a hell of a lot to improve the solo survivor experience. It only takes one teammate to throw the entire match and they can do it in so many different ways, like by going next on the hook or by refusing to participate (whether to grief or because they think it's a valid playstyle to wait for the hatch). A killer has to put forth some amount of effort to kill three survivors, but for a survivor it takes little to no effort to kill their three teammates.
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This is the worst survivor has ever been for me in the many years I have been playing. I honestly think I had more fun during the eruption meta. I logged on tonight and got matched with a 10k hour Hillbilly from a comp team called Cynic. I figured it was just a bad game but then I got Nurse, Chucky, Blight all running slowdown builds against my little solo queue team. I just logged off at that point.
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Hey now, calling me out for preferring to play survivor and saying it's BDSM. 😂 I enjoy playing survivor, but I like to have the challenge so I guess I BDSM myself into solo-queue. 🤷🏾♀️😭
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The Paradox of survivor MMR is that lower MMR brackets are more killer sided.
As survivors improve and gain experience, the difference in skill expression increases faster than it does for killers. Mostly due to teamwork and just the fact that skill expression is multiplied by four. Thus high MMR is survivor sided, low MMR is killer sided, generally speaking.
If you're a low MMR survivor, and your teammates are low skilled survivors (which is likely because they're low MMR) then you will have very poor chances unless you play cautiously and selfishly, and run Sole Survivor.
But that's really the solution here. If you need an escape or you think you need to climb out of MMR purgatory, run Sole Survivor and Wake Up, maybe a healing perk or an anti-tunnel perk, be the last one alive and then rush out the gates when the hatch is closed.
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Just remember when you go on 50 solo survivor losses in a row, there is some killer player out there going on a 1000 win streak in row.
Don't waste your time playing solo survivor.
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When you carry survivors and they spam the wiggle button it basically makes them moan really fast in your ears
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Solo queue for the most part was never perfect but I can definitely say that playing solo survivor before SBMM was stupidly more tolerable than now it is now.
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high MMR is survivor sided, low MMR is killer sided
You're absolutely right.
It's funny, I've been complaining about that side of SBMM since the beginning. Play well but your teammates don't, you die, MMR goes down, get worse teammates, cycle goes on forever. I guess it's just that it feels like at some point the game should hand you a win if you keep dying, but that's only a feeling and not how things actually work.
To get out of low MMR players are basically required to either play in a 4-man or play in an extremely selfish manner. Such an awful system. I can only wonder what data BHVR's HAL 9000 matchmaker is feeding them that SBMM continues to exist in its current form.
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Yeah, but I can't roll… (Imagin a perk where you can actually roll)