I know is 2024, but noed needs another nerf
We all know how clutch that perk can be, little wheels for killers that got rewarded for doing bad. In times like this where survivors can't spend too much time cleasing totems because tunneling is almost in every match, noed is just a slap in the face. I suggest some changes:
-Survivors now are notified when they are exposed after finishing the last gen, so they are aware of that and can search for the totem.
-Now it needs two dull totems to lit, like that can be avoid uncounterable situations where the killer hooks a survivor next to the hex and there's nothing survivors can do.
-Remove the speed bonus, killers really doesn't need too much help if they're doing it bad.
Yeah, maybe I'm salty, but if adrenaline was nerfed because it was so clutch for survivors, noed needs a nerf too.
Adrenaline got a little nerf because it provided instahealing even to survivor that was on hook prior to gates being powered.
NOED is a clutch against...bad players, in any case with survivors being semi-decent at the game, it will secure 1 kill at most.
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Or NOED is fine and isn't even good.
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Even though I've died to NOED, I really don't think it needs any more nerfs.
As soon as someone is hit, NOED is discovered, and at that rate survivors should go and cleanse the NOED unless the hooked survivor is right on top of it. I think NOED is fine the way it is, personally.
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Noed is really annoying, pretty pathetic to use it, but it's okay. It's just for bad killers
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Or new 😃
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New killers are bad until they learn stuff. Its okay :)
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Or for niche endgame builds
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Noed already received a nerf, you can see the aura of the totem. That predated the adrenaline nerf. So if you look at the game as a seesaw and when one thing gets nerfed something else needs to get nerfed(wrong way of looking at the game btw), adrenaline is merely caught up with noed now.
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The Perk is poorly designed but not even that good of a Perk.. it should just be reworked into something else which is strong and healthy.
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You are funny…
- display to survivors they are exposed
-remove aura reveal of NOED to survivorsThis way you won't get on suicide save of hooked survivor, but you need to try a little to find the hex (not like totems are hard to find).
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I'd say to have it no longer show it's aura but to be lit on two separate totems.
Being in two totems at once makes it easier to find already.
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I just don't agree with this at all.
Even if I've been the one to go down to NOED and hooked on NOED, it's best to just leave and let the person die.
Putting it on two totems defeats the purpose of a Hex totem because no other Hex totems spawn like that other than a Plaything, which is earned.
Sure, it sucks to die to a NOED. I've been there many a times, but I think the way it is now is perfectly fine. It's not like the perk is hidden after someone goes down and there is genuine counterplay to NOED especially if the killer is slugging.
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That is just an inherent buff to the perk, in my opinion - I don't know why people wanna change NOED and make it harder to get out of the game lol.
Yes, people are aware of being exposed - but that defeats the surprise effect that NOED actually provides and I don't even play with NOED lol.
Why tell survivors they're exposed and then remove the aspect of finding NOED from the totem itself? This just incentivizes slugging and monitoring the doors, lol.