The absolute best way to nerf NOED

increase killer movement speed by 15%.
Thats it.
if any totems are lit at the end of the match then everyone is exposed. And the totem cannot be destroyed. So you better have destroyed all totems before the gates are powered. This isn’t attached to any perk. This occurs every game.
Pretty sure this is bait. That or you just a had a very bad day.
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From not_Queen.
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I’m saying get rid of NOED
and make it something that activates every match when the gens are completed if all the totems aren’t cleansed.
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That is exactly what it is now...
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Okay. Its still wrong, though I'll explain why. Legion runs at 132% movement speed, which is about a 15% movement speed buff. With this buff, every killer would become broken because they would catch up to survivors much more quickly than intended. After all, you can't properly loop Legion and 110% speed killers are like that for a reason. And that totem idea is stupid. It would be a living hell for solo survivors and gives a advantage that there is no real counterplay for.
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ok so when I'm playing solo and we go against 3 blink + range add-on nurse with ruin and sloppy, do I just give up? nearly impossible for us to do the gens already and now I have to do a SECONDARY objective before my main objective so I don't get cheesed out of endgame? you're nerfing noed by making it basekit lol. this idea is horrible.
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NOED should only give Exposed Status to number of times a killer has hooked survivors.
Hooked survivors 6 times? Get 6 insta-downs.
Hooked only hooked 1 Survivor? Only 1 insta-down.
That would help alleviate NOED being OP training wheels to baby killers and bad killers.
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Noed is fun though....
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Exactly. Make it basekit
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I'm a survivor main. Leave noed alone. It's easily countered. Clean 5 totems. They take, what, 10 seconds each? If you choose to gen rush and ignore totems, that's your fault. When I play killer, I use noed, not ruin. Ruin spawns too close to survivors a lot of the time. Too often ruin is broken before I even find a survivor. Noed, and by extension, totems, are the alternate survivor objective killers keep asking for.
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Do you even know what "nerf" means?
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Well actually if they made it more powerful it would get the nerf it needs.
The more powerful NOED is, the more the reason for survivors to destroy the totems in the match.
Which means it will be taken out more often, and thus less killers will use it.
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The only thing about NOED we currently need is an INDIRECT change in Form of a totem counter (or something similar like sound notifications for each destroyed totem) for solo survivors. That's it.
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I wish Small Game would show # of totems, like TotH does. You still rarely see people taking it, so it's not a meta perk. People get mad when you search for totems instead of doing gens, and I'm only trying to help the team. The way it is now, every solo survivor must search out all five totems or their pieces. This change might be pretty strong though, so I understand if we never get it.
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Just remove noed nurse and legion. Ez fix
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Break the totems. It's the best way.
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They should rename small game. Totem hunt or something.
Poeple dont understsnd that if they have some patience and destroy all the totems before the killer hooks someone’s, they’re ahead of the game.
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While where making funny jokes, let's buff decisive, what's so hard about doing some totems?
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For me the main problem with the NOED is the movement speed from the perk. You can loop a Killer with Devour Hope 3 stacks, I guarantee that it is way more easier.