Why was the Tricks and Treats bundle removed?

There was 2 bundles with the same name when the event started. The one that was removed had Sable, Mikaela and both of their new outfits. But this bundle is not in the store anymore. Why was it removed, will it come back and when?
i never saw it
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Huh, weird. Gonna hold off on buying these until someone either confirms or denies if it was intentional.
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I wanted to buy it too. It was for like 1.8k… I guess they removed it to get more cash
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that sucks
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Can we get a dev comment on this?
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Hi! We wanted to confirm that it wasn't removed. The bundle only shows if you don't own part of it, but was mistakenly shown to some people who did for a brief period. Sorry for any confusion!
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Okay so I was being to charitable when I said it was a bug. If you want people to use your new stuff and you have it cheaper for only some people they won't use it, and this is unlike every other bundle you guys have ever released where you can own part of it, I'm going to call BS either have a bundle for all or none don't punish people for playing your game longer, what are doing guys. If you guys are going to emulate Fortnite you have to emulate it fully and guess what bundles are available for everyone in Fortnite no matter how much you've purchased.
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But i don't have both of the outfits in the bundle, shouldnt it show for me? Or is it not available because i own both of the characters
EDIT : Sorry i think i understand now that it only shows to people who dont have any of it3 -
I completely agree. Doesn't feel great that i cant get the -360 discount because i bought the characters through the chapter at launch.
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This needs a clarification on the bundle. So, if you do not own Sable or Mikela, you will see the bundle? Can you define on owning part of it? I currently own Sable and Mikela I won't see the cosmetics then?
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I think what they meant is, the bundle only shows if you don't have any of it.
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That's kind of wild that it doesn't show if you have the characters.
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IMO, that's utter BS to couple the characters and the outfits in this bundle and restrict you from purchasing it if you own ANY of it.
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total greed
like that bundle get all killers or all survivors and you get a charm with bundle but if you own all killers or all survivors bundle is useless
no one in they right mind pay that much to get a charm.
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so were punished now for buying they chapters.
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It's weird because I have an offer for a Zarina bundle in my store - survivor and cosmetic - despite owning both already. If they're supposed to be advertised to those who have nothing included in the bundle then they should be consistent about this.
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Right? We all have been seeing bundles for survivors we own, PLUS a cosmetic, since the store change. I literally have two up right now.
It's a bad lie. They made a decent sale, decided they'd lose a few bucks per person, and instead of paying it forward for our loyalty and all the thousands of dollars we've given them over the past few years, they decided "WHOOPS DIDN'T HAPPEN." 😂4 -
the bundles are a joke. The reason why they remove is it because you see how "great" of a discount you get if you buy parts of it.
There's a SM+Huntres+vinyl figure bundle. I bought the SM skin and the bundled saved me 1 auric cell and gave the two vinyl figures for free.
I suspect its the same with the mik+sable bundle.
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well this bundle save you if you own both survivors is 1800 and both skin cost 1080 which together cost 2160 but the bundle is 1800 which is a saving of 360 auric cells.
so tho who got they chapter being rip off for being loyal customer.
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That's quite a break from the previous buy-what-your-missing bundles, and we know BHVR hates making any changes.
Will that be the system going forward? I wonder why the sudden unwanted and unpopular change.
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Yup. I bought the Mikalea skin and now the bundle isnt in my game. So If I want to buy the sable skin I need to pay full price. Sort of a slap in the face to long term players.
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they need to put that bundle on for everyone
I mean if some buy the game and sable chapter new comer be locked out of the bundle so what the point?
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so any reason why this discount isnt extended to existing customers/buyers?