Can we please nerf Predator.

It completely kills any viability for any perks focused on losing chase with the killer. Not to mention how many nurses I run into that just get free wall hacks
I mean… It does it's thing once per 40 seconds…
I haven't tried it on Nurse tho, and I don't think I've ran against Nurses with this perk so I don't know how bad it is for a survivor.
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almost every perk counters some other perk in the game.
we cant just nerf a perk that some people use just because in 1 situation of 1000 it does something you dont like.
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many survivors forget that the big red rectangles on the map are not just for show, you can hide in them and your aura will not be visible, this is especially effective against the nurse
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They should just change it back to what it was before or rework it again because its just a bad and unhealthy concept for a perk, even if it's not on nurse.
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It's not really a problem except for Nurse and I'd argue that's a Nurse problem not a Predator problem
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Ah yes. Jump into a locker against a semi-competent Nurse and tell me how it works out for you.
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While I understand the frustration, Nurse is not a good killer to use as an example. Blight, Wesker or Hillbilly are better examples when mentioning mobility based killers.
Everything is broken on Nurse. With or without predator, most goof Nurses don't need aura reading to catch up or get the down.
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Let me walk you through some scenarios of what I'm talking about.
youre in chase with killer and you use deception to juke the killer and you hide around the corner while he checks the lockers. Nope Predator tells them where you are, or the inverse , you succesfully use a locker to hide, so he knows you must be in the locker since his red beacon didnt go off.
Heres some perks that predator counters when youre trying to juke the killer: Bite the bullet, Dance with me, Deception, Lightweight, Low Profile, Lucky Star, Parental Guidance, Quick & Quiet, Self-Preservation, & every exhaustion perk2 -
It did what it should be, hard counter dance with me and quick and quiet (when this 2 perks get buffed it became very easy to loose a chase with a killer, so predator not punish survivors for playing good cause you not playing good when this 2 perks get all job for you). Untill Dance with me and quick and quiet stay the way it is, predator is health counter for them
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Predator doesn't deserve a nerf as is, but it's going to get one simply because of Nurse
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i dont think they nerf this perk cause its too good on one specific killer with lowest killrate
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i havnt played in a bit and didnt know they changed that,(it had been scratch marks or something i believe last i seriously played 6ish months ago) its a perk i find super appealing because im very easily confused and turned around in chase and lose people so that would be helpful for me. But i cant say thats "unhealthy" its a counter to perks that make it easier to lose chases.
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The only way it shouldnt be nerfed is if they add/rework several other perks to also block aura reading perks.
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i hope this discussions make nurse get rework honestly, i'm tired of nurse being the central mindset of a perk being nerfed
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Well with that logic we gotta buff nurse then
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A potential change could be a token system where it starts with 1 token and you get 1 each time a generator is completed
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only in dbd 2024 do we get post on "can we nerf predator?". i never thought i would ever read a post to nerf predator.
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Nonsense, sorry.
Especially against Nurse it shows that Predator can be really broken. As it is repeated ad nauseam from people who defend Nurse, you have to break LoS with her. And people who talk about this all the time act as if this would be easy. But even IF you manage to do that, Predator will lead the Nurse instantly back to the Survivor.
And this goes for every Killer, every smart play a Survivor can do (aside from Looping) will just result in the Killer having the location instantly.
That it needs to counter Q&Q or Dance with Me is also not really something which makes sense. I dont see those Perks at all in my games on either side, at max I see Q&Q paired with Head On. And I certainly never lost Survivors who used those Perks, you act like if you just have to equip them and you will escape every chase.
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Earlier this week I played as Artist to grind the 50 downs with dire crows trophy. The amount of free bird swarms I got when a survivor had outplayed me at structures or any other sort of cover was ridiculous. Flushes them to run out into the open and made downing a survivor a lot easier countless times. Also caught a good few sneaking into lockers.
It's not a healthy perk. Why should I be rewarded for my bad play? I only used it because I knew it would make the trophy a lot easier but overall it makes no sense.
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Distortion counters Predator though. You get tokens from running the killer.
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When will they learn, that this killer is harmful to the game?
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Predator is fine, it's an entire perk slot to get aura reading when chase breaks.
Predator is not fine on Nurse though.
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firstly, yes, jumping into the closet is a good tactic against the nurse, secondly, if you see that the nurse is deliberately losing the chase, then she probably has a predator, in which case distortion will help well, you just shift w running behind the obstacle, so the nurse will spend a lot of time searching for you or to catch up with you
in the second with out distortion case, you run around different structures and seeing that the nurse is losing the chase, you jump into the closet, in the worst case, you will get hit when you leave the closet and gain time to exhaust the nurse + searching for the right closet; in the best case, the nurse will lose you
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Not to mention how many nurses I run into that just get free wall hacks
Just give Nurse blidness while charging her blink. No need to nerf a perk that is fine on any other killer.
She would stop gatekeeping so many perks.1