Why should survivors play this event again?

Zero reason to ever enter the void. In void survivors are exhausted, broken and don’t know when killer are there.
Killers know when you’re there and are undetectable and their powers work in void.
No haunts this year to release which was HUGE for gaining extra BP inside and outside of the void. The BP gain this year is pretty garbage.
Useless smoke bomb that hinders you just as much as killer
Killers can use their event power and their M1 almost simultaneously to basically instadown survivors.
So again… why should survivors even play this event? I’m basically gonna do the tome so I can get the event items and that’s it.
Just a quick note to the devs: You know it WAS possible for you guys to give killers some needed buffs to make this event fun for them without completely destroying the experience for survivors correct? Just checking.
I see no point in each side to enter the void to be honest
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This event sucks for survivor, killers get all the good stuff while survivors get nothing...
Post edited by turksmall236 on22 -
Not too sure why survivors are exhausted TBH. Killers have their Power there now. Survivors leave scratch marks, etc.
But far as I know, depositing energy for an event item will also give you bonus BP. Perhaps it's not as much as releasing haunts like last year?
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It is what it is. I'll play the event for the challenges so I can get the event items, and that's it. It sucks because I was looking forward to the Halloween event. After all, spooky season is my favorite time of the year.
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same. I was so excited for this and it’s a huge letdown.
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I have a lot of fun with smoke bomb, one of the best things they did, but I guess you guys will never be satisfied. Maybe just not your game?
The only truly useless event for survivors was that one which gave Coup for killers and Iron Will for survivors on crouch, but literally every event same people complain here that * put event's name here * is useless.19 -
I have to agree. I play the event for 3 hours now and actually I think I am already done with it. I will do the archive and thats pretty much it.
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Or maybe we’re just giving valid criticism? If you like it that’s cool, doesn’t make anyone else’s criticisms invalid and doesn’t mean this isn’t our game. Go enjoy it if it’s for you and let those of us who are unhappy express why.
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It's somehow 10x sweatier than the main game
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On top of that survivors make noise, cant heal… all of my matches in the event mode have been against sweatlords, its hilarious at this point
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Yup. Going against all the uber sweats that come out for every event makes playing basically futile
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If you are being chased by the killer after the gens are complete then running to the void is a smart play. If you go down and get hooked in the void then you are teleported to a random hook which will be far easier for other survivors to save you compared to going down and getting immediately camped by killer.
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Survivors does not become broken if they are healthy when entering the Void
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Survivor base is already strong. Even if you did get nothing, which I doubt is the case, you're still set to win.
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Is that why the killer win rate is 60%? Doesn’t seem like survivors losing 60% of the time is strong… for survivors.
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Is there truly no reason to go into the void? Last year people said the same thing but I just ignored them and I was showered in BP.
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i absolutely hate when people have opinion like I really can't stand it why can't everyone be like me?? How come in a game with hundreds of thousands of players they are not all the same and all satisfied by the same things?? People these days I swear…
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You do get a ton of BP from farming event stuff, and being a void-walker
Two guys brought BPS, and I ended up with a nice 233k total
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It's always like that with limited time modes, to be fair.
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Thank you! I'll see you in the void!
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For the cool cosmetics 😎
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If you play against really incompetent players.
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Because it is fun!
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And they have no interest in doing the event. They just have an interest in ruining it for other people. I think if you’re playing a game and not doing anything for the event but you’re playing the event you should be locked out of playing it and have to go play normal mode if you wanna play like a complete jackass.
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I'm just playing for the Tome. Only enter the void if I have to
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Wow a switch of power in the event? Surprising. But either way its still pretty much value for a survivor to enter the rift. You take the killer away from the literal map for no map pressure at the cost of no exhaustion.
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This event is killer sided :/
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Yeah, it's always the same with the sweats. During events I try to take it more chill and let more survivors "off the hook" baduuum and most today seemed to be in the mood for memeing around after most of the gens were done. Made some good BP today and personally I think that the smoke bomb is extremely strong it completely messes up everything and I just bump into a wall until the effect subsides.
The killers phantom I haven't completely figured out yet, I guess when it's summoned it flies straight ahead and makes everyone it flies through scream and after x flighttime it attacks, potentially injuring/downing survivors. But I don't think hat you got any control over when the attack takes place right? Gotta time it right.
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this person thinks every killer in the game is weak. So ofc he thinks that💀
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Unless you want the event items there is zero reason to play this event as a survivor. The void is 100% a detriment to survivors.
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Its pretty simple ... Do the rift....smash pumpkins, move on. I've been saying survivor is a boring useless role. They keep making it worse so why bother. Rift, pumpkins move on
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Having played killer on a handful of games now, I don't think the void area is so bad for survivors in terms of chase. The big structure in the middle is a pretty safe place to watch for the killer and it takes a while for the killer to path up there and there are plenty of vault and pallet locations to waste the killers time. I don't even like to chase survivors in the void now.
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I have become an altruistic ninja with those smoke bombs. Have had a few games where bombing and immediately unhooking in the killers face is met with 2-3 swoosh sounds of their missed swings lol
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There's zero point
The Void is useless for survs. But great for the killer. The BP gain is meh. I played 4 rounds and turned it off
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one really fun thing with the Haunted by Daylight event, last year when void rifts were completely a no-no for killers to enter because you were useless inside the portal (i took a break during the event because it was definitely not fun to play Oni during that time), it was considered a very fun event, but this year it's suddenly unfun lol.
Same people who think less balance = more fun cry if balance in event modes shifts towards other side
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It's not even worth for the BP, I just did the tome and moved the ######### on. The new killer power + instant M1 is also a ######### joke 💀
Post edited by aterosx on2 -
I was looking forward to this event because I enjoyed releasing the ghosts as survivor last year.
Yeah, yeah, I know, I shouldn't get attached to things. I'm majorly disappointed, though. It was the one thing I wanted out of this event.
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Some people are simply incapable of having fun. You have a new item to play around, what more do you want? That's already more than what the average event offers.
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Why they cant is cause every killer in the event mode is sweating for 4k, and its made even easier with insta downs on haunt with an M1 at the same time.
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if you know how to chase, you will know why it's worth it to enter the void.
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If the developers treated survivors more than second-class players and balanced the events and game properly as any other PvP game, I don't think you'd have so much negativity. The Solo queue experience is unbearable, they should instead devote their time to making the game feel fair.
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This happens every event, same with the last events like Chaos Shuffle and 2v8
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if average soloQ experience is so unbearable, why are yall vouching for DC penalty removal and are advocating for giving up on hooks to stay in the game?
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Care to share some clips of how to make use of the smoke bomb? Cause all I've ever achieved so far was making a killer whiff once - because they can't see - just to be hit two seconds later after hit cooldown - because I can't see either and ran into something.
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You're making this up as I've yet to see this brought up on the forums. You intend to diminish any argument because you want killer to be easy and fed victories, as it is now. Keeping in mind this is a PvP game, the current balance is what I would expect from a single-player game.
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the current balance is what I would expect from a single-player game.
Yes, with the current balancing being the hardest difficulty setting.
Playing survivor in the event has been a nightmare, aside from the first game, where I got a very chilled out killer.
Every game after that has been nothing but "tunnel-tunnel-tunnel-slug".
I would advice players going for the tome challenges to do it as a killer, because you are going to have a hard time getting them done as survivor.Edit: Also, survivors needs more ways to earn BP from the event. More often than not, you end up with 20k or less, while the killer laughs at you, earning triple that amount for most of the time. - My 135k game was definitely an outlier, and will likely never happen again.
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The thing about the bombs is that you’re also (weirdly) blinded. And because killers can still hear you, if they’re half decent they won’t lose you because they can’t see you for a few seconds. It’s basically like playing Spirit or any other killer who relies on sound cues to find survivors.
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This trend has been happening since last anniversary event, it and every on going event has been garbage for survivors so am not even surprised no more. Ill just do the tome get the items and be done with it.
Post edited by buggybug on5 -
Not in my experience. Iron will is a beast, and just staying in the cloud usually has them wander off. Not saying you're wrong. My MMR might just be in the negatives. I hope anyway.
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…Sound occlusion is still massively bugged, and survivors are often completely silent when the chase music is happening. Spirit is a completely different situation, because phase mode allows her to chase survivors without the chase music, so she isn't as affected by the current sound occlusion bug.