Revert the pip system

It is way too hard to pip now, it affected killer well, but hurt survivors alot more, revert the pip system or atleast change how you pip
I don't think it should be reverted just tweaked to fix it's flaws and that probably won't happen till next reset which by then they'll have more than enough data.
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I prefer to change the emblems so it's not so dependant on other players for you to 'pip'.
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Im getting 4 kills every match, but im stuck at Rank 4 because of how stupid survivors are, they just suicide or DC so i cant get 9 hooks, black pips every match...
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@powerbats @Mc_Harty Honestly, I agree with you both on your ideas, I just want to pip again without doing well and magically depip from it
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@Bug_Reporter I have not hit Rank 4 yet because all the good players are at rank 8 so they gen-rush
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I think we might see a micro patch change before the reset but it's not even been a week so it needs to go on another week or so 1st.
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It's not impossible to go up but it's so slow. It punishes people who don't have 8 hours a day to dedicate to this.
It's no fun for killers because they go against survivors who are more experienced. It's no fun for survivors because they're playing with and against people far less experienced than them.
Or at the very least make rank reset every 2 months now. Or there was a suggestion on here about resetting rank 1s to rank 5, rank 5 to rank 10 etc. Don't reset people as far.
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No, just no!
The new system is working almost flawlessly, and it is doing exactly what it is supposed to do, put players in their proper ranks. They might need to make a very small adjustment to the emblems that increases the survivor points by no more than 1 tic, but that’s it. You only pip when you play well against someone of equal rank or higher, and you depip if you play poorly against someone of equal rank or lower. PERFECT!
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What do you mean by "someone of equal rank". You mean actual rank? Or skill level?
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I think they shouldve just moved the Pip up 1 or 2 slots and remove safety pip
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EXACTLY! It is doing it’s job PERECTLY!
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That's how killer mains wanted it. Even though killer was always easier than survivor (as the devs even admitted during their post on this) the killer mains were still spreadinf BS about how survivors have it too easy etc etc
Now survivors will take forever to reach rank 1 , they can enjoy their empty lobbies if they make it there.
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Naaaaah, they're just going to face rank 15 survivors now.
God I hate the matchmaking.
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@powerbats More likely by mid chapter in May. Big things like that don't happen whenever anymore since they save it for their scheduled drops.
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You are spectacularly naive if you believe this.
Most of the time, people depip due to factors that are completely beyond their control (trash teammates, trash killers, DCs etc.)
The problem isn't that it is hard to pip, it is that it is too easy to depip due to the way everyone else plays.
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Agreed I do think they need enough data to make a change so it's not a knee jerk well tweak this issue. It might even go till late summer when Dedicated servers come out but that's probably a bit too long.
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For those who still care:
How about making Brutality, Deviousness, Hunter and Sacrifice points have 50% weight on gaining/losing pips, and let the emblems get the other 50%? Yeah yeah I know some of them overlap already, but still.
Some killers get kicked in the nuts by the chaser emblem, while even maxing their deviousness for using their power optimally.
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Spot on
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I’m at the point that I’m ready to quit the game. I get stuck in the game with players that either super suck, or players that only care about themselves! I literally just finished a game where the survivors farmed me, right in front of the killer and down I go, 3 times in a row, because instead of going for the jackasses that kept taking me off the hook in front of him, he went for the easy kill. Then, I had a game before that, where I did 3 gens by myself, got the other survivors off the hook, took out all the totems ... got downed ONE time, and the guy that was left, wouldn’t get me off the hook, just so he could get the hatch! I play killer and survivor. Killers are way stronger and way faster than the survivors. Most of them tunnel and camp anymore, especially in a SWF game. I’m getting in games where survivors are running around clueless!! No teamwork!! No knowledge of the game! They need to fix it so that it’s fair for all involved, killers and survivors alike. I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels this way. Maybe when it starts to hurt their pockets, something will actually change. Enough people quit, that’s def going to be seen. But that’s JMO.
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Everyone is entitled to their opinion, just like you are entirely entitled to your “spectacularly naive” option by failing to see the bigger picture. You also failed to contribute to the thread, as you didn’t provide any content on the topic, whereas I pointed out why it is working.
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Don't revert. It was too easy before.
We simply went from one extreme to another extreme. Find something reasonable in between these two extremes.
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Just needs some tweaking, takes time to work such stuff out, probably around next rank reset there may be changes
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The emblems are a mess. Survivors can completely destroy a killer and depip in the red ranks, because some emblems requires the killer to be succesull. Same for killer. Instadown killers like Hillbilly, do horrible with the chaser emblem, which makes them very hard for them to pip. Even though they destroy survivors as well.
The idea of the new system is justified, but the Emblem system in general so flawed, that it doesn't do a good job of putting people in their proper skill rank.
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I shall think back to the days when I could get to ranks 4 and 5 as a survivor with great fondness. I'll tell all of my rank 20 chums about it as we sit around the campfire.
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If the highest rank you could get with the old system was 4 or 5 you deserve to be rank 20 in the new system