The longer the developers wait with the WOO nerf, the worse it gets

joel84 Member Posts: 342
edited October 2024 in General Discussions

Nobody can tell me that newcomers make up the majority of the player base. Times have changed. Many players don't want to memorize all the map layouts, and perks like windows of opportunity are especially helpful for newcomers. However, this also leads to survivors getting too comfortable.

When playing with perks like Hex third Seal, this is noticeable. Most survivors suddenly run around the map like chickens. Completely uncontrolled.

But one thing is clear: If the developers want to change the meta, they HAVE to adapt the WoO

I haven't played WoO for a long time and I'm already busy memorizing all the layouts to make it easier in the future (in case something happens)

is just a tip from me 😉

@edit no gen limit its hex third seal im sry^^

Post edited by joel84 on


  • nodforkiss
    nodforkiss Member Posts: 196

    just want to say this perk literallt unlocks auto pilot mode for survivors. for example on "the game" map yesterday i just ran to the yellow pallets and looped killer for 3 gens, without WOO it would be impossible to tell which pallets were previously dropped by survivors

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 2,024

    I mean, WOO is a training wheels perk, which is a good thing, the problem comes when the training wheels come off.

    But it's fine. Running to yellow and predropping everything will eventually bite the survivors back. (Unless you're on The Game, good luck to you then)

  • Unknown
    edited October 2024
    This content has been removed.
  • nodforkiss
    nodforkiss Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2024

    gen regression > gen blocking > aura reading

    literally no aura reading perk is even meta anyways, only nowhere to hide is commonly used because it goes well with pop rest is only used by pyramid head or huntress full aura builds

    edit: forgot about lethal pursuer

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    So I can play the game for the first time, and just start looping experienced killers, because I have Windows? What you're advocating for with The Game example is what killers are already doing, simply hoping that the survivors they face aren't SWF, or hoping they lack game knowledge. That's not skill; that's just luck of the draw. What we want to do is beat them with our skill. Wouldn't that be a better direction for the game?

    And honestly, you have to view survivor nerfs from an almost economic perspective. For whatever upswing we get (survivor nerfs/killer buffs), there's gonna be an equal downswing (killer nerfs/survivor buffs). And so wasting one of the few survivor nerfs we get on Windows of all things? It's gonna turn out terrible. We will get less than nothing... in exchange for nothing. When survivor perks get reworked (almost never truly 'nerfed'), they don't even go that far down in strength. It's more like they're weaker in some areas but stronger in others, like toolboxes, like Buckle-Up, etc.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 857

    Also all aura add ons needs go and reworked else heck i wouldnt mind them to be like ghost face add on that when he marks someone a gen gets regressed.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,182

    I mean it's not hard to know where palettes could spawn, 90% of the maps have the same structures and a main building. Windows only tells you where they actually spawned and if they are still up, windows doesn't make you suddenly better at pathing or something it just ensures that you don't run into nothing. xD

    Would everyone be able to tell the other survivors which palettes where used and where they spawned I'd maybe think about it, but at moment I think it would only hurt solo-queue very badly and doesn't make a huge difference for the rest

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 857
    edited October 2024

    Nah they just gonna keep going till we start the match right by the hooks with 2 hooks states on the ground ready to be hooked.😀 This perk actually was lonq qq about even before distortion complaints its that bad.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,140

    Yeah idk. The perk that just removes a skillful part of the game getting buffed to have no cooldown is weird to me even to this day. Still feels like this perk was buffed specifically for solo Q and now I see teammates running from pallet to pallet isnta dropping it leaving me with nothing.

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 425

    Map memorization has never been the main reason why WoO is the most used perk in the game. How do people still not get that in nigh-2025?

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 857
    edited October 2024

    Since wanna play us vs them lets play. First of all you can hit the survivors out the gate, it also gives you bp for it, if t bagging at the gates bothers you dont go to it ,tab and do something else( just like we are told when we are slug for 4mins on the ground) break walls or pallets that you didnt do in the trial or simply dont go to the gate?

    I never go to the gate and it actually makes survivors more mad you didnt let their stuff at the gate bother you. Before you call out me look at you going off topic brining up t bagging at the gates.

    I at least am on topic because its another killer cry baby complaint of nerfing something on survivor so it makes perfect sense

    Also yes apparently its indeed that killers want is just auto hook auto win 2 hook on ground because until you can tell me ONE thing killers do not whine about it makes sense I said what said. What do yall seriously want us to do or how are we to play then?

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 857

    You don't say? Anyways Ayodam already gave vital information clarifying what I actually mean so I trust you understand, have a good one mate.

  • joel84
    joel84 Member Posts: 342
    edited October 2024

    You are absolutely right. I got something mixed up. I am of course talking about “Hexed Third Seal” and similar perks.

    And for those who think WoO is good. No problem, you'll be the first to scream when something is changed.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    WOO is not a problem at all.

    It helps beginners, sure. So what?

    I know for a fact one of the best survivor players out there (zubatlel, won the US vs EU 1vs1) is using it.

    That's the whole spectrum of survivors right there.

    I'm not using it myself (I still have the genetics of a Blendette) and I don't have any issue with it from the killer's side.

    Leave it alone.

  • joel84
    joel84 Member Posts: 342

    leave it alone ? excuse me but,

    I respect your opinion, no problem, but whether you like it or not, WoO is used to drag out chases unnecessarily and therefore hurts... and SoloQ is just used as an excuse for many things. That's my opinion, don't be mad.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Mad? Why?

    I'm trying to understand the issue.

    used to drag out chases unnecessarily

    I'm pretty sure the survivor keeping being alive finds it necessary.

    I understand it can be frustrating for the killer but it's only an indication of key points. It doesn't change the mind games available to both parties. (And please don't imagine for one second I'm pro-survivor. I play both roles.)

    used as an excuse for many things

    Like what? What could possibly require any kind of excuse? Especially for soloQ that needs all the help it can get?

    If a perk allows a survivor to suck less without being overpowered (it only helps to route) it's all good.

    The impression I get, without being sure, is that you think it makes survivors stronger loopers than they would be without the perk *. And you would be right. However it's not the "wrong kind" of stronger so it's not enough to warrant a nerf.

    It's not broken like OoO, Dead Hard, DS, Made for This and so many other perks have been in the past.

    *) Yes I've read all about the memorisation argument. On the killer side I'm a Nurse main. I know all maps in 3D literally with my eyes closed. That's a must for a Nurse. I don't believe it is so for anybody else.

  • joel84
    joel84 Member Posts: 342

    a nurse never has problems with WoO. Shes the best Killer ingame

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    "Main" only means shes my first. I play other killers too. All except Skull Merchant, Vecna and Dracula.

    I've got more than 20k hatchets throws with Huntress, and she's not exactly easy against good loopers. I did the event with her, Doctor, Hag, Wraith, Billy, Blight, …

    I had a bloody long chase with Doctor against a p100 survivor who gave me all the trouble in the world (current hitbox automiss bug helped him twice). Still got him in the end.

    It doesn't change anything about WOO.

    And if you think Nurse is easy, then by all means play her. See how far you'll go. She has counters and the players you end up versing know them all. She's great but it's not all peaches and roses.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,590

    Yes, Google Maps The Perk should be nerfed. Im tired of watching teammates and opponents bot path from pallet to pallet instead of learning to make the most out of tiles. Pick rate rivaling old dead hard, i often see 4 copies in a match as killer.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 448

    just run zenshin and stop crying

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    Windows does not need a nerf. If you as a killer have an issue with survivors knowing where pallets/windows are or knowing which pallets their teammates have used, that is a skill issue. You should not be relying on your opponents not knowing the map to win unless you are a newer player who cannot play around pallets. The issue of "shift W predrop is too strong" and "but what about the game" are actual issues but ones that are not related to Windows but rather core of the game, that should be fixed in another way. If weaker killers were able to play around the stronger pallets with at least a little more efficiency, and the game map was nerfed, windows would not be an issue at all.

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 376

    It can help survivors extend the chase.
    Just let survivors have SOMETHING that helps them. Most of their perks got nerfed to the ground.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    Sure, but also nerf Pain and Pop

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 460

    Its sad killers are crying over WoO when they have the exact same perk with aura reading added to it. is it used by them, no in most cases cause they have better. Survivors on the other hand don't really have better cause all the main staples they had before where gutted.

  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 235

    Anybody worth their salt at survivor knows that WOO isnt even in the top 20 strongest perks in the game.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164

    That's why it ends up being used in competitive 1v1s. To show all the pallets that your non existent teammates used.

    Seriously though - it's not that simple. WoO isn't just to show which pallets have been used. It's to tell you where to go. It's map sense in a perk. The fact that you can tell when someone has it vs someone who doesn't, given that the people who run it BEELINE from pallet to pallet and, more times than not, predrop that same pallet, is problematic. Perks shouldn't play the game for you, and WoO is, for all intents and purposes, autopilot.