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General Discussions

MoRI the HAG out of exsistence plez

Member Posts: 27
edited March 2019 in General Discussions

THe hag is the most annoying killer ever. Shes not overpowered but shes still very hard to go against. if u get caught once it basically over for u, because her special power is to camp with the traps. she basically enforces camping just like freddy enforces tunneling, except it is easy to counter freddy while countering the hag is a lot harder. Also her lunge is absolutely disgusting. she literally gets on a hover board and slides 2 meters. i know that we cant just take her out of the game but i just wanna bring it up to see what other people think.

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  • Member Posts: 5,873

    Oh you definitely faced me yesterday? You on XBOX? Because yesterday I was reeking havoc on xbox and got a ton of DC, just because I outplayed them. Did you face Secretsphinx7?

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    I'm 99% sure you probably faced me.

  • Member Posts: 27


    lol they need to fix the hags lunge animation. And the hag can be especially nasty if u touch her totems.

    also i dont find the spirit that bad for mid ranks at least. at high ranks all killers make u wanna #########. usually the survivors r supposed to be mind gaming but here the killer is as well, so its kind of fun to play against her.(at least more fun than the hag) Plus although theres no audio que anymore u see a change in her eyes when she's phasing. im not a 100% sure about that, just going off an earlier game. and also idk if her lunge got nerfed or something but it seems really short.

  • Member Posts: 460
    edited March 2019

    To this day I have not lost a game to a hag. I know they try to chase you towards certain areas if they have some op add-ons so I take advantage of dead hard (if I'm running it) or getting hit to try and outsmart them. Also, I still see some higher rank players do this but they don't crouch to hooked survivors or crouch out unhooked.

    Oh I lied, the one time I lost to a hag, they were pretending to be a farm bot, so I helped do all the gens and at end game my dumb self decided to test if they were actually a farm bot and got downed/camped because they had noed. That was hilarious but sad.

    That hooverboard comment was hilarious though, I say the same thing. I'm like, here comes the hag on her freaking hoverboard with jetpack add ons, going for the freaking swing.

  • Member Posts: 392

    Did you mean mori? I see Mauri I am thinking of talk shows.

    I am a Hag main as well, and most of what you say is true... except one thing. Camping Hags.

    My only question is why in the world are people tripping the traps that a Hag has OBVIOUSLY placed nearby? If you don’t trip the trap, she cannot teleport (unless using an add on that allows such), meaning you have a window to get away.

    Hags are hard to go against. Whenever I play survivor I hate going them as well. I can’t stand jump scares and she is the champion at creating them.

    Hoverboard, though. I demand to see one pop under her feet when she lunges now.

  • Member Posts: 3,688

    She is really bad if she plays campy.

    What tends to happen is they do their ritual of using 8 traps around the hook as is typical of Jag players. However they stay near enough the hook. We're talking maybe 32m roughly.

    Now when you're unhooked they come running over. At this point you're screwed.

    - Run away from the hook and you'll likely trigger one of her many traps completely surround the area and die.

    - Crouch walk away and you move too slow and she catches up to you.

    Alternatively she puts 8 traps around the hook, survivor 1 comes up, hits a trap, runs away, survivor 2 comes up, hits a trap, runs away, survivor 1 comes up, hits a trap, runs away,

    Aaaaand now you're in the struggle stage.

    Her camp game is too strong. When I play her I make a deliberate effort to not camp, especially basement camp. I normally lay a few traps to scare them off and slow them down but I'm usually on someone else and let the others unhook. It works well for me.

  • Member Posts: 27

    well i do play on xbox but im sure i wouldn't have dc to a spirit. my xbox username is RogueAir...

  • Member Posts: 5,873
    edited March 2019

    I think you actually might have faced me. You around rank 10? BTW I played Hag. Spirit's bugs make her unplayable for me.

  • Member Posts: 27

    this exactly what happens everytime im in a game with the hag.

    • either my team mate comes for the save, triggers a trap, and i end up getting farmed
    • my team mates get scared off when they trigger the trap and just dont come back to save me
    • or u crouch away from her traps after getting saved but it doesn't even matter cause shes already here to penetrate ur ass

    whats the point of even trying to survive after being hooked for the first time. u might as well just attempt to escape and #########.

  • Member Posts: 27

    lol i change it. but i swear i've seen it spelled "mauri" somewhere

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Campy hags are annoying. I get placing a couple of traps, but some just go absolutely nuts placing them near the hook.

  • Member Posts: 392

    If a hag has to put ten traps on a hooked survivor, they are honestly doing it wrong.

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