please increase deathslingers harpoon speed 5k hour main
this update destroyed hitboxes for deathslinger, the old way of aiming with him doesnt work anymore, you have to lead even more than before the midchapter update.
since the harpoon hitbox is so small, and the survivor hitboxes shrunk or been moved foward its frustrating to play with, huntress doesnt feel this way since her hatchets have bigger hitboxes but for slinger is a pain.
increasing the harpoon speed can definitely resolve this issue
I have to agree.
While we're at it, get rid of the sensitivity penalties when ADSing. They only serve as anti-QOL.
If they don't want people to instascope then adjustments have to be made elsewhere, because Slinger just feels really awful to play a lot of the time.
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Or we just let it be to be dodgeable at certain situation for interactive gameplay?
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what a heartless survivor main, u play deathslinger and see how it feels to get robbed of your near miss shots, you think its easy or something? if he were, he'd be up there with nurse, but no, he already has an extremely difficult skill floor and the reward is average at best, but when i finally notice a correlation on how to aim at survivors over thousands of hours , teach it to aspiring slinger players and then 1 update erases all that, its fine according to you. yeah thanks for that champ.
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I just see people getting "shot" around corners, so hitboxes cant be soo bad. And no its not latency. And removing any interaction from killers ist just bad design. Making a aim a save hit is just promoting more braindead gameplay.
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the hitbox issues and desync all came in the same patch. Not sure why they haven't acknowledge these issues publicly. They definitely aware of it since people been non stop reporting the bug.
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People getting shot around corners is exclusively latency