are newer maps designed around antiloop powers?
a lot of modern maps seem to just have endless amounts of safe pallets that lead directly into one another, seemingly designed in ways that give antiloopers options and a hard time but just makes m1 unplayable. this is an issue on certain older maps, but seems to be more often the case these days.
if you just look at the pallet count per map, theres a pretty clear trend on display
Quite the opposite is the case. Modern Maps have really unsafe Pallets. Something like Greenville has lots of Pallets, but not many of them are safe.
The reworked Coldwind-Maps feature very unsafe structures.
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The only one I can think of is The Game, but sometimes not even that map will help against killers like Dracula.
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I find most of the newer maps to be riddled with either junk pallets or pallets that you can easily mindgame, if anything it has never been easier to be an M1 killer
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I dont mind The Game too much. I think strength-wise it is fine for both sides, but has outliers on both ends. Meaning that the strong Killers have it really good on The Game while the weak Killers have it really bad.
But overall the Map is just boring, because all Survivors can do is run around safe Pallets and all Killers can do is follow those Survivors and break those safe Pallets. And if they are gone, the Survivor has nothing and a Killer an easy down. I wish at some point they rework the map entirely and remove a bunch of safe Pallets and add a few Windows and weaker Pallets to make it more interesting.
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Ok, we're not playing the same game clearly. Because the newest maps, and the reworked ones, are usually horrible for survivor, because of the lack of vaults, the amount of very unsafe pallets, and the massive deadzones.
Post edited by Aceislife on11 -
Or me in overclock mode.
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Are we looking at the same maps? The ones with unsafe pallets at the very edge of the map, and the bare minimum amount of decently usable tiles? Greenville, where there's pallets everywhere but they're nearly all entirely unsafe? Forgotten Ruins is awful because it's just terribly designed, it's got nothing to do with the pallet count and safety. Nostromo is the definition of atrocious- the only map released in the past 2 years that I'd say fits your description is Toba Landing, and dbd then half of the fillers do nothing and the real issue is trying to find anything given that colour pallet.
Not to mention, despite reworked Garden of Joy and Eyerie continuing to be a nightmare, we've also gotten reworked-reworked-reworked Autohaven and Coldwind and Ormond, all three of which have been considerably weakened over and over and over again.
Maps are the biggest issue in this game, and they really need to decide on what approach they want to take. Either maps must be safer, and killers should get more anti-loop and better mobility (think Dracula or Wesker or Spirit on a stronger map) or maps should be weaker and likewise killer powers shouldn't be so good at shutting down loops and forced lose-lose situations (closer to Wraith or Doctor or Clown on Greenville, for instance).
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Indeed, Hux.
I agree completely, though I'll say I liked the map's original layout.
It only became an unfun map after the rework, imho.
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It's good to see you again dear friend. It's been a long time :)
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I say the same, my friend! I've missed ya.
How are you?
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Good. I'm glad all is well. I've heard Freddy has changes coming. I've read old Freddy's isn't making a comeback...but don't lose hope. There's so much potential that can be done with him so don't feel too bad until we see what BHVR is whippin' up.
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Happy to hear you're doing good, my friend! That is what matters.
Yes, I went from being extremely happy to being extremely disappointed, in the span of a few hours. Wish they had told us from the start that Old Freddy wasn't returning, would have spared me the heartbreak.
We don't know what BHVR will do to him, that's true, but I believe that post marked the end of my Old Freddy campaign. I only wish it could have ended better.
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All new maps and reworks have very unsafe tiles. Tiles have generally been made more unsafe with the introduction of more variants to the classic maps and new maps like greenville/dungeon are mostly made up of unsafe loops but might be unbalanced in other ways to accommodate for it (dungeon loop with window).
I surely can't be the only one that remembers the AWFUL new tile they introduced to autohaven with the world's unsafest pallet and a terrible window, that could replace every other tile on the map, until BHVR got their sense together and removed it.