

Which killers could the survivors beat?

Member Posts: 45

Fed up of running away, all four survivors decide to wait in a doorway and jump the killer as a group.

Which ones could they realistically beat this way, if we assume the survivors are all regular people and discount the action heroes?

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  • Member Posts: 707

    Legion, Pig, Trapper, and any other basically human killer... Most of the survivors are strong enough to fast vault and healthy enough to run for a while, so they could take most humans as a group.

    Also, I bet Bill would probably make quick work of it.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Let's go down the list, disregarding the ability to down in two hits. RULES: Their powers are still in effect, but otherwise can be harmed unless something in lore specifically counters that. Important to know that the survivors do not start with weapons but can reliably be assumed to find something suitable in the area.

    • Trapper - Powerful Man, Enforcer to his Father. Lost his mind after killing over a hundred men for his father's will.
      • Powerful Build, brilliant tactician with his traps. UNLIKELY TO LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST MOST SURVIVORS
    • Wraith - Former Child Soldier turned unaware Executioner. Lost his mind after discovering his true job.
      • The ability to go invisible is a definitely strong one, Phillip also knows how to fight well. UNLIKELY TO LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST MOST SURVIVORS.
    • Hillbilly - Mentally unstable boy turned psychopathic killer. Very large, and very good at killing.
      • His chainsaw alone would make short work of most people, but his addled mind could prove his undoing. COULD LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST CERTAIN SURVIVORS.
    • Nurse - Former loving housewife turned into mentally unstable killer. Lost her mind as a result of abuse sustained in the asylum.
      • The ability to blink around definitely gives her a mobility edge, but without the Entity's blessing she might not be effective. 50/50 SHOT BASED ON SURVIVOR OPPONENT.
    • Shape - Child Killer turned into the Shape of Evil itself. large, strong, stealthy, may we say more?
      • His ability to stalk is unpeered, and his kills are often brutal and efficient but he can be harmed fairly easily. COULD LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST CERTAIN SURVIVORS.
    • The Hag - Innocent woman turned into evil witch spurred on by abuse from cannibals.
      • The traps could provide excellent ambush ability, but without the entity's blessing she might not provide too good of a fight. 50/50 SHOT BASED ON SURVIVOR OPPONENT.
    • Huntress - Russian baddy who regularly hunts grown soldiers for sport. Lost mind after she lost her mother.
      • Even without the Entity she is one hard-coded killing machine. UNLIKELY TO LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST MOST SURVIVORS.
    • Doctor - Does he even have a PhD? Does it matter? He'll get what he wants out of you one way or another
      • Even with the Spark of Madness, he might have trouble against battle hardened survivors without the entity's blessing. 50/50 SHOT BASED ON SURVIVOR OPPONENT.
    • Cannibal - All American Texas Boy with an All American Texas Family. Occasionally a Drag Queen.
      • Like the Hillbilly, his chainsaw alone is more than enough for any opponent but he can be outsmarted. COULD LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST CERTAIN SURVIVORS.
    • Nightmare - Predator of children, in one way or another (depending on the continuity) but all over creepazoid.
      • Without the Entity's Blessing/Nerfings, he is useless while survivors are awake and devastating while they are asleep. SPECIAL CASE - COMPLETELY USELESS (AWAKE SURVIVORS) CAN KILL ALMOST EVERYONE (SLEEPING SURVIVORS minus Quinton, the only documented Lucid Dramer amongst the cast)
    • Pig - Tobin Bell's beloved disciple, until he got rid of her. Nice leather jacket.
      • Without the Entity's Blessings, good luck even getting someone in that beartrap. WILL LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST MOST SURVIVORS.
    • Clown - John Wayne Gacy, eat your heart out, we got a new creeper from the circus.
      • Without the entity's strength, a lot of survivors can outwit the bottles and the knife, not to mention most survivors will be able to outrun him without infinite endurance. LIKELY TO LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST MOST SURVIVORS
    • Spirit - High Class woman with some killer ancestry. Try not to make fun of her in Kendo Club.
      • She can temporarily stalk you through the shadow realm, and she's quite good with that Katana. good luck. UNLIKELY TO LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST MOST SURVIVORS.
    • Legion - Canadian Serial Killers, how aboot that.
      • Though they have the endurance to sprint and track down prey, they are still Teenagers without discipline. 50/50 SHOT BASED ON SURVIVOR OPPONENT.
    • Plague - Grandma got infected with the Black Plague~coming down home for Christmas Eve….
      • I mean, logically infecting people with The Literal Bubonic Plague is quite the game strategy, but that's all she has. WILL LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST MOST SURVIVORS (but they'll need antibiotics ASAP after taking her out).
    • Ghostface - The classic, the OG, the loser who will most likely get a job at Blockbuster and immediatley be laid off 2 weeks later.
      • Expert stalker, great patience, but against skilled opponents will be brought down. 50/50 SHOT BASED ON SURVIVOR OPPONENT.
    • Demogorgon - Look at that doggo! OH GOD ITS EATING MY FACE OFF!
      • Even without the Entity's rules, he can track you down by a drop of blood and rip you to shreds. A little dumb at times, but still a great killer. UNLIKELY TO LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST MOST SURVIVORS
    • Oni - Just a little obsessed with the glory of the samurai line, just a little….
      • This man is strong enough to smash someone's skull in while they are wearing a full plate helmet, not to mention easily able to take on an entire town of men. UNLIKELY TO LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST MOST SURVIVORS.
    • Deathslinger - Irish cowboy, a true american hero. Probably wishes he actually brought a gun to a slasher fight.
      • The Gun is….kind of useless against most survivors and while he's a technological genius, that doesn't contribute much to fighting. LIKELY TO LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST MOST SURVIVORS.
    • Executioner - Being made by Silent Hill. The torturer and the badass.
      • Without the Entity messing with him, he's practically invincible, but he's very slow and very easy to avoid. SPECIAL CASE - CAN KILL EVERY SURVIVOR (BUT CAN EASILY BE AVOIDED)
    • Blight - Sheep Buggerer turned Alchemist turned Survivor turned Killer
      • His serum allows him to essentially be like a BOW from Resident Evil, enhanced but not invincible. UNLIKELY TO LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST MOST SURVIVORS
    • Twins - They'll be together forever, no matter what.
      • Though she's bigger than a normal french girl, I don't think Charlotte has what it takes in the real world, victor is even less likely. UNLIKELY TO WIN A FIGHT AGAINST MOST SURVIVORS.
    • Trickster - Boy Band Bad Boy giving himself the Taylor Swift treatment. Look what you made me do, indeed.
      • His muscles are just for show, and while his knife throwing is nice, he's probably not going to get many kills. 50/50 SHOT DEPENDING ON SURVIVOR OPPONENT.
    • Nemesis - Another frenchman in our little world, he has a thing for celestial bodies using fission to sustain themselves.
      • Like the Blight, enhanced but not invincible. UNLIKELY TO LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST MOST SURVIVORS.


  • Member Posts: 1,259

    Considering how the Entity literally buffs even the physically weakest Killers (Pig, Legion, Trickster, etc.) to the point that they can grab someone like Jeff Johansen (who is, by my estimate without any concrete numbers, likely the heaviest based on his height and build), with one hand and sling them over their shoulder…

    None of them. It's like the question of which Killers could beat the Entity, but it's somehow even MORE lopsided. Not even the genuinely overpowered ones (Soma, Alucard, Cheryl, etc.) can deal with that.

    An even IF we assume they can acquire the means to fight back, as we see from the Archives, the Horror (who is a Killer described as the manifestation of sponsored war and is basically an amalgamation of various war machines), regenerated from being blown to pieces, and when Saku decapicated the Oni, he simply regrew his head. Try as they might, the Survivors aren't winning regardless of what they do.

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