8.3.2 thoughts?

solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,368
  • The Flashbang perk and Firecracker items have been re-enabled.
  • The Level 2 of the Haunted By Daylight event tome opened October 24th at 11:00 am ET.
  • The Level 3 of the Haunted By Daylight event tome opens October 31st at 11:00 am ET.
  • Bloodpoint values for several Haunted by Daylight scoring events have been increased.
Killer UpdatesThe Skull Merchant - Basekit
  • Reverted The Skull Merchant's movement speed when Inspecting her Radar to 4.6 m/s.
  • The Skull Merchant sees scan lines from her Drones at all times. (NEW)
  • The Skull Merchant sees the aura of scan lines when Inspecting her Radar within 32 meters of the Drone(s). (NEW)
Killer Perk Updates
  • Machine Learning: Decreased the duration of the effect once activated to 35/40/45 seconds(was 40/50/60 seconds)
  • Predator: Decreased the duration of the aura reveal to 4 seconds(was 6 seconds)
  • Zanshin Tactics: Decreased the duration of the aura reveal to 3/4/5 seconds(was 6/7/8 seconds)
Survivor Perk Updates
  • Distortion: Decreased the requirement to regain a token to 15 seconds in chase*. (was 30 seconds)*
  • Inner Focus: Now only triggers from health state loss caused by the Killer.
  • We're Gonna Live Forever: Revert the heal speed increase to 100%(was 150%) 

Bug Fixes Halloween Event
  • Fixed an issue that caused Killers to be able to unleash a Captured Haunt and perform a basic attack in quick succession.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Killer's Void Empowered tracker not to properly update when using a Haunt immediately after picking it up.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Blighted Serum add-on to make the Blight's power unusable.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Zarina's Spirited Hair head customization to have a lighter skin tone.
  • Fixed an issue that caused several Haunted by Daylight outfit icons to be missing glowing VFX.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Captured Haunt projectile to be blocked by the Knight's Guards.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Cenobite to play the wrong animations when interacting with any Void Rift, Portal or Station.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the unopened portals in the Void Zone to play the open portal SFX.
