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Audio Muffled - since update began

Lynnthedoe Member Posts: 22
edited October 2024 in Bug Reporting

SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Some audio becomes muffled. Killer radius; footsteps, chase music, everything except the generator audio - which is why I knew it was a bug.


STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Just random when I am on certain maps - from memory one with a Skull Merchant on Grim Pantry. It is giving killers advantage as they sound further away than they are and you cant hear the game audio correctly.

This is happening to my friends too so common enough bug.



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Post edited by Rizzo on
14 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review


  • sammoticus
    sammoticus Member Posts: 3

    just had this happen to me - PS4, Grim Pantry

  • skinboy142
    skinboy142 Member Posts: 60

    I get very muffled audio on midwich

  • this is happening to me as well. making lots of mistakes in chase due to not hearing the killer properly

  • Yatrtiah
    Yatrtiah Member Posts: 1

    Same issue, PC, Steam. It happens to me when I reconnect my headset AND sometimes after I tab out and then back in DBD

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,410

    I had this 2 games in a row when I was running No Mither. I thought it was a perk bug

    DBDSM Member Posts: 139

    I've had this happen to me as both killer and survivor. One time as killer I got smoked bombed and was deafened for the remainder of the match, but the last game I played as survivor I spawned in deafened and stayed that way the entire match.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,721

    Had this sometimes whit the smoke bombs - they muffle the sound - thats ok.

    But sometimes the muffled sound just stays after the smoke is gone. On PS4 and PC / Steam.

  • Thalonius
    Thalonius Member Posts: 34

    it is 100% due to the smoke bombs. At least while playing killer if the match ends while you are in a smoke bomb, the game will be muffled and you get no fast vault notifications ( the chase music will keep playing at full volume though >.>) .

    I assume the same happens to survivors if the killer dc's while a survivor is in a smoke bomb as well.

  • Linkdouken
    Linkdouken Member Posts: 291

    I'm still getting this too on PS5. Just went against a huntress on Vecnas map and it's so hard to focus on what's going on

  • Linkdouken
    Linkdouken Member Posts: 291

    Also bo smoke bombs were used

  • ketzia
    ketzia Member Posts: 2

    I have had this but on the killer side, I was playing Wesker and had the bug 2 games in a row, chase music was normal but every single in game sound effect was muffled

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 746
    edited October 2024

    this happened to me at Midwich when I playing singularity

  • defaultuk
    defaultuk Member Posts: 35

    had this happen the other day on borgo on loading in and just had it happen on suffo pit on loading in also, I've not done anything like tab out etc just loading the game up, on pc steam