What was the point of reverting WGLF back to 100%?

the perk was finally amazing and fun to use but now it’s back to 100%? Why, what was the reason to revert it? I always had in my build when I saw the buff and it was amazing to punish Killers who kept slugging everyone. This shows survivors can never have fun perks, it’s always getting nerfed..
A total waste of time and resources. I don’t even understand why the devs bother to ‘buff’ survivor perks. They’re often reverted. Just put those resources elsewhere.
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What's the point in any of the nerfs with this hotfix? All entirely unnecessary.
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Well, that's annoying. I loved to use it lately along Babysitter…
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Because it was punishing killers that left a survivor in the dying state for 6 seconds. In combination with MFT, it was ftp buckle up over again.
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Well, it still works with FTP…
Wouldn't just increased CD do the trick? I would be fine with 45 seconds, or even 60.0 -
It's still really good even at 100%. This doesn't kill the perk at all. It still has the Endurance without needing to be activated anymore and that alone makes WGLF far stronger than it was before.
The problem with the heal speed being 150% was it created too many situations where the killer had no correct play. It took WGLF beyond being an anti-slug tool and put killers in lose-lose situations especially when combined with MFT for double endurance, particularly in situations where it wasn't safe to pick up the survivor due to the threat of a save. And it will still be able to do that some now, just not as much as it could before.
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The thing with FTP though is that means the healer isn't safe. Because a lot of people like to use WGLF with MFT. But MFT and FTP do not work together because you have to be healthy to use FTP. So in that situation you can just down the healer if they try this near you.
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If we can't have 150% WGLF then it's time for basekit Unbreakable. Powertripping killers are out of control.
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Lol, no. We can't have a pistol, let's get a nuke?
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what was the point of overbuffing it in the first place?
the perk was good already, it just needed to not require a stupid activation condition.
it was a mistake to buff it so much in the first place, especially with the community that has memory of a gold fish and can only remember the previous iteration of the perk.
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countered by: don't slug
drawback: 1 teammate not on gen for a chance at WGLF that can be negated if a killer decides to pick up immediately; killer can bait the slug and down or get free hit
risk is not worth reward now, especially since most of the time your teammate would go right back down
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good post
a comp player and his teammate making a video literally dedicated to using WGLF
this is very representative of the average player's experience
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a lot of survivor perk usually stay the same after buffs. It is killer perk that don't stay the same. i don't get the point of buffing killer perk and than just revert killer perks. lots of which are obscurely niche. i don't use these perk but i dislike precedent behind it. it is like… oh the killer perk is more useful than before? that is too useful! nerf. like what.
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Unless I'm mistaken, it still lost the activation condition of needing to safe unhook or take a protection hit for the endurance on pickup. It's still good at countering slugging.
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They can see when suddenly a Perk becomes part of every build that survives more.
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FTP and made for this do not work together
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ppl just going to ignore that the fact that the endu is now a CD instead of something you had to earn huh. 150% was very clearly too much and the most powerful part of the perk no longer has a prereq.
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In situations where there's a threat of a save if you pick up, it's not really as simple as "don't slug".
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yeah, let's slap another utterly broken bandaid that will be extremely strong on survivors that know how to play the game, while still keeping hook mechanic favoring survivor side more than it favors killer
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Nurse, I bet
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I will never understand it but for the devs there never seems to be a middle option. Between 150 and 100% is a lot of numbers which could be chosen. The same for trickster blade decay. It's 15 or 10 secs, nothing in between is possible.
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I wish Nurse would finally get the nerf she needs and then we can finally get justice for Awakened Awareness and Predator…
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Im so tired of Nurse's existence bottle necking perk design and balance for every other normal killer
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Agree it sucks at 100%. They should have tried 130%
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100% is still a lot, and you can stack it, the perk is still better than before because you don´t need to build up stacks
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I took it off my build. I tried using it for around a dozen games and it's too slow now to really make it worth using over other perks. Killer has so much time to do whatever he wants that it's not worth using anymore. Back to the same old meta that will continue for the rest of the game's existence.