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General Discussions

8.3.2 thoughts?



  • Member Posts: 1,324

    I think the topics about survivors hiding has been about hiding and not doing anything, not even touching gens. Keeping the killers hostage while locker hopping or dropping item in some corner of the map. This is bannable and completely different. If survivors go that far then they deserve the ban i think.

    Distortion is healthier now since you actually need to be in chase to get more tokens, but i do think they should have kept it at 30 seconds. I feel like soloQ has been little bit more enjoyable lately, but might just be me feeling that :)

  • Member Posts: 828

    Never said that they are in every match, but they wouldn't be in the top 10 of all perks (not just aura perks) if people wouldn't use them often.

    Sure, hiding survivors are an issue, but nerfing the best tool against auras hurts survivors also, so I don't think survs won anything with the nerf.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Yeah? I don't see the problem, my point was, that aura perks are common, I didn't say that the popular aura perks are new.

  • Member Posts: 1,071

    Reverted The Skull Merchant's movement speed when Inspecting her Radar to 4.6 m/s.

    This is whatever. Probably for the better.

    The Skull Merchant sees scan lines from her Drones at all times. (NEW)
    The Skull Merchant sees the aura of scan lines when Inspecting her Radar within 32 meters of the
    Drone(s). (NEW)

    I don't get what seeing scan lines at all times entails if it's not seeing them through walls as well. Were there instances where Merchant did not see scan lines?

    Machine Learning:
    Decreased the duration of the effect once activated to 35/40/45 seconds. (was 40/50/60 seconds)

    Didn't need the nerf.

    Decreased the duration of the aura reveal to 4 seconds. (was 6 seconds)

    I'm not convinced this needed a nerf. It's a good perk sure, but it's only really broken on Nurse, who herself needs nerfs instead.

    Zanshin Tactics:
    Decreased the duration of the aura reveal to 3/4/5 seconds. (was 6/7/8 seconds)

    I do think this perk is a little cheap, but I also think perks like this need to be strong in order to justify spending slots on them over one of the various good slowdown perks. So I don't think this nerf is warranted either.

    Decreased the requirement to regain a token to 15 seconds in chase. (was 30 seconds)

    An alright compensation for the 2-token nerf, as well as the fact that survivors now cannot just stealth indefinitely but need killer interaction to gain tokens.

    Inner Focus:
    Now only triggers from health state loss caused by the Killer.

    Silly they'd even spend time nerfing awful perks like this when they seemingly don't have time to buff the numerous other ones.

    We're Gonna Live Forever:
    Revert the heal speed increase to 100%. (was 150%)

    150% was definitely overtuned, especially since it stacks with med-kits. This is alright.

    Fixed an issue that caused Killers to be able to unleash a Captured Haunt and perform a basic attack in quick succession.

    A bit ridiculous that this was possible in the first place. Getting close to someone and instantly downing them is one thing, but it could also be used to instantly down an unhooked survivor again.

    Fixed an issue that caused the Dark Lord's Hellfire charge SFX to be too low.

    This might make it a tad more possible to play around. I hope the "general optimization pass to fix issues that caused multiple SFX to be missing" also pertains stuff such as Huntress, Wesker, Nemesis, hell, at times even Leatherface to not play the audio of readying their abilities.

    Fixed an issue that caused the Wraith to be unable to move or attack after doing certain interactions when using the Serpent - Soot add-on.

    This is nice.

    The post uncloak movement speed is missing when destroying a Breakable Wall or Pallet, or damaging a Generator with The Wraith's "The Serpent - soot" addon

    …This isn't nice. It hasn't worked properly in a long time. As an avid Wraith player and enjoyer of his diverse add-ons, this has long been a grievance of mine. To now address it as a known issue but not fix it is only rubbing salt into the wound.

    Added Hooks spawners on the second floor of the Father Campbell's Chapel

    I think generally BHVR should be much more concerned with the "reverse basement" that elevated hooks can constitute than… Boil Over working one time in a hundred matches? I'm not sure what drives them to have hooks in buildings like this. The one on Thompson House is particularly problematic.

    Tentatively fixed the issue where players would face desync if they played the game on Low settings.

    Good to hear. Now to see whether it actually is fixed…

  • Member Posts: 972

    I don't get what seeing scan lines at all times entails if it's not seeing them through walls as well. Were there instances where Merchant did not see scan lines?

    She couldn't see scan lines further than 16 meters away

  • Member Posts: 3,322
  • I know I'm a killer main, so obvious bias, but I got use for it today. It got a teammate off the ground against a huntress. I was injured and he managed to take a prot hit that would've put me in the dying state.

  • Member Posts: 525

    Event mode is busted with the patch, survivors just stop leaving scratch marks for the rest of the match after using smoke once. Have to have my volume set to 11 just so I can try to hear survivors making even the slightest bit of noise.

  • Member Posts: 193

    They never should have touched Distortion to begin with. I don’t understand why killer main’s view counters to their perks as nerfs to the killer. Asking a survivor to do a 15- 30 second chase means they have to get off the generator for a long time. I completely understand why that would be beneficial to the killer, but it’s a heavy burden to use a perk. If the argument is that survivors were holding the killer hostage, it’s just the survivor trying to sneak around and open the gate. With all the killer aura perks available, the survivor might as well just walk up to you and give you the game.

    I get the point of having training wheels, but at some point, you’re going to want to ride the bike like a big kid. At the end of the day, Distortion is not base kit; you have to choose to use it. The constant nerfs to survivors are becoming excessive. Is Off the Record next? Will the ability to save other survivors from the hook be the next thing to go? I’m sure the killer mains would love that.

  • Member Posts: 123

    because 30 seconds in Chase to recharge tokens takes a really long time especially when you need to be in Chase which makes it inconsistent if you’re going in and out of Chase. Regardless the perk was nerfed hard and 15 seconds to recharge tokens is a fair change when it only holds 2 and starts with 1

  • Member Posts: 227

    Can we just swap out SM rework for a Nurse rework already? shes the most unfun killer to go against since she can ignore everything, perks have to be tailored around her and finally she somehow has the lowest killrate in the game 49% so apparently shes not even good

  • Member Posts: 374

    Gee, maybe if gen regression. Didn't get nerfed into borderline uselessness

  • Member Posts: 227

    lethal is just used for the start or to extend aura build. bbq is the healthiest aura perk to get killers away from camping. Corrupt is basically a requirement on setup trap killers. NTH yeah we can nerf it ok but its limited to 8 kicks on a gen so idk how we can nerf it more bigger cooldown?

  • Member Posts: 227

    finesse lithe is the new resilence vault build and i hate it

  • Member Posts: 227

    fr for a perk you can use at max 5 times but regular matches barely 2 times on average

  • Member Posts: 517
    edited October 2024

    Machine Learning says 45 seconds in patch notes but 40 seconds in the in game description. Which is it?

  • Member Posts: 7,271

    It's 45. The description is wrong, the patch notes are correct. Tested this earlier

  • Member Posts: 5,789

    The cooldown exists so you can't spam it and you can't infinitely chain it because if there wasn't a 30s cooldown on it you just have to get the heal in under 2.7s (killer swing recovery time) to make it an infinite in a team. Aka WGLF + Botany + Desperate measures with 3 people, all 3 would heal each other at a minimum +192% speed meaning when they stack they will pick up the downed survivor in ~2.7s and give them endurance to then let a different one of them be downed and picked up.

    Its small but interactions like this have been in the game before and don't need to come back. There's a good reason soul guard reads the same way

  • Member Posts: 896

    Two words, Rubbish patch= Sm getting reverted stuff was totally unneeded and that pity buff to distortion aint nothing may as well just not bother. I already love and adopted to OOO and it makes even killers like myers who wanna run scratch myer LOL now since the perk still gives a sign that he is stalking, Heck even looping seems far easier and killers seem less intent on chasing you with OOO.

  • Member Posts: 437
    edited October 2024

    Can't have perks that show the killers aura??? Object of Obsession, Kindred, WIcked, Alert, Eyes of Belmont, Poised and the blood amber addon for keys always provide great value

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    eh the we’re gonna live forever nerf is fine a perk should never have that much heal speed naturally 100% should at best be the maximum first application

  • Member Posts: 5,974
    edited October 2024

    How does machine learning help nurse? Undetectable on her is mostly useless because she can already blink on you from nearly outside the terror radius perfect max range is already 32 meters. And a 10% haste on nurse brings her from 3.8 m/s to 4.18, barely faster than survivors. Certainly nothing to write home about given that blink is going to be far stronger than that movement speed.

    Much better to stack aura reading on her instead.

  • Member Posts: 2,383
    edited October 2024

    i was talking about predator.

    "Much better to stack aura reading on her instead."

    i run two slow downs, no where to hide and lethal on her myself.

  • Member Posts: 223

    Oh no the lose lose situation flashbang is back

  • Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2024

    Till killer applies blind from the all ways posable. Worst being mindgames that's exhaust and blind on gen and for a bit after.

  • Member Posts: 2,383

    wait to they start pairing it with we gone live forever forcing your hand.

  • Member Posts: 828

    No idea why people always seem to read things I haven't said.

    I'm not advocating for aura nerfs in general (I do think that the nth-aura shouldn't travel with the Killer though), my point is that aura reading is commonly used so I don't like that they nerfed distortion this much.

    Nth hast no cooldown btw.

  • Member Posts: 2,237

    I don’t understand why slugging perks get nerfed. I guess they work best for Killer if getting kills is what you consider best.

    But it’s boring. Thriving slug perks (not to mention some basekit solutions) would be so healthy for this game. Slugging is so fun when Survivors have the tools to play around it. And I’m saying this from a Killer point of view. It’s easy mode to down all four. And oh no what if a Survivor dares get the 4%!!! Yeah this a rare rant. As a Killer I relish in the hunt and the bloodlust. It’s FUN chasing Survviors around the map tearing them up. Let them escape that’s fine!! Just let them be bleeding and hobbling by the time it’s over, like they’ve gone through an ordeal. I would rather hit and run shock endlessly with dr instead of getting a cheap 4k any day 24/7. Nerfing slugging perks just doesn’t make any real sense to me. End rant.

  • Member Posts: 963
    edited October 2024

    way too long duration of stackable BL2 level of haste at almost free activation condition

  • Member Posts: 3,322
    edited October 2024

    So I did make a caveat at the end of that comment that “Unless said perk has a weird activation condition that borders on throwing the game.” I didn’t state this but the philosophy I’ve described applies to modern perks, not old stuff from 2-5+ years ago. Most of the perks you’ve named have low pickrates, are super old perks, aren’t efficient at killer aura reading and/or have questionable drawbacks but I’ll entertain this nevertheless:

    1.) Object of Obsession also reveals the survivor’s aura. And it’s an old perk.

    2.) Killer aura reading on Kindred doesn’t accomplish anything. Killers aren’t standing closer than 16 meters to survivors when they camp because they don’t want to trigger the AFC escape. They’re camping at or beyond 16 meters which interestingly enough is beyond the scope of Kindred’s killer aura reading. And it’s an old perk.

    3.) Wicked - you’re in the basement, the most dangerous place on the map… healing. The drawback outweighs the potential benefit of seeing the killer’s aura for a few seconds.

    4.) Alert is good but an old perk. As it does literally nothing else it’s unlikely to receive any kind of change from BHVR.

    5.) Eyes of Belmont notwithstanding. Reading is fundamental. It’s also not good by itself and a wasted perk slot when paired with other aura reading perks.

    6.) Poised just recently received this change because it was so bad. And it still has a very low pick rate.

    7.) Isn’t this an item add-on? It’s also a super old item add-on.

    It’s more difficult for BHVR to completely modify old perks (and I guess item add-ons) because of pushback. But what I referenced in the comment you quoted was the general attitude about current survivor perks. But with people complaining about old survivor perks, I suppose it can apply there too after all.

  • Member Posts: 170

    Have to keep those kill rates high and undeserved 4ks coming in.

  • Member Posts: 1,162
    edited October 2024

    The game is not all about looping or playing 100% as a team (unless you're in a SWF, that is). By design, there is more than one way in this game to survive. Some players prefer to stealth around and evade the Killer and that's where they get their fun. Personally, I think it's bad that BHVR have removed a reliable perk for players that prefer the hide and seek aspect of DBD to the looping mechanics.

    Before the nerf, you could use Distortion to hide right under the Killer's nose. But now that you can't, I think some players that might have played more aggressively with Distortion will now play it extra safe, locker hop and be a much less active teammate than they were previously.

    It doesn't matter, anyway. People with my viewpoint lost the argument and the result is that Distortion isn't worth the perk slot for stealth players anymore.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Well, here are my opinions:

    Skull Merchant:

    • Whatever. She'll remain a problem until she is reworked.

    Machine Learning:

    • Unneeded Nerf, but the Perk is still good. What makes the Perk way better is that it only requires one kick to activate. 45 seconds is still a decent amount.


    • Unneeded Nerf, but the Perk is still good. It probably got nerfed because of Nurse.. as always.

    Zanshin Tactics:

    • Unneeded Nerf, but the Perk is still good. Nothing else to say.


    • Good buff, it still requires interaction with the Killer but is not as restrictive anymore.

    Inner Focus:

    • Not a nerf, but a decent change to make the Perk more consistent. And we all know why this got changed.

    We're gonna live forever:

    • Was busted as hell, deserved the Nerf. Still better than what it used to be because the Endurance will now always trigger. Probably also nerfed because of that one video.

    Yeah, that's it.

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