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Is dbd the only game where people use meta differently

Cause every game when someone uses *meta* they mean everyone uses it cause its broken/super strong to achieve a win or sometimes its needed to win. In dbd i swear meta means differently that its needed but no one uses them for example of perks people say these perks are meta but has either low pickrate or has average pickrate:

  • Leverage: very low pickrate
  • Off the record: average
  • Penimento: average
  • Im all ears: average
  • Babysitter: low pickrate

So why is it *meta* even tho technically speaking its not


  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,849
    edited October 2024

    Mostly I figure the disparity comes from a difference that in DBD, what is meta doesn't necessarily translate to fun.

    For example, it is meta for the whole survivor team to take Commodius Toolboxes and BNPs with something like Sprint Burst, We'll Make It/Prove Thyself, Decisive Strike, Blood Rush and hard rush the killer before they can realistically react or create any pressure.

    It is meta to take triple blink/longer lunge Nurse with something like Predator, Pain Res, Leverage/Lethal Pursuer and Grim Embrace and tunnel and slug the ever loving crap out of the survivor team to victory…

    However neither of these things are particularly fun or interesting... in both cases you will often win the game in 4 minutes or less...

    So what is meta in DBD is used because it's strong... but it's not necessarily common because it doesn't make much of a game.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    META means Most Efficient Tactic Available. That is going to vary from game to game. I believe DBD is more true to that meaning than other games where META is used to describe overpowered mechanics.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,670

    that's a backronym. "meta" originates from "metagame," which refers to the phenomenon wherein the way you decide to approach playing the game becomes a game in-and-of itself, which is what you're doing when you theorycraft what's the best possible build.

    the backronym feels fitting because we're calling it the "most effective tactic available," but we're only able to guess at what that most effective tactic is. for instance, I think on reflection, playing for slugs may have been the most effective tactic since at least 6.1, and we simply had hooks so ingrained in our habits that we never considered it. slugging would have been the most effective tactic, but it wasn't the meta - the meta is more accurately the profile of the range of tactics people feel are most likely to give them an advantage in the situations they're most likely to face. not quite the same.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,265

    Meta means "after" in some old language. People conflate meta with top tier, and there's is usually an overlap but it's not always the case. Meta refers to the metagame.

    Metas can vary by region and other factors such as culture and perception.

    For example, Nurse is a top tier killer. Top tier killers tend to be played frequently. So she would be part of the Meta/metagame. But if all you ever see are Legions, then Legion is part of your Meta. You can scream at the top of your lungs "Legion isn't Meta!" But if all the top players all choose to play Legion, it doesn't matter that Nurse is stronger.

    When you metagame, that means you are looking at the game after the fact and noticing trends. Dbd has lots of Meta gaming. For example, sometimes perceptions shift based off of YouTube videos or discoveries in the community. The Eruption Overbrine Meta was not discovered immediately in 6.1

    Right now, I am in a slug Meta kindof. Doesn't matter whether or not hooking or slugging is better. Fact is, it's happening and it's my reality. So I was abusing WGLF to it's fullest because I needed it. Wglf was Meta for me.

    I play Yugioh and it's the same deal with that. There is a set metagame in vacuums like online games, but actually going to your local card store your Meta preparations might be worthless because the locals Meta could be stuck in 2009 and all your counters are worthless

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,644

    Probably because whats "meta" on one killer isn't meta on another. What is meta in high mmr, may not be meta in low mmr. DBD has so many variables that it is hard to say one thing IS meta to begin with. Obviously there can be outliers but that would be less common I feel in DBD versus other games

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    "I play Yugioh and it's the same deal with that. There is a set metagame in vacuums like online games, but actually going to your local card store your Meta preparations might be worthless because the locals Meta could be stuck in 2009 and all your counters are worthless"

    This is an interesting point. There are two parts to meta: on one hand, the most effective tools available will be widely used, thats one part of the meta, so one the other hand, equipping a counter to that perk will most likely yield rewards. Back then when COH was at the hight of its power, I expected to see it evey game - when I played Shattered Hope for a while, it didn't yield the desired rewards, because it is a bad perk, but at least I could use it a basically every game. Would I play it nowadays, I wouldn't even get that much value out of it.

    But for example DH was so prevalent, that you could expect it not only every game, but from every survivor, unless they showed you that they had some other exhaustion perk. And back then we had content creators design entrie builds around countering and defanging DH, with Hysteria, Blood Echos and even Septic Touch, could you believe it? I myself ran a Septic Touch build for a while, just because of that darn DH. THAT was a true meta in both senses.

    I played Warhammer in the late 90s and early 2000s, and back then the internet existed, but it wasn't as dominant at analysing everything to the subatomic level, as we see it nowadays. Back then there was some common knowledge, like "this and this unit is really good", but cities, neightborhoods or even stores had their own meta. "That stores regular loves to use light cavalry with his High Elves", so a lot of other players saw the benefit of light cavalry and used it and everyone packed something to deal with that, and with you KNOWING that you could devise a counter to that unit that was originally set up to counter light elven cavalry, even if you were playing an Empire player. Thats what a living meta was "back in the days" :D

    Nowadays the internet has leveled a lot of the playing field and done away with misconceptions. While we have slight local metas, like that the players in asian servers love to use Self Care and Clown, for the most part we have a rather homogenized meta, because everyone knows whats the best stuff. Every newby can buy a game, look up a youtube video or reddit post "whats the best build for X game 2024" and be right in the thick of it, without even learning the basics of the game.