Huntress’s Shiny Pin Should Be Basekit

Last time this was attempted they made 2 Shiny pins basekit AND left shiny pin as an add on. According to Bhvrs official stats, after the buffs she got recently her kill rates has actually gone down from 58% in 2022 to 56% this year. No surprise there.
Also could we see kill rate and pick rate stats for killer add ons in the future? I have a sneaking suspicion that Shiny Pin is propping up her kill rate to where it’s at now. And it would be even lower without that add on. It would also just be nice to see what the best add ons are.
It would help if you didn't just burst in here and stated your piece, not everyone knows every killer and their add-ons in and out, I bet most have no idea what you are even talking about.
For everyone not knowing and too lazy to look it up, its Huntress, her yello Shiny Pin add-on increases her movement speed while holding a charged hatched by 5%.
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Im not sure what you’re going on about. Just made a post about how some changes are needed, not sure where you are getting all this other stuff from.
The people who know and are familiar with the add on are probably the only ones who should respond to this anyways.0 -
I mean to be fair you probably should have lead with the killer being huntress as a few killers have pin addons. I do think she needs something still, when playing her it feels better but on certain tiles and loops it's impossible to throw or even tall short loops she struggles with because of her movement speed.
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Nah. We don't need one of the best zoning killers to zone even better.
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You’re right I forgot to specify that and I fixed it now, thanks 🙏 But yes I agree 100% there is an annoying amount of loops where you can’t land hatchets. Even while using shiny pin you can’t sometimes. And the new tiles on the farm maps with the super small but tall pallet walls are the worst for wind up killers.
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Who cares if she can zone? Pyramid Head zones better and he moves at 110 when zoning and can instantly cancel into an M1, not to mention hitting through obstacles. And while yes she can zone from further away, survivors move 23% faster than her when she is charging. If you get zoned from far away that’s on you.
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Oh yeah my bad let me dodge the latency hatchet the size of mars. She still zones better than Phead because she just walks up to you while you try to dodge the hatchet because its the same 50/50 of "will they commit to throwing the hatchet when they round the corner or not". Shes literally the best zoner in the game. I'd rather go against a zoning pyramid head because at that point the m2 is at least honest in its hitbox.
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>killer with relatively high skill floor gets overbuffed
>people flock to an already popular character made even better
why did stats drop i wonder
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That point is moot because she has been in the number two spot for 8 years straight for pick rate. And she was number one for a year straight. She has a low kill rate because something is wrong, end of story.
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So you dont understand how Hitboxes work? It’s not the hatchets that are the problem, it’s the survivors hitboxes. And when they made her hitboxes smaller her kill rate which was already one of the lowest in the game, dropped EVEN LOWER.
One of the easiest killers to loop till this day and as a result most comp players rate her at B Tier and when used in comp struggle to get more than 2 hooks.
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Sorry my brother in the fog but she's actually in a decent spot. She's insanely good if you reach the top part of her skill ceiling, and meh if you stay around the middle. Her kill rate is tanked simply because people see she's easy or get starstruck by the idea of hitting orbtials and really cool shots and then realize the amount of work it takes to actually get that good. It isn't because she isn't good. She is in fact the absolute best ranged and zoning killer at the top of her skill ceiling.
I say this as a P100 huntress with around 1200 hours and didn't run a single perk aside from iron maiden as well as never using aura on my way to p100, and now I don't even use perks at all and still haven't touched aura reading either.
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I never said she’s not in a decent spot but some Qol would be nice. I am P100 as well with 4,000 hours and I’m sure you know how frustrating it can be being a 110% killer that is forced to M1 on certain loops. Shiny Pin has one of the highest pick rates for a reason. Not to mention terrible maps and object collision.
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Now I'm for sure with you on fixing collision. Like every single leaf blade of both goj variants have collision but entire trees on some maps have nothing not to mention all the invisible walls. I like shiny as an addon TBH and not base kit. I don't think they need to make her easier but that's just me. While I do hate the long loops which I can't mind and have to M1 it doesn't bother me as much. I mean most of our downs come from the unexpected and not necessarily the chase. She did get some love not to long ago and I'm grateful for it. Making shiny base kit would literally be giving her a very very good addon base kit with no downside what so ever and effectively freeing up an addon slot to make her even more deadly. Don't get me wrong I would love it but I also know this player base and I would rather not see her reworked a hundred times and wind up in the garbage. Ive learned to live with the little things as things can be much worse looking at you Freddy, skully soon to be Myers Chucky and Drac.
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No its both. The hatchet hitboxes are as wide as 3 hatchet models side by side (basically throwing beach balls at people). Doesn't change the fact that shes the best zoner in the game. You can even see clips online where even on the huntress players' screen they should have NEVER hit the hatchet but thanks to the hitbox size + latency it allows it. Also kill rate doesn't mean anything when you just put numbers and not on how games actually play out. Either way seeing less huntresses would be nice since shes so boring to go against. But yeah they tried to give huntress 3 shiny pins base kit in that one PTB practically everyone said it was a bad idea and is STILL a bad idea to make even one base kit.
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very convenient to look at her "placement" than the actual pickrate number
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I’m not sure what you’re on about, I mentioned both. She has had the highest pick rate for 8 years and one of the lowest kill rates for 6 years.
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I see where you’re coming from. I just don’t like the fact a killer who was made so slow for the sole reason of “Using her power more” and not because she would be overpowered isn’t able to use their power about 15% of the time.
I would rather not be forced to M1 ever and I feel like you should always have an opportunity to use a hatchet. But instead they’re are times where you are forced to M1 and good survivors make it happen even more.
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please re-read my comment, i have not mentioned the killrate which has always been low due to how high huntress' skill floor is compared to other popular killer.
it doesnt mean the killrate cant go even lower with her random buffs attracting more people to try her out.
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Even after the buffs her pick rate hasn’t changed much (it’s actually gone down slightly) so that point doesn’t hold up. Her kill rate is low because she is just not that good against good survivors. She has a low kill rate at high MMR as well.
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No thanks.
We should not be buffing zoning and she already got a buff that she didn't deserve, she doesn't need another one
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Welp you’re not a dev. They want 60% kill rates for all killers and hers is 56% and dropping. Ifsofacto she needs a buff! 👍
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Again. They want 60% kill rates for all killers and hers is 56% and dropping. She needs a buff!
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Welp, we might as well give her 600 hatchets and Iri Head base kit to make her kill rate go up to 100% since the people who refuse to learn how to master her can't even win.
But what do I know since "I'm not a dev." Huntress is totally weak and should receive even more buffs even though shes an A tier killer. We might as well nerf Pig while were at it also.
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60% is fine for most killers but if a killer has a higher skill ceiling than average (which is true for Huntress) it's okay if the kill rate is a little lower, that doesn't mean she isn't strong in the right hands.
If we were forcing all killers to be at 60% then by that logic Nurse would need a buff since her killrates have historically been lower than that and we all know that she doesn't.
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Now you’re just being disingenuous. If the goal is 60% and the killer is not at that goal what do you do? She’s a good killer already by a small Qol change would be nice for a killer who is at a heavy disadvantage on a lot of maps because poor collision and indoor maps and so on.
Do you think it’s fair that a killer who is often stated to have a low kill rate because she has high skill expression, can’t actually express 75% of her skill because certain maps? Indoor maps means no snipes, no orbitals, and being forced to zone.
If you look at it objectively, something is wrong. And Shiny Pin basekit wouldn’t be overpowered. It honestly probably would only boost her kill rate by a point or two at most.
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Except you can’t use 75% of her skill ceiling on indoor maps can you? No snipes. No orbitals. No shots past 16 meters generally. Forced to zone. Not to mention maps with an insane amount of clutter.
Nurse doesn’t need a buff because she has a 62% kill rate at high MMR and only has a low kill rate at low MMR. Proving the fact that she has a high skill ceiling and is good when you learn her.
Huntress on the other hand has a low kill rate at low MMR AND High MMR. If we don’t use an objective number to balance killers then why buff Freddy or Mikey? Some people tell me those killers are fine and need no changes. But the numbers say otherwise.
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Re-read this.
"Do you think it’s fair that a killer who is often stated to have a low kill rate because she has high skill expression, can’t actually express 75% of her skill because certain maps? Indoor maps means no snipes, no orbitals, and being forced to zone."
The issue isn't Huntress herself, it's the indoor maps. If we buff her just because of them, then picture how even more miserable she'll be to deal with, outdoor maps are already good enough for her, especially if the player is skilled at playing her. Besides, map offerings exists, and there's so many outdoor maps compared to indoor ones.
Also, If you don't manage to get a down while you have 7 hatchets, I don't know what to tell you, we don't need to be buffing her any further, she's fine where she is.
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I agree that it's unfortunate how bad she can be sometimes on indoor maps, but there's nothing you can do to make Huntress good on indoor maps that wouldn't make her extremely oppressive on most of the other maps. Singularity has a similar problem.
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Basekit Shiny Pin would not be oppressive at all and would help a lot on indoor maps. Still can’t express much skill on those maps but would be nice Qol change for such a slow killer.
Shiny pin has such a high pick rate because she feels miserable to play without it. She’s already 110% she could stand to be faster when charging. We have 115% killers who have an insatdown weapon that they move at 92% when charging.
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Instant cancel into the M1? What version of Pyramid Head are you playing? Putting that giant sword down is slow as molasses and takes 1s .. I think the same as for the Huntress to raise and lower her hatchets.
Pyramid Head is REALLY clunky, during his PTB he apparently played really smooth and responsive, but since then they made his sword feel really stuck in the earth and jittering around.
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Except you’re wrong because the devs say so. And I don’t know what to tell you but Otzdarava missed all seven hatchets a couple of times recently 😂 Have you played her ever? Or are you survivor only?
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I’m talking about when you are already dragging your sword. You can instantly cancel into an M1. So you can drag your sword while holding your ranged attack moving at 110% completely shutting down a pallet or window entirely. And then instantly M1 with no downside whatsoever.
The best zoning killer in the game and it’s not even close.
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Your talking about stats, I'm talking about actual gameplay when it comes down to maps and how strong Huntress actually is. I know I'm not wrong, but you can continue to believe your wrong opinion.
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He is good at zoning, indeed probably the best, as many survivors dont take vaults for fear of getting hit, thats right, but the projectile attack is narrow enough that good survivors can sidestep it, especially since Pyramid Head has to lock down for a moment. I have seen survivors hug the smallest of openings in the most mindboggling "surefire hit" situations or just evade to the side in the last possible couple of frames after a vault - the Punishment of the Damned has a traveltime and isn't instantly and many know how to work around its limitations.
But when you travel with the sword in the ground, you can NOT (100000000%) instantly cancel into an M1, that takes a full whole second. You CAN bodyblock a pallet while doing this and I have seen countless survivors try to stun me while I recover from me sword pull and hit them afterwards, but its far, far from instantly.
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I can’t help but noticed you didn’t answer if you play her or not. If you haven’t then you don’t really have a say on how she is since you only know one side. I have played against some oppressive Huntress’s who were insane but those are few and far between. The vast majority were easily beaten 2-3 man out on average.
As a result I know for a fact she is weaker and is only good when a plethora of hours are sunk into the killer. Not to mention that the oppressive Huntress’s had to slug to maintain pressure.
If you don’t play her, don’t respond please🙏
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You’re right I just looked it up, it’s 1 second to start dragging and 1 second to cancel. I guess it just seems faster since he basically loses no speed at all and his animation is just picking the sword up. His canceling animation is also very subtle from the survivor sided compared to Huntress lowering her hatchet and it clicking into its loop which is why I thought it was faster.
And despite what people say you can dodge hatchets too. Especially crouching a window which can NOT be done against Pp head. Plus he has infinite ammo and doesn’t worry about collision at all. Definitely harder to hit but he has a lot of other things going for him like cages which entirely shut down so many perks.
All of that to say Huntress moving at 82% instead of 77% would be fine and not overpowered even remotely. She would still be the slowest by far 10% roughly. And she is still a 110% killer.
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Huntress somehow became one of the most hated killers in community after last buff, so you won't find support to it. It's not like I heard at least one strong argument why she shouldn't have other QoL buffs, but people adore to overreact to her after last buff.
I don't know why Slinger "allowed" to have 3,74 and Huntress can't have even 3,28, when Slinger will destroy you in most loops, where you are completely safe against Huntress, and outclass her in zoning. I don't know why Nemi "allowed" have 4,0 with way stronger antiloop and being 4,6. Idk why PH with 4,4 in m2, denying every your move and hit you through everything, is fine for community and Huntress 3,28 is OP CANT STAND A CHANCE AGAINST IT SO BUSTED.
I mean, I know a reason behind this hate – her hitboxes, which feel completely off and unfair, and I agree with it. My dream changes for Huntress are: make her camping significantly weaker, make her hitboxes smaller and buff her chase by a mile.2 -
Exactly right. I never once heard a good argument against it either. And don’t forget tricksters moves at 96% with knives and 99% with two add ons. Yes he does have to land 8 knives but still he loses zero distance essentially. Not to mention having a main event which is insane as well.
And It’s not even her Hitboxes that are the issue it’s the survivors hitbox not following their model at all and lagging an entire model width behind. On top of it not bending over to follow the lean when running.When they reduced her Hitboxes last time you would actually have hatchets go through the models torso at certain angles and not be a hit. If they fixed the survivors hitbox to match their model it would be a non issue but they won’t.
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Yeah, I know how it works, ping is also big part of it, but it doesn't change the fact that her hatchets feel terrible to go against and I saw so many situations (by me and on screenshots/clips), where between survivor and hatchet can stand whole Nemesus and it still count as a hit. And somehow it's barely a case for Slinger, at least nowhere near to this point. I hope there is a way to have something in between.
Trickster too, yes, there is a half of killers roaster as example of this hypocrisy. Literally every killer which can hold m2 is WAY faster than Huntress, even those who have much stronger power.1