Why do pallets not work anymore?

I know Behaviour want to nerf Survivors into utter oblivion but this is dumb. I can hardly ever throw down pallets as normal anymore, there's also this ridiculous delay before I am able to use it.

More than likely I will get hit through the pallet anyways.

There is no enjoyment in playing Survivor if the mechanics to defend yourself don't work.


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Survivors have used pallets just fine against me when I play killer. Maybe it's latency?

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    I've noticed that very recently with pallets even moreso when they nerfed them last year. During (2) matches yesterday, I was being chased by The Pig so I wanted to pallet stun her because I didn't have enough space to loop her. I was already injured but as I stood there to drop the pallet, it seemed like my character dropped the pallet slowly and of course I was hit through the pallet.

    During another match, I was running through the pallet while spamming the interact button and it took my character forever just to drop the damn thing and I literally had enough room to drop the pallet without getting hit. Again, I was hit through the pallet anyway.

    Pallets are trash and you can only get lucky to stun the killer with them most times.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Don't get greedy for the stuns, drop them earlier. If they are bugged, you'll at least avoid the bug.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Where are you playing? I and a friend play on the PS4 and noticed something similar.He pushed the Button and the Charakter dosen't throw the Pallet

  • No1TheLarch
    No1TheLarch Member Posts: 221

    Heres an Idea, get better internet. If you test your ping and its over 50, perhaps thats why your pallets arnt working. I personally am sick of so many Wifi killers and survs

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    My pallets work and my internet isn’t that good, just latency.

  • Goldengeartwo
    Goldengeartwo Member Posts: 79

    PS4. Exact same issue here, the ability to throw pallets is unresponsive.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I’m on PS4 and unless I’m lagging badly my pallets work

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    Yeah when I play on ps4 the pallets are good for me unless I have internet issues or the killers a lagswitching dingus, but when I play PC then I get them mroe often, I have FPS issues on PC so OP, if you play on PC and know its not an internet issue it could be that instead.

  • het52
    het52 Member Posts: 27


    Xbox. and ive had the same problem and it annoying. is it because u r holding the run button while trying to throw it down. if so, i thought they fixed it in a earlier patch.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Sounds like your connection to the host is bad, try throwing it a bit earlier

  • het52
    het52 Member Posts: 27

    i see a lot of u guys saying that it is a connection problem but i really think it is not a connection problem. also after reading many of these comments, it looks like the problem mainly occurs on console. even when i have good ping and theres no lagging, this problem still occurs.

    my experience from past games:

    im looping a killer and when i finally decide to throw a pallet down, the option doesnt show up on the screen. the killer even respects the pallet and backs off. i start panicking and mashing RB to throw it down, still doesn't work. then i finally either let go of the run button or change my camera angle so im looking at the pallet and the option pops up on the screen. by that time though, im already down. this has happened several times. sometimes the killer respects the pallet for quite a while and i still cant throw it down.

    to me this seems like a detection problem because usually when u stand infront of a pallet, it shows which button u should press to throw it down on the screen. but in these cases the option doesnt come up on the screen at all.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Works fine for me, but I also don't wait until its as likely that I will be hit as the killer is to get stunned.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I've noticed it lately as well. Not sure if it's a bug or latency. I had a game recently where my character had the option to wiggle while not on the killers shoulder. I couldn't properly turn unless running. This makes me lean towards a bug rather then latency.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    It's latency, lag switching, whatever. I was watching a streamer and you could hear him tapping the spacebar. Pallet wouldn't drop lol

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    edited March 2019

    Yeah me and some of my friends are having the same issue. Even with premeditated pallet drops. It’s like the game isn’t registering at pallets for the prompts. I’ve walked around and somewhere in the MIDDLE OF THE PALLET the prompt is more likely to show, instead of on the outside corner where it’s supposed to be.


  • het52
    het52 Member Posts: 27

    ohhhh yeah. that makes so much sense. the devs have been trying to prevent pallet vacuums. i'll keep this in mind next time im trying to use a pallet.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    edited March 2019

    Good luck with that Bc it’s inconsistent. The times where it triggers in the middle has not worked out well for me. You’ll end up on the same side of the pallet as the killer. If you can get it to finally trigger on the edge it like teleports them to your side.I’ve been experimenting with this pallet betrayal. So far full speed ahead and not facing the killer to throw it works the best.

  • SailedSavage
    SailedSavage Member Posts: 280

    Pallets are hit and miss with me. Some times I should have definitely taken a hit yet I some how got the stun, other times I spam the drop but nothing happens, the killer walks through and THEN the pallet drops and we are both on the same side. Very inconsistent. Other times I try to stop the pallet but instead I start mending with self-care. VERY frustrating.