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General Discussions

Upcoming Killer changes predictions

The shape:

  1. Stalk regenerates
  2. Tombstone Piece is removed
  3. Stalk distance is buffed and basekit memorial addon
  4. Add on changes to most of them
  5. Built in Mori somehow idk exactly something like pyramid head

The dark lord

Basically reverting all the buffs from the last patch except the teleport speed

  1. Hellfire increase cooldown
  2. Wolf form buff somehow
  3. Transformation time increased
  4. Batform movement decreased
  5. Maybe add on nerfs? Lapis or medusas

The demogorgon

  1. Addon changes
  2. Shred canceling is more punished
  3. Teleporting buffed

The mastermind

  1. Removal of hug tech
  2. killer instinct removed when spraying infection
  3. Addon changes? Maybe

The Lich

I don’t think it’s going to be nerfs just number buffs

  1. Buff to cooldowns
  2. Buff to powers

The good guy

  1. Power cooldown starts in the end of slice and dice
  2. Rat poison reworked
  3. Scamper add ons looked at again
  4. Shorten slice and dice ( maybe )
  5. improved footsteps for survivors

The ghost face

  1. Some common addons base kit
  2. Unknown looking type mechanic to ghostface For reveal. So when you look at him a bar fills up and knock him out of his power:
  3. Addon tweaks

Is there anything you guys think will be changed that I didn’t mention

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  • Member Posts: 787

    why would they remove killer instinct from a spray

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    For Mikey I would also like to see a little buff to tier 3, like maybe break pallets faster to go with the mega lunge and fast vault speed.

  • Member Posts: 5,956
    edited October 2024

    Agreed. I reckon the idea was to make him the ultimate M1 killer in tier 3, so faster breaking speed and some shorter stun durations would make sense.

    Not to mention that it would canonically make sense, given that he has superhuman strength and is pretty much unstoppable. Well, except for Halloween Ends, where he somehow died to some stab wounds and a punctured lung?!

    Also, can we get an updated character model, pretty please? There is a very real, very visual difference between him and newer killer designs.

  • Member Posts: 16,670

    Because Wesker does not need it and it promotes tunneling, since he gets an exact location of a Survivor who was most likely on the Hook before.

    (In general, I am not a fan that every Killer gets Killer Instinct slapped on them nowadays, but the one for Wesker is especially nonsensical)

  • Member Posts: 735

    Maybe Tombstone Piece could let you mori survivors in Tier III as long as you have hooked each of them at least once? Idrc about Tombstone Piece being completely changed tho, this is just an idea to keep part of its identity.

  • Member Posts: 3,388

    Yes - that would be a dream. No pun intended. 🤣

    7 minutes….7 minutes is also I can take of him anymore.

  • Probably to decrease his tunneling capability. Not saying it's op, or that I don't like having the information the spray gives you. That's just something people complain about: You either use the spray, and reveal your location so he can tunnel you, or you don't use the spray and then he chases you when you're already hindered. It can feel like a lose lose situaiton.

  • Member Posts: 52

    is it confirmed they will tweak Wesker? I think he is in a great spot.. if anything maybe buff him to compensate the last nerfs he got a while ago?

  • Member Posts: 409

    Idk but it was just the hug tech I would think it be under bug fixes. They nerfed his tunneling ability with the infection pausing on hook and the killer instinct encourages tunneling. Just spit balling

  • Member Posts: 460

    For ghost face I'd love to also see stalk draining if you 99% someone and leave for the next on top of a buff/nerf pass over his kit and addons. It feels horrible for someone to just 99% 4 people 1-2 at a time then auto pop and slug them all with little effort.

  • Member Posts: 653
    edited October 2024

    The good guy

    1. Power cooldown starts in the end of slice and dice

    didn't they already made it like this, in the same patch they reduced his CD to 10 seconds? (I know that there is a bug, that'll make it so cooldown starts in the middle of slice and dice, but that is a bug)

  • Member Posts: 409

    Just went to custom games rn yeah you are right. whoops. In that case im guessing just rat poison rework, addon with scamper looked at , perhaps shorten slice and dice or longer cooldown.

  • Member Posts: 7,228
    edited October 2024

    Yeah, they did.

    I think they're probably going to increase his cooldown back to 12 seconds again. (just my prediction)

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited October 2024

    Bat form will be justifiably nuked. Chucky CD will be increased by 2-4 seconds. Rat poison addon will get deleted. No idea about the others.

  • Member Posts: 16,670

    Yes, they confirmed the "+4"-Killers. Wesker, Ghostface, Vecna and Chucky.

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    Just some quick thoughts looking at the killers.

    Myers: Tombstone gutted but still possible; it's an achievement, Add-on changes, Stalk regenerates (hopefully), a form of Judith's Journal basekit; would fit obsession theme, stalk power rework; maybe something like GF where it's individually based or maybe stalk tiers on survivor debuff them depending on level. There is a lot they could do with a stalk rework.

    Dracula: Bat nerfed, Wolf buffed, add-ons changed, transformation speed nerfed

    Demo: Buffed portals and prolly some add-on changes. Shred seems mostly fine to me but maybe a couple tweaks.

    Wesker: Would love to see some of Egg basekit personally. Maybe some more anti-tunnel stuff, I doubt anything major.

    Vecna: I think they'll prolly make a weaker version of the spell cooldown add-ons basekit while also nerfing said add-ons. They've done this a lot in the past. Maybe some other QoL stuff or add-on changes. I doubt anything too major.

    Chucky: No idea. I haven't played him as much as I'd like so this could be minor or something major.

    Ghost Face: I thought Ghosty was mostly fine so maybe add-on tweaks and QoL stuff. Doubt it's anything crazy.

  • Member Posts: 88

    Kind of hypocritical to wish something like this on another killer as a Freddy main ngl, you can do better than this babes.

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