As I see more posts demanding nerfs of more survivor perks, I feel like uninstalling this game
a lot of solo q survivors do have said 40% WR on average, which is extremely generous for playing the side that's lacking half of the skill expression.
maybe it's just a personal issue someone always dies. maybe they're out of their MMR range or maybe they're the ones being the sacrificial lamb for the team's increased chances of survival.
if you want "justice" or "fairness" then this is the wrong game. solo q is meant to suck by design so that devs can keep killer balance in between solo and swf to have at least 2/3 of this game's playerbase happy. someone will be on the receiving end of it and it only makes sense for it to be the hardmode dice roll gamemode.
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maybe they're out of their MMR range
Low MMR means bad teammates which means people are often abandoned. So then their MMR decreases and they get worse teammates next round.
if you want "justice" or "fairness" then this is the wrong game
I don't think people are looking for anything more than an enjoyable experience. It's a video game, people just want to play it. Not suffer through it, play it. It's not a job, solo queue not only doesn't get paid but actually paid BHVR to play the game, so it should provide the bare minimum of what a video game is meant to do and occasionally be enjoyable and fun.
solo q is meant to suck by design
Then solo queue survivors will continue to fill this forum with complaints. Telling players "your experience is supposed to suck" is only going to make them more upset and frustrated.
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Too bad.
That's on the developers for poor game design.
This game is a power role fantasy simulator.
Playing solo queue survivor is a waste of life.
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Also once you drive off all the SoloQ players the game dies shortly after as the 5% that aren't wont be able to support the game.
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Yeah, sorry for telling the truth, it would be much better if I said some naive nonsense like "just buff solo q duh" and "add more fun to the game".
Again, as of now, this game has to be an abomination compromise it is if devs don't want to break status quo and force any kind of real change, positive or not.
Sucks to suck, I hope solo q players would be more aware they got the short end of a stick that would never be changed, because that's the only way this game can function in its current state.
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That's on the developers for poor game design.
Yes, that is exactly what I keep saying.
it would be much better if I said some naive nonsense like "just buff solo q duh" and "add more fun to the game".
I've been in this thread talking about improving matchmaking. DbD's SBMM has been awful since it was implemented and the quality of matches has gotten worse with time.
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Improving matchmaking is yet another silly naive thing people say without understanding what it means or how it works (would work).
I would assume you either suggest a different skill evaluation system (which I cant even imagine being applicable to all the dbd killers in fair and equal way) or simply more strict current MMR.
Regardless of what you mean though, it would result into pushing this game into way more competitive environment due to skill gap factors being supposedly eliminated (you don't expect the "better" matchmaking to JUST give you good teammates while giving bad and/or chill killers, do you?) and forcing players into way more unfun and boring strategies to keep having fun.
Especially when we're talking about systems that involve more sophisticated and personalized skill evaluation techniques like tracking chase times, amount of hooks/gen progress, etc, instead of strictly looking at the end result which can be extremely unpredictable with how many factors affect average public match.
It's not going to work out as well you imagine. People wouldn't enjoy everyday comp dbd experience. And as practice shows, people arent going to spend hours losing MMR just to get more fun games. They'll just start sweating more.
It's actually so funny how people (including me admittedly) shittalk devs for having no idea, while they actually know exactly what they're doing with this game. Nonexistent (relatively) matchmaking that creates huge skill gaps is what allows people to play casually. If you don't like it - cherry pick teammates for SWF or play custom lobbies with additionally cherry picked killer to match your skill. The convenience of it just about correlates with how much most killer players and then survivor players actually want this game to be competitive.
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His the main problem with the 40% statistics. The devs remove disconnect games which is fine for the sake of balancing (no killer should get nerf do to DC'S inflating rates) but them games didn't magically disappear from those survivors experience. Solo q players aren't devs! they not going 4-10 and subtracting all the games that had disconnects to reach the desire 40% mark. DCs are high these days and most of time it when survivors already losing. The 40% number is about as meaningful as freddy&pig having a 60% win rate.
Also i don't blame the devs but i really don't like that the community use the 40% number as way to control the narrative that solo q fine.
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Counting In DC a soloQ player escapes much closer to 15-20% and 5-7% of that are killers playing to just 8 hook and afk.
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as i previously said, solo q isn't fine and will never be by design of this game.
as for DC games and how community "controls" the narrative by using flawed statistics, you can't even imagine how simultaneously correct and incorrect you are here.
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alright singularity u win this round.....for now
I don't know is it that much but it pretty bad. The 2v8 the last time i really love playing survivor.
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I want matchmaking to be more like the old rank system where participation was rewarded instead of only escapes. I had better teammates and despite often dying it didn't feel nearly as punishing. These days it's common to see survivors refuse to play the game because they either don't think they'll escape so they "go next", or they refuse to play because they think they can escape but only if they hide and get the hatch. And so it's miserable because there's often at least one if not multiple teammates who don't want to participate. Putting all the emphasis on escapes means survivors don't care about anything else. Everyone plays selfishly, there's no team play despite the game being balanced for 1v4. I just want to get teammates who participate in gameplay. Participate. Not win, not be amazing, participate. But no, a lot of matches see a hook suicide or someone who hides in corners and lockers and then it's like, well, now what am I supposed to do? So I amuse myself by cleansing some bones, playing the lute, and Plot Twisting at the killer's feet. If I get hooked that's a welcome bonus. The remaining hiding survivors can continue to hide and may the entity take them both.
This is why I pretty much only come out to play events and maybe do Tome challenges. I rarely even start up the game for Bloodpoint events. I complain on the forum about console optimization and matchmaking and the reward system. And also DbD's cosmetics designs, I hate backpacks with a passion at this point.
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Old ranks won't help, because DC mentality plague isn't limited to a particular skill level. It's an ego thing as well that gets progressively worse the higher you climb if anything.
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You know that soloQ survivor makes up a good 70% of the total playerbase right?
Shouldn't the game be better enjoyed by the overwhelming majority, or just the smaller part that's either the killer, or the 4-man SWF'sI would much rather having a game that the MAJORITY of the playerbase would enjoy, rather than just a small handful in comparison.
To be fair, if the balance was more like 55/45 (killer/surv), it would have been much more enjoyable to play in SoloQ.3 -
I've been playing a lot of solo queue recently and I'm gonna be honest, nearly every single problem I've had with solo queue comes from my teammates, rather than the balance. If you play as a SWF you can see how strong survivor can be.
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I guess the two of us should duoQ instead of sitting here arguing with the killer mains 🙃@TragicSolitude
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The DC epidemic is a combination of things. Part ego. Part feeling no sense of camaraderie with their teammates, so they don't care about abandoning them. And also the emphasis on escapes over participation, because I have seen a lot of survivors "go next" when they feel their chance of escape is lessened. They could've secured a 3-man escape if they didn't leave, very possibly could've escaped themselves, but if they feel they're likely to die and they don't believe their team has done enough for them, the mentality seems to be along the lines of "We may not escape as a team, but we'll damn well die as one." Escape emphasized as more important than anything, plus no sense of camaraderie, those two make for a bad combination. It's made worse when altruism with even a modicum of risk is seen as not worth it because, again, escape trumps all, so no one trusts their teammates to help them. And they're not wrong, survivors constantly get abandoned by teammates for no reason.
The DC mentality has been here since I started playing years ago, but it's gotten worse. It's not just ego and rage. If BHVR gets players to feel like a match is worth playing even if it doesn't end in escape, there will be an improvement in the quality of matches.
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please provide source for that, thanks
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i feel like the issue with solving that is that it inevitably boils down to encouraging "playing as team" which is just going to end up punishing solo players more than they are punished by existing. like if they made a system that tied BP gains to overall team performance, people would inevitably feel like they're punished even more for having bad teammates.
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permanent aura reading would be infinitely stronger than voice comms, but honestly speaking even that won't help a lot of survivors.
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always has been
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it inevitably boils down to encouraging "playing as team" which is just going to end up punishing solo players more than they are punished by existing
I've had some amazing matches in solo queue where we managed to coordinate well even though we couldn't communicate. Coordination can be as simple as each person doing their part, which the HUD helps with.
if they made a system that tied BP gains to overall team performance, people would inevitably feel like they're punished even more for having bad teammates.
I'd never suggest that. First thing that'd help, escape should reward fewer Bloodpoints, participation should reward more. Next, the game needs to stop penalizing death so much. There are times survivors die that they should be able to feel good about, like sacrificing their life to save someone else, but the game treats every death the same. If the game is balanced in a way that survivors are likely to die, it should buffer the sense of loss so survivors can feel like putting up a good fight is rewarding. It's not surprising match quality has gone down when BHVR hinges everything on escape while also making escape less likely. That's not how you get players to put up with being piñatas for a stronger foe.
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Oh it's only just starting. Prepare for even more survivor nerfs and killer buffs man.
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>I've had some amazing matches in solo queue where we managed to coordinate well even though we couldn't communicate. Coordination can be as simple as each person doing their part, which the HUD helps with.
the issue is that you cant balance the game around the assumption that survivors always "happen to coordinate" because for every case they did, there would be three where they didnt and felt like they couldnt do anything.. and if you balance the game around the idea survivors dont usually coordinate, then you'll have really big issues with killer viability.
which is why we have current in-between balancing that results in solo q < killer < swf dynamic
> First thing that'd help, escape should reward fewer Bloodpoints, participation should reward more
that would be nice for sure, escapes being 7k / 9k is too much.
>Next, the game needs to stop penalizing death so much. There are times survivors die that they should be able to feel good about, like sacrificing their life to save someone else, but the game treats every death the same. If the game is balanced in a way that survivors are likely to die, it should buffer the sense of loss so survivors can feel like putting up a good fight is rewarding.
Elaborate, im cant see practical examples of that. I dont necessarily disagree, but I dont see how this would be applicable.
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the issue is that you cant balance the game around the assumption that survivors always "happen to coordinate" because for every case they did, there would be three where they didnt and felt like they couldnt do anything.. and if you balance the game around the idea survivors dont usually coordinate, then you'll have really big issues with killer viability.
I wasn't talking about balancing around that. I was saying that solo queue survivors aren't necessarily punished for existing, that team play is possible even without coordination or communication. The lack of even attempting to play as a team hurts solo survivors. I've had matches that were a lot of fun even though the killer got a 4k because everyone participated and tried and it felt like a team effort.
Elaborate, im cant see practical examples of that. I dont necessarily disagree, but I dont see how this would be applicable.
I'm not a game designer, and I think concentrating too much on the specifics would be a waste of our time because I don't expect BHVR would implement them anyway, so the following are just some rough ideas and not anything refined.
The game can recognize a protection hit. It calculates a safe hook save. It should be able to recognize if someone dies doing something altruistic. Give the player points for it, give them some nice text at the end instead of just "SACRIFICED." Players that run the killer around to buy their teammates time earn some points but not necessarily enough to justify their sacrifice if/when they die at the end. And again, the game just says "SACRIFICED." The game strips the player's death of meaning, turning every death into nothing more than "YOU LOSE."
It's all about player psychology, not just point rewards but showing an acknowledgement to the player that their efforts were recognized and appreciated. I've played PvP games before where besides the leaderboard there were titles players could earn (the specifics of how to earn them were kept hidden) and there was a screen for displaying those titles, showing the player's character and naming off why they were awesome. Those players weren't necessarily the biggest point earners or even on the winning team, but they excelled in a specific area and the game recognized them for it. I know DbD couldn't do this specific thing since it's an elimination game, I'm just using it as an example.
Another aspect to look at, DbD could take advantage of how so many people like to show off. For instance, if a survivor participated well in their previous match, the end screen for their following match could show a special icon for them somewhere on the score board. So their actions carry over to the next match without hurting them in the pre-game lobby or anything. We've seen how dedicated some people get to reaching P100 even though it's essentially meaningless, they could've earned the BP with anyone. They want that number, they want to be special.
Things that may seem insignificant can have a big effect. Implementing a few small changes that each touch on a different aspect of a person's feeling of fulfillment could lead to an improvement in the quality of matches. None of this would "fix" solo queue, because there's no one fix, but gradual improvements are what can be expected and should be aimed for. I've been in many threads about other topics where someone would be like, "This change won't completely 100% fix the problem so it should be scrapped." But most problems have to be tackled from multiple sides, and only implementing a change that leads to a 100% fix is how nothing changes and nothing improves.
Despite not having a concrete answer for you, I hope I've managed to convey something of what I mean.
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okay, so to summarize: add more reward incentives to play or try to play as a team rather than trivializing it as I initially suggested?
moving in the direction of making teamplay feel more rewarded and generally encouraging more good faith participation would definitely be a good step in the right direction without affecting the gameplay.
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add more reward incentives to play or try to play as a team
Exactly. Encourage and reward participation and team play, take the emphasis off escaping. Make the rewards multi-faceted so they entice more players rather than just starting and ending with BP incentives.
I often see people asking for help enjoying DbD (either side), and a common response is for the player to change their goal to something other than the win condition. The devs should take notes, because most players are not on these forums getting that helpful advice, they're in the game making their frustration everyone else's problem. If DbD is going to make the win condition harder for one side, the game needs to give that side other goals that are both achievable and encourage healthy behavior within the match.
moving in the direction of making teamplay feel more rewarded and generally encouraging more good faith participation would definitely be a good step in the right direction without affecting the gameplay.
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Correct, expect all maps to get the new trashonfield treatment.
Have to keep those kill rates sky high to please the few.
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It has always been perplexing to me that rather than take issue with the fact that most perks (for both roles) are awfully lackluster (many bordering on useless, at least comparatively speaking, which you have to because there are only 4 perk slots and players can use 4 of the best perks every single time), people complain incessantly about the few perks that are actually good enough to be commonly used. Well, it's obvious that people will complain about things they perceive to negatively affect their winning chances, but perks are supposed to do that, they are supposed to help the player using them, and they are an enriching part of the game that create unique strategies, tactics, interactions, mindgames, metagames. The better perks overall are, for both roles, the more that factors into the game, the more interesting it becomes.
There are only few perks I think need adjustments anymore, there isn't anything blatantly busted in the game currently as far as perks go. Sprint Burst is simply too good, always has been. They have introduced the idea of Exhaustion perks with a shorter cooldown timer - SB needs a longer timer. 60 seconds would seem appropriate, intuitively. On the killer side, Play With Your Food has always been something I think is simply ill-designed. Apart from that, on the killer side there are few things that could do with some adjustments, such as Nowhere To Hide not travelling with the killer (as compensation perhaps increasing its range to 32m). I also think the new Dead Man's Switch is actually just as and situationally even more problematic than its old iteration. But most perks that could be argued to be "problematic" on the killer side mostly only are in conjunction with a specific killer (e. g. Predator on Nurse, or NTH on Nurse, or PWYF on Tombstone Myers), where instead they could simply solve the issues of those killers rather than limit the respective perks' strength for all killers. If you were to make Nurse suffer from the Blindness effect during blinks for instance, you would free up a lot of design space for aura perks.
On the survivor side, more than any perk or perk combination being problematic, it's the fact that premade groups can stack and coordinate all of them and their uses - removing this ability would not only instantly solve most of all survivor perk-based balance concerns, but also open up a ton more design space to make survivor perks better without them becoming exponentially more problematic in SWFs, thereby also disproportionally improving things in solo groups that then still can end up using multiple copies of those buffed perks.
But yeah, anyway, I think "too many too bad perks" is a much, much larger issue in this game's design than the few "too good perks".
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Lemmy join you two! We will be the most ineffective tripple SWF :D
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Skull Merchant is hard countered by strong pallets, she doesn't counter them at all like you said. Her power after the nerf literally doesn't work when survivors vault them, so that's a moot point.
Either way, I'd wait and see before quitting. People can complain all they want, but BHVR have been nerfing perks very sparingly. What survivor perks have been nerfed in the last 6 months? Adrenaline, Distiortion, Decisive. I can't think of more. But these perks are still fine, DS and Adren are still strong even.
As for Windows, they're not even going to change it anytime soon so why bother even getting worked up about some players wanting it nerfed?
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I am still baffled by the single scan line and can't comprehend that someone actually thought that this was a good direction for her power to develop. I am equally baffled by people defending this, but in Skull Merchants case people got the hate of her 1st itteration so ingrained into their brains, that she is burned for ever as a viable concept.
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Haha, deal :D
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I never really had any issues with the original Skull Merchant. She felt like a fine killer to play, with decent chase potential for an M1 killer. And if you faced one who wasn't abusing 3-gen, it really was not bad at all.
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Your evidence behind your post is just centered around the nerfing of WOO evening though you mentioned that players are mentioning ALL of these other perks? You mentioned literally one. Killers get plenty of perks nerfed, lets be real. I am happy to make a long fat list if needed too.