Where are we at mentally?
so what are you suggesting that killers just throw every game so that all four survivors get to be in the game till the end and then escape? That sounds pretty mean to me. It almost sounds like you don’t care about that player’s feelings.
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Nope :D
But thanks for accusing me of not caring about people's feelings when referencing a post where I repeatedly stated that all players should enjoy the game.
As killer, I try to make sure to give my survivors a good match. That means making them work for it. I said absolutely nothing about having a killer or a survivor throw the game. Personally, I do pull 3k and 4k matches pretty regularly, more than I get 2k or less. But I do try to make sure the other 80% of people in the game also have a fun time.
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Killer mains demanded to be power role in a video game and the devs have been catering to this overtime which is why you see an onslaught of killers playing to cause as much misery as possible because they have that ability in a very unbalanced game that BHVR seems to be proud of. Its very irresponsible to embrace such balancing and allowing such a form of cyber bullying to exist in a video game.
The only to fix is to reduce the power level of killers, give survivors an actual skill expression so they have actual tools at their disposal (aka basekit unbreakable and decisive strike is a start). Reduce team dependency.
Humping is a form of bullying that should be reportable and banned immediately. Its not playing the game as intended, or is it?
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I think a lot (though I am sure not all) of the "I'm not responsible for your fun" mentality comes from people who can only feel good about themselves if they make others feel bad. There are people in every facet of life (real and online) who take their joy in the misery of others. When I go up against that kind of killer I just move on to the next game hoping it will be fun and I don't run into another killer trying to assuage their own insecurities through an online game.
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I main both roles. Mostly play solo except when the rare occasion a friend wants to play the game with me.
As both sides, I do not BM unless I am BM'd first - I should probably be the better person but reciprocating feels great. So as survivor, I don't do the "watch me leave" at the gates unless the killer was hitting me on hook or WSing, and vice versa as killer.
As killer, I do not actively camp or tunnel unless I am being destroyed and have no other chances to come back into the game, never at 5 gens. If someone tries to suicide on hook and run into me to go next and ruin their teammates' game, they will be ignored and slugged for 4 minutes - this is the only time I do this as I find screwing your team over incredibly offensive and boring for both sides.
Aside from that I usually just play the game for achievements and tome challenges, as I have so many hours in this game now that I've done really everything else.
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I play to win. I tunnel, I proxy camp, and I use all the tools provided to me in order to accomplish this. I don't concern myself with my opponents fun. It's not that I don't care. I just don't concern myself with it. There's a difference. I play survivor with the same attitude. I play for the W.
I've learned in all 13,000+ hours of my game time, that no survivor is going into any game with the mindset of "I should make sure the killer has fun". It just doesn't happen. They run the strongest stuff, do the most boring stuff, run the most boring safe loops over and over etc. The energy survivors expect from killers is never matched the other way around. There's no reason to concern myself with anything other than my own enjoyment. That's all that really matters to me, and it's made me enjoy the game more not pressuring myself with other peoples fun because "omg boring not fun etc etc etc".
I do this because…honestly, everyone should. Play how you want, if you lose, take the L. It's a video game.
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killer ill play to win but i wont go to 10 hooks at 5 gens, i usually end up farming once everyone is deathook and everyone leaves happy.
Survivior killers suck but my teammates are usually competent enough to get us a win or at least die trying, unless its a bad killer and they dc
I dont tunnel or camp but i can see why in some cases, like sabo squads or people using their hook endurance to take a hit, unless its for a good reason its extremely boring.
Slugging is middleground, i hate it but i cant blame killers because theres more incentive to slug than hook, i cant really get mad at killers for playing efficently
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Sometimes its not even limited to soloQ, duoQ can be quite miserable if you get two randoms or another duo who are either trying to meme or just are unaware of their surroundings.
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I play for Head On into Flashbang stuns and pulling off Blastmine stuns.
I only solo queue (I stopped playing killer entirely as it stresses me out) and current solo queue is tough, I find with the current meta I die maybe 90% of my games despite being an experienced player, with nearly 5k hours between accounts.
I stopped playing to 'win' as that is just frustrating, instead I play for fun and I find flashbangs, Head On etc fun. Talking about where I am at mentally, I found trying to win in solo queue is a road to misery and was making the game very unfun for me so I decided to change my mentality and what I want out of matches
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Like a honor system, akin to League of Legends or Overwatch, where players can give good ratings to other players they'd enjoy playing with or against.
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Although killers get an awful lot of hate when it comes to "camping and tunneling," I've gotta admit that the main killjoys I've encountered in my solo q games are actually other survivors. I've had teammates literally body block for no real reason, become buds with the killer and lead them right to me, sit on a gen right next to me and let me die, fake unhook me a million times for shits and giggles, etc. I think some people literally just play the game to troll other survivors, not just mess with the killer.
I'd much, much, much rather go against a basement Bubba than a Leon running bond who wants to befriend the killer and get hatch. I can run perks to counter whatever the killer plans on doing. I can't run perks against the Leon. Because the game wasn't designed for what the Leon's doing. Besides, the damn killers aren't on MY team so it doesn't twist the knife as much.