DBD shorts
I find myself scrolling through YouTube shorts more than I'd like to admit, and there's plenty of DBD ones sprinkled in there. I keep seeing the same exact survivor play over...and over... and over again. Does anyone find jumping into a locker with DS, head on and a flashbang to be some kind of 500 IQ play? It makes up a ridiculous amount of clips.
I know exactly who you’re talking about. The worst part is they bully baby killer too. They tried to do that to me and I shut it down and clipped them.
Unfortunately a lot of other people are doing it now to because they like griefing killers. And now bloodrush let’s you use head on twice.
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"Bloodrush lets you use Head On twice"
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I'm not even talking about anyone in particular, it's just SUCH a common clip to see. That means ppl do it... THEN say to themselves "I need to clip that and show strangers my amazing play".
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If the killer you try it against has a single brain cell you won’t be able to head on twice lol
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You gonna clip it to post on YouTube? I don't think anyone has done that yet.
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I welcome the challenge :)
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The only DbD clips I really enjoy are the weird meme ones and Spunchbop
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There is a lot of irrational ego in this game's community. They see simple plays due to synergies between multiple perks as being as impressive as Touch of Death combos in fighting games, kill streaks in FPS, Pentakills in MOBAS and so on. The skill expression ceiling in this game is much lower than most genres (especially for survivor,) but they still need to get their validation somewhere.
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the funniest part is that there's actually skilled plays you can do, but apart from a few exceptions, people are just incapable to recognize that. they just instantly jump to the conclusion it's something normal and happens regularly and only use that to push their agenda about this whatever thing being op. way too common theme in singularity complaints for instance.
there are exceptions of course, but that lack of recognition is just way too common.
and then we indeed have people praising doing basic plays that look nice.
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I love RustTV, that guy must have the most funniest DBD shorts and is a genius.
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You can't just say "perchance".
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"I believe it was Kant who said-"