Are we still pretending Mastermind isn't a Pay to Win DLC Killer?

PortaI_2 Member Posts: 30
edited October 2024 in General Discussions

Nothing else says pay to win like having a power to catch up to a survivor 2 seconds later after hitting them.

With slow down / time wasters that constantly make them run around unlocking chests.

With extremely large grab hit boxes that makes missing survivors actually hard to do with the attack.

I played him about 3 times and decimated survivors, then never picked him up again it was no challenge what so ever.

And sometimes you throw them into a wall and you are still able to move so you can down them 2 seconds later if they are in a bad spot too!

Hope BHVR enjoys ruining the balance of the game just to rack in all those dollars.


  • Yggleif
    Yggleif Member Posts: 374

    Nobody tell them about Chucky.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i wish player would stop using the pay to 2 win license card on killers. the developer design a killer using art work of another person's art work. the killer sometimes end up good and other times not like every original killer release.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763
    edited October 2024

    He isn't pay to win, in my honest opinion, he is just extremely unfun to go against and poorly designed.

    Post edited by GeneralV on
  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,198

    People are still saying stuff is pay to win? I remember hearing the same stuff whenever bubba came out. Such a silly take on stuff with mediocre killers when nurse is free for everyone and is the strongest killer in the game.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,139

    "Extremely large grab box" Yeah no its still pretty average.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 787

    Most fun killer in dbd imo besides Nemesis

  • Yggleif
    Yggleif Member Posts: 374
  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    p2w implies paying gives you something more powerful than what you'd have if you didn't pay, and nurse still exists, so not really.

    The most pay to win aspect of this game is easily perks, the most key perks on both sides but especially on the killer side are locked behind either soft or hard paywalls.

  • SuspiciousBrownie
    SuspiciousBrownie Member Posts: 266

    Exactly that. Used to play him for awhile, but it gets way too frustrating colliding with survivors and ricocheting off of them.

  • AGlassOfOJ
    AGlassOfOJ Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2024

    I honestly don't even care that much about this game being "pay to win". Like yeah it sucks when you have to pay money for a better chance at winning, but when the game is $20 and most games these days are $60 I don't mind forking over a little extra.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,504
    edited October 2024

    bro…WHAT? I'm no Wesker fella, but he is NOT that good to be p2w… Compared to his peers he is just above average, but maybe i'm wrong though.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    Depends on the situation. It is very difficult to stun him with a pallet while dashing and I am not talking about the timing here like in case of Bubba. I can clearly see the animation but I find myself on the other side with Weskus pushing me to the pallet.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,070

    I mean I aint pretendin, but I also have bad news for you

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    Great summary! Apart from the technical part I do not believe he is overpowered (I forgot to include it in my prev post).

  • ObsidianGod
    ObsidianGod Member Posts: 18

    Uh oh... Someone doesn't know how to play against Wesker. Back to training for youuu. That's hilarious to say Wesker is Pay to win when MAJORITY of the community thinks Wesker is the most balanced and successful killer the devs have created. If you're have issues in chases verses a Wesker... Maybe don't run in a straight line idk? Use line of sight? Use the environment to your advantage? It's just so funny hear Wesker is Pay to win when there are several other killers that are wayyy stronger then him ☠️

  • Gaminboi2864
    Gaminboi2864 Member Posts: 27

    I can't wait for BHVR to fix the bug that allows Killers to injure Survivors and allows Survivors to do Generators!

  • ObsidianGod
    ObsidianGod Member Posts: 18

    I disagree. He is extremely fun to go up against and is very well designed. You only say he isn't because you've maybe gone up against him many many times and you're probably tired of seeing he constantly which triggers you to say this. You could also not be performing well against him which weighs in on your opinion of him as well. Weskers design is perfect when looking at how he played in RE. Wesker is fun to play as and against, he is hands down one of the most balanced killers in dbd that's why majority of the community knows he's balanced and think the devs have done an amazing job with him.

  • Fuzzycube
    Fuzzycube Member Posts: 274

    The only thing in the game that could be considered pay to win is when BHVR accidentally make perks that are way too strong on new survivors/killers and then nerf them before they become available on the shrine.

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 207

    idk how anyone could ever hate facing wesker but we live in strange times

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,524
    edited October 2024

    If we do a poll or just gather players opinion in general this is NOT the reality for the majority of the playerbase. In fact a lot more people love wesker than the objectively poorly designed abominations that are skull merchant, knight and the like.

    Which is evident as after sm release I doubt bhvr will ever release a trap killer or a gimmick knight like killer again, and thats good, they learned.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,139
    edited October 2024

    Grabbing through pallets as per BHVRs own wording is normal. The pallets don't instantly have a "stun" box so for the first few frames of the drop animation you can still be hit or grabbed by a Wesker dash if hes close enough.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    If we do a poll or just gather players opinion in general this is NOT the reality for the majority of the playerbase.

    I know. This isn't the first unpopular opinion I have and it certainly won't be the last.

    But we often express our feelings towards the game in here. And there isn't a killer I hate more than Wesker.

    A horrible character that I would love to never see again.

  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2024

    He's not even top 3 best licensed killers currently lol.

    Post edited by Jock21 on
  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 374

    Why so many people say it's unfun going against him?

    He is actually one of the best killers to go against, so many ways to have fun.

    You can make him vault, you can hug loops and they mostly miss their power…

    You guys just need to make sure you can't be grabbed and thrown on dead zone of maps - that's the only situation he is annoying, such situations create 2tap scenario.

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 374

    It's weird that people complain about wesker, which is m1 killer most of the time

    Psst, there still are killers like blight, nurse, chucky, billy, spirit, dracula, nemesis, alien… they are so much worse with ability to not care about pallets, windows, mobility or even 1 hit mechanic.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,660

    I find it awful, how people don't even care about the character anymore. Just about winning and losing.

    I remember starting and being like: "Omg! I can play as demo in this game?!?"

    Should bhvr just make a different competetive game at this point, where you have one character that can equip different powers? Would people even care?!?

    It's so sad to hear these kind of debates sometimes.

  • Unknown
    edited October 2024
    This content has been removed.
  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,394

    3 Times is barely enough time for tour MMR to acclimate to your skill with that Killer. Especially if you don’t play serious on other characters.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,949
    edited October 2024

    Egg makes Wesker a little cheesy, but outside of that he is quite jukable and can be mind gamed perfectly fine. His large TR gives you more warning he is coming compared to someone like Blight, and he has a significant cooldown if he uses his power for mobility.

    Wesker is strong, but not OP, and has been this way since release... The only significant hit to his power from where he has always been, is he can't quite tunnel as easily since his infection now resets after a hook... so a survivor isn't hit by the hindered effect for longer if he tries to tunnel, but doesn't have the skill to close it out... which is a little sad if that's what people were citing that as the reason for him being "strong" and is definitely something to be glad is gone.

    Wesker does not need a nerf, he is fine. Play against good survivors or learn to play against him as a survivor.

    Wesker does not need a buff, he is fine. The only argument I would give the time of day to regarding buffing Wesker is his longer infection time after an unhook allows survivors to ignore his infection for a while, giving time to complete heals/gens without much fear...

    The easy fix for that is have the infection rate double when performing conspicuous actions. You can rush out a gen, but you're likely/risking getting infected where he can find you.

    Other than that, he is absolutely perfect as he is. Fun and fair.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    If you force Wesker to dash, and he accidentally dashes through a window, you instantly won the chase AND have the opportunity to successfully evade detection.

    Yeah, power comes with consequences…but he's no Nurse.

  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 228

    Honestly wesker in his current state is not an overpowered killer. The issue is his hitbox is 3 semi trucks wide on his power and it feels lame to play into as survivor since you completely didnt get hit on ur screen.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,168

    "Pay2win" sounds like you have generally one game that gets a lot easier or even possible with the thing you're buying, now's the thing:

    Dbd is NOT one game. You play a entirely different game as pig than with huntress as example. As pig you're trying to sneak onto survivor and slow the game down with the use of traps, with huntress you're playing a game where you're trying to hit survivors with hatches as a sort of "shooter" or "trickshot game". Buying wesker doesn't help you to kill survivors by a lot because only his perks are usable by everyone and they aren't that good, the only thing buying wesker allows you to do is to play wesker himself and therefore even play this content.

    Of course that's only my opinion but that's by far not what I call "pay2win" xD

  • Azarath415_YT
    Azarath415_YT Member Posts: 15

    That really depends.. how good are you against him? Are you bad against him? And if so, is it only Wesker? Because you're only explaining how good you are at him and somehow still crying about it which is quite new. I didn't know crying about being good at a killer was a thing, but then again, Tatariu exists, so... Anyways, Wesker isn't even that strong to begin with sure he's got a power that's quite easy to pick up, but he's still fairly hard to play and not everyone knows how to counter him. Also, not to be that guy, but "whatsoever" is one word

  • Azarath415_YT
    Azarath415_YT Member Posts: 15

    And it's kinda funny because this guy is complaining that Wesker is easy to play and claiming that he plays him. Like, I genuinely didn't think it was possible to complain about being good at the game but I guess this guy + being in the DbD Community made that possible

  • Azarath415_YT
    Azarath415_YT Member Posts: 15

    Also has an easy power to pick up so obviously he's gonna be pretty easy to get multiple kills imo

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 460

    It's less him and more the people that play him. Wesker players mentality are among the more toxic of killers players.